James N. Boyd (Cottage Grove, Lebanon)
Henry J. Boyd (Eugene, Florence, Lebanon, Ashland)
Rankin & Co.,
Mackey and Boyd,
Lebanon Art Gallery
The brothers James N. and Henry J. Boyd operated separate galleries in SW Oregon. Their family appears to have been from Eugene. Henry Boyd started with a short lived photography partnership in Eugene, “Rankin & Co.” (Frank Rankin, q.v.) that was listed in the 1891 directory. Henry Boyd soon became a traveling photographer. A June 9, 1893 Florence newspaper notes “H. J. Boyd, the photographer, informs us that owing to the bad condition of the roads, it will be impossible for him to be in Florence as he expected. He will come later in the season.” By 1898, Henry was based in Lebanon and used both a blind stamp and imprinted card mounts that said “Boyd, Lebanon Ore.” The newspaper of July 8, 1898 notes “The Misses Crawford and Hutchins have taken charge of Mr. Boyd’s gallery.” Lillian Crawford was the daughter of Albany photographer James G. Crawford (q.v.,) a well known photographer in the region for 30 years, who had just sold his gallery. On July 21, the senior Crawford visited his daughter’s new gallery to assist. Evidently the Lebanon Art Gallery lease to Misses Crawford and Hutchins lasted only three months (probably while Henry Boyd was on the road with his tent studio.)
Henry Boyd resumed operating the Lebanon studio on September 23, 1898. He immediately announced his intention of moving to Cottage Grove, where his brother James Boyd had a photo studio (whose cabinet cards are imprinted “J. N. Boyd, Cottage Grove, Oreg.”) However, Henry was still in Lebanon at the time the 1901 directory was enumerated, and James was likewise still in Cottage Grove.
By 1903, Henry Boyd had moved to Ashland, where he worked until 1917. Camera Craft in October 1912 noted he had a new studio there.
By 1903, James Boyd had bought the Lebanon Gallery of Henry’s. James was continuously listed there through 1905, and in October, 1907, he attended the Photographer’s Association of the Pacific Northwest convention in Seattle, giving a Lebanon address.
Some cabinet cards have been found imprinted “H. C. Mackey and Boyd, Hamlin Blk, Medford, Ore.” but it is uncertain if the partnership is with James or Henry Boyd.