John A. Briggs (Pendleton, Pleasant Hill, Lebanon, Springfield)
Directory Listings
1884 POWI pg. 230 Pendleton “Briggs, John A., photographer”
1885 Polk Inland Empire Directory pg. 81, Pendleton: “Briggs, John A., photographer, foot of Main, res same”
1888 POWI pg. 338 Pendleton “Briggs, John A., photographer”
Mautz Oregon “Briggs, Pendleton” “Briggs, J. A. 1885, Pleasant Hill”
Photographer’s Imprints
“From the portable photographic studio of J. A. Briggs, Headquarters, Pleasant Hill, Ore. Duplicates of Photographs can be had at any time. Orders by mail promptly attended to.” printed back cabinet card.
“Briggs, Photo Artist, Pendleton, Oregon” printed front cabinet card
“Instantaneous Process Used Exclusively. R. T. R. Co. Over the Post-Office, Pendleton, Oregon. Duplicates of this, or any negative made by J. A. Briggs, can be had at any time at reduced rates. Life-Size Bromide Portraits $10. Crayon Portraits a specialty, and the Finest Copying and Enlarging done. R. T. R. Co., Photographers,successors to J. A. Briggs” printed back cabinet card, front “R. T. R. Co. Successors to J. A. Briggs, Pendleton, Oregon, over the Post-Office, duplicate prices 6 for $2.00, or 12 for $3.50”
News Items & Advertisements:
1889: “For first-class photographs go to Briggs’ portable gallery at Springifeld; cabinet photos $4 per dozen, other sizes in proportion.” The Eugene City guard, July 27, 1889, pg. 5, col. 3.
1890: “J. A. Briggs, photographer. Gallery on public square, Lebanon, for a few days only.” The Lebanon express, September 26, 1890, pg. 3, col. 1