Joseph Buchtel (1830-1916)
Buchtel & Cardwell, Holland & Buchtel, Buchtel & Stolte
(The contemporary pronunciation of his name is “Buck-tell”)
Joseph Buchtel learned daguerreotyping in Urbana, Illinois. An early diary indicates that he worked as a tailor through July 1851. Buchtel’s official biographies claim he was a photographer in Urbana for six months between 1851-1852. In 1852, Buchtel emigrated to Oregon, leaving Urbana on April 23rd and arriving in Portland on September 27th.
Daguerreotype studios 1853 – 1859. During his first four winters in Oregon he worked as a steward on riverboats. In the summer the river was too low to operate boats, and he spent his time daguerreotyping.
Buchtel began his Oregon photography in Portland in 1853. He bought the daguerreotype studio in the Canton House on Front street owned by Leland H. Wakefield (q.v.) It is difficult to establish exactly when this transaction occurred. Wakefield advertised from May 28th until June11th that he would be operating until the end of June. And on July 16th, another photographer Dennie Hendee (q.v.) moved into the gallery. Buchtel was later quoted that he made daguerreotypes in Portland before Hendee. Buchtel claimed that he made them in the spring of 1853, and Hendee in the fall, both at the Canton House. Possible explanations are that Buchtel bought the business after Wakefield’s advertisement had been contracted, or that Buchtel was an employee. Wakefield was already busy with a full time job in Albany; he was the senior partner in one of Oregon’s largest wholesale dry-goods and hardware dealerships. Despite his busy schedule, there is evidence that Wakefield did at least some portrait sittings. The author has examined a daguerreotype portrait annotated and dated May 21, 1853 “taken by Mr. Wakefield.” The portrait is of Miss Abbie Clark, who is a reliable source. She actually married daguerreotyper Byron Cardwell three years later, and Cardwell became Buchtel’s business partner in 1859.
Examples of Buchtel’s work made during his first year are rare, because daguerreotypists did not sign or imprint their work. The well known daguerreotypes of Front Street, Portland, were claimed by Buchtel in an authorized biography in 1912. At least one of these original daguerreotypes survive, as well as early daguerreotype copies of the original. These dags were produced by someone who had a reversing prism on their camera lens, since the daguerreotype process produces a mirror-image of the camera subject. Another view by Buchtel, taken one year later, indicates he did possess such a prism. The dates usually quoted for these daguerreotypes are 1852 and 1853. A final note to the interesting story of these daguerreotypes is where they have been in the last 140 years. Buchtel himself showed them to the editors of the Oregonian in 1865, along with new pictures he shot from the same positions; even though only a dozen years had elapsed the pictures were antique to their eyes. In 1892, after Buchtel had sold his studio, one belonged to John M. Breck, who loaned it for reproduction to the Oregonian. In 1911 it was provided to Sowell to make the copy used in Gaston’s book. Sowell kept the daguerreotype and it did not reappear until the death of his business successor, Leo Simon, in 1978.
Over the summer of 1853, Buchtel toured Oregon with his portable daguerreotype gallery, working in Portland, Astoria, Oregon City, Lafyette, and Canemah. In the winter he worked as a steward on river boats. Working the river was a dangerous occupation. On April 11, 1854, the ship Gazelle’s boiler exploded while moored directly next to the ship Willamette. 20 people were instantly killed and many others were injured. Buchtel was on the deck of the Willamette at the moment of explosion, and quickly pulled 8 people out of the river. Over Buchtel’s career he is credited with rescuing over 40 persons by risking his own life.
On 17 June 1854 Buchtel announced he was daguerreotyping in the Canton House. The accompanying news item in the Oregonian made it clear his stay in Portland would be short. He did produce a bird’s-eye view of Portland, shot from the studio window. From the vantage point of Front and Washington, the image shows almost all of Portland at the time. It is unfortunate that only engravings of this original daguerreotype now survive. Photo copies were made in the 1890’s, but none can be found by this author.
Buchtel later claimed that he introduced wet plate negatives and photographs to Portland in 1855. However a careful reading of the newspapers does not provide collaboration of this important milestone. He did continue to offer daguerreotypes throughout the 1850’s. Buchtel was the only Portland daguerreotypist mentioned in a state-wide list of merchants and businesses in the 1857 Oregon and Washington Almanac. By this time Buchtel was the leading daguerreotype artist in northwest Oregon. Because photographers did not mark their work until the 1860’s, we have only one daguerreotype portrait which carries identification as being from the hand of Buchtel, and one self portrait. These two specimens are among the richest and most contrasty daguerreotypes in the Oregon Historical Society’s collection of over a hundred similar portraits.
On May 24, 1857, Buchtel’s name appears on the steamship arrival list from San Francisco. On June 13th, Buchtel & Holland advertised their Portland studio was open, once again on the top floor of the Canton house. This was the same week that the Post office moved into the second floor, which may have improved his walk-in traffic.
“Having just returned from San Francisco with a fine assortment of all the latest styles of cases, fancy frames, &c., for the purpose of carrying on this art in its several branches, such as Daguerreotyping, Ambrotyping, Melainotyping, and Photographing. With former experience and late instructions, we fell warranted in saying that we can do work as Neat and Perfect as it can be done on the Pacific coast. To insure the above assertions we have fitted up a complete set of rooms with the largest and best arranged skylight in the Territory, by which we can take all the above styles of pictures on short notice and in the quickest time possible, say from one to ten seconds. Views of Buildings and Landscapes taken and fitted up to the satisfaction of all. Call, and give us a chance to Advertise through the medium of our pictures. This is all we ask, and if we don’t suit you, we will not ask you to take them from the room. ROOMS- in the Canton House, over the crockery store, Instructions given in Ambrotyping and Photographing at our rooms, on reasonable terms.”
