Jones, Amos Kendall (Union)

Jones, Amos Kendall ( -1899)
Jones, Charles M.
Jones Bros.
1880 Placerville ID
1881 Silver City, ID
1884-1900 Union
Amos Jones was appointed Postmaster of Union on 15 May, 1896 and served until his death. His brother, C. M. Jones was appointed acting Postmaster of Union on 3 Jan 1899, and served 5 weeks until 14 Feb 1899.
Directory Listings
1884 POWI pg. 371 Union “Jones Bros (A. K. & C. M.) photographers”
1886 Pacific pg. 1083 Union “Jones Bros, varieties”
1886 POWI pg. 418 Union “Jones Bros (Amos K and Charles M), variety store”; “Jones & Chancey (Amos K Jones, Brownlow Chancey), publrs Oregon Scout”
1888 POWI pg. 522 Union “Jones Bros (Amos K and Charles M) variety store and photographers”, pg. 522 “Jones & Chancey (Amos K. Jones, Brownlow Chancey) propr Oregon Scout” (newspaper) ad for Oregon Scout pg. 521 “issued every Saturday morning, largest circulation of any paper in eastern Oregon, office in Bank Building, corner Main and C. streets”
1889 POWI pg. 488 Union “Jones Bro (Amos K and Charles M), varieties and photographers” pg. 489 “Oregon Scout (the), Jones & Chancey publishers and proprs.” (no individual listings for Jones or Chancey)
1891 POWI pg. 612 Union “Jones Bros (Amos K and Charles M), photographers” (B. Chancey listed as propr Oregon Scout)
1893 Polk Baker City, Lagrande, Pendleton, and Union Directory pg. 176 Union: “Jones Bros (Amos K and Charles M) photographers”; “Jones, Amos K (Jones Bros)’; “Jones, Charles M (Jones Bros)”
Mautz Oregon “Jones Bros, 1883-1885, Union”
Photographer’s Imprints
“Jones Bros., Union Oregon. Artistic Photographers and Portrait Painters, Crayon Work a Specialty” cabinet card, printed front (collection Mautz)
“Jones Bros., Artists, Union, Oregon.” printed front cabinet card, many styles
News Items and Advertisements
1886: “Photograph Gallery. Jones Bros., Artists. All kinds of photographic work done in a superior manner. New Scenery and Accessories Just Received. All Work Warranted to Give Satisfaction. Views of Residences Taken On Application” The Oregon Scout (Union) 25 December 1886.

1898: “TALK COST $2,000. C. A. Bushnell Recovers That Amount For Slander. Former Eugeneites. The Portland Telegram of July 19 says “C A Bushnell, the itinerant photographer, who sued A K Jones, a merchant of Union, and J F Phy, sheriff of Union county, for $20,000, based upon claims of malicious prosecution, was this morning awarded $2,000 damages by the jury that has been sitting on the case in the United States circuit court since last Saturday.
“As the verdict appeared to be entirely satisfactory to the plaintiff, he at once requested a judgment upon the findings of the jury, which was granted.
“Council for the defense, however, demurred, and asked for ten days’ time in which to file a motion for a new trial. This motion was also granted, so that the case in all probability is not yet ended.
“Bushnell was at one time in the employ of Jones and when be left him to take a photographing tour through Washington he took some of Jones’ photographic paraphernalia with him. Bushnell claimed he borrowed it, Jones accused him of stealing it, and had him arrested, Sheriff Phy making the arrest. Upon an examination before a justice of the peace at Union, Bushnell was exonerated, and the $20,000 damage suit is the sequel.”
Both parties formerly resided in Eugene. Bushnell was born and raised in Lane county, being a son of J C Bushnell, who resides a mile north of Eugene, and was for a time manager of the Winter gallery a few years since. His honesty was never questioned here. Jones resided here in the sixties, his father being a photographer. His gallery stood where Rice’s saloon is now located.” The Eugene City guard, July 23, 1898, pg. 7, col. 4.
1898: “Bushnell Gets Damages. C. A. Bushnell, the traveling photographer who sued A, K. Jones and J. F. Phy, of Union county, for $20,000 which he claimed for malicious prosecution by Jones who had him arrested for taking with him on a tour some photographic fixtures while the two men were in partnership, was awarded $2000 damages by the jury.” Pendleton Tribune, 21 July 1898, pg. 1, col. 6.
Jones Bros., Union Through A Camera (1894?) several copies of this book are in the museum in Union. The author has been unable to locate any other copies.
Turnbull, George, History of Oregon Newspapers, Portland; Binford & Mort, 1939. pg. 343 “(The Oregon Scout) was established in Union in July 1884 by Amos K. Jones and Charles M. Jones, photographers, and Emery Clingham, a printer…Later the firm was changed to Jones & Chancey. B. Chancey took over the publication March 5, 1891, continuing for several years. Amos K. Jones succeeded Chancey and conducted the paper until his death in 1899…”
Hart, Arthur A., Camera Eye on Idaho, (Caldwell; Caxton 1990) pg. 165. lists the Jones Bros. as working in Placerville, ID in 1880, and in Silver City, ID in 1881.
Barklow, Irene, Trails to Rails, (Bend, Maverick Pub., 1987) pg. 250 mentions the Jones Bros were photographers in Union from 1884. Amos Jones was appointed Postmaster of Union on 15 May, 1896 and served until his brother was appointed acting Postmaster. C. M. Jones was appointed acting Postmaster of Union on 3 Jan 1899, and served 5 weeks until 14 Feb 1899. pg. 251 quotes from an undated article probably from LaGrande Observer, of a list of all businesses of Union in 1884.
Carl Mautz, letter to the author, 28 November 1990. Mautz donated the Jones Brothers negatives to the Oregon Historical Society.