After six months, on February 6, 1858, Buchtel & Holland announced their move to Oregon City, located over Milwain’s store. But within a few months, the gallery folded. Holland relocated to a new address in Oregon City and formed a new partnership, Holland & Day.
First & Washington. 1858 – 1864. Buchtel was back in Portland by summer, 1858, in time to appear listed as an Ambrotypist in a business directory published on July 27, 1858. By November, he had moved into the second floor of Shelby’s new brick building, on First St. at the corner of Washington. In March, 1859, Buchtel went to San Francisco to buy new equipment. He bought a camera from William Shew on March 29th and a solar camera (early enlarger) from W. H. Vance on April 1st. Buchtel arrived back in Portland from San Francisco on April 6, 1859.
In May, 1859, Buchtel announced his new photography partnership, Buchtel & Cardwell, with Byron P. Cardwell (q.v.) Byron’s brother, James R. Cardwell, had a dental practice next to Buchtel’s studio. Buchtel, as we shall see, had many connections to both Byron P. and J. R. Cardwell, and this has caused endless confusion about which Cardwell was the photographer. The business began as a partnership with Byron P. Cardwell, a photographer, and later in 1863 switched James R. Cardwell, who was not a photographer. To add to the confusion facing persons attempting to date examples of Buchtel’s photography, he occupied this gallery twice in his career. The photographs made at this time are marked “Buchtel & Cardwell,” and ones made later at this location are marked “Buchtel.”
Byron P. Cardwell had learned photography in Corvallis. Seven years earlier, in 1852, he was 26 years old and moved there with his family and eight brothers and sisters. While there, Byron worked for his uncle Hamilton Campbell (q.v.,) a traveling daguerreotypist. Buchtel would have known him well, having worked on Hamilton Campbell’s boat, the Canemah, in 1853. In 1859, Campbell moved to San Francisco to be a photographer. James and Byron Cardwell moved to Portland and connected with Buchtel. After Campbell’s move to San Francisco, Buchtel and Cardwell used Campbell to purchase cameras and photographic supplies on their behalf in San Francisco.
J. R. Cardwell, the dentist, was also a naturalist and amateur taxidermist. He produced an abundance of primary research and published reports on a wide variety of scientific subjects. Buchtel shared his interest in collecting specimins, in particular he had assembled a fine collection of sea shells during his many years of working on boats. In October 1861, the first Oregon State Fair was held. Joseph Buchtel was the person who personally organized the exhibition pavillion. He combined his collection with J. R. Cardwell’s and they received First Premium for their exhibit of native birds, mammals, and mineral specimens. He also put up an exhibition with Byron P. Cardwell of 20 photographs and 20 ambrotypes, which were awarded two diplomas. To judge from surviving accounts, the birds and mammals was one of the Fair’s outstanding exhibits. After the State Fair, the display became an advertised attraction inside their photograph gallery for the duration of their partnership. The gallery exhibit initially featured 20 animals and over 50 birds, plus a general collection including reptiles and minerals. Featured, of course, were photographs and oil paintings.
On September 25, 1862, Buchtel & Cardwell announced they had leased Kenyon’s daguerreotype gallery in Salem, just in time for the State Fair. Their enlarged version of the natural history exhibit again scored first premium, but the first premium on ambrotypes went to Wiley Kenyon. The branch gallery was in business for just over a year. As soon as they won awards for photographs at third Oregon State Fair in mid October 1863, Buchtel & Cardwell closed their Salem gallery. Around this time Byron Cardwell was appointed Assistant Assessor and Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue for the District of Oregon. It appears that he sold his interest in the Portland gallery to his brother the dentist, J. R. Cardwell.
Buchtel was a volunteer fireman and he ran for the position of First Assistant to the foreman of the Multnomah No. 2 fire engine company, and won the election on February 6, 1862. This was the first elected position he held. Throughout November 1863, Buchtel successfully campaigned for office as Chief of the Fire Department. The election results of 8 December 1873 were 94 to 71 in favor of Buchtel. In the firemen’s election, only firemen were eligible to vote, of which there were 167 voters. In the fall of 1864 Buchtel ran for re-election as Fire Chief, of Chief Engineer as the position was called. He received the endorsement of the Oregonian on 21 November. The firemen elected Buchtel on 5 December, by a vote of 106 to 64. On 27 January 1865 the City Council fixed the annual salary of Chief Engineer at $500.
Morrison & Front. 1865 – 1866. On January 10, 1865, the Oregonian noted that the Buchtel & Cardwell gallery had been sold. The buyer was identified on March 3, 1865, as F. Dalton (q.v.) The studio had been remodeled, with several “operating” rooms, and the lead photographer was R. A. Desmond, who previously had been working for Buchtel & Cardwell. The sale of the studio was obviously to settle the dissolution of partnership, since Buchtel was still intent on being a photographer. The division of property in Buchtel and Cardwell’s divorce must have been painful for Buchtel. Although the negatives went with Buchtel, Cardwell kept the natural history materials, except for the sea shells. Buchtel must have strongly felt the loss of Portland’s first museum. The bird and mammal exhibit had become an important feature of their gallery. The collection was described by the Oregonian as the best in the state. On February 9, 1865, Buchtel took out an advertisement to buy rare specimens of eagles, ducks, and other species. He also devoted time to hunting over the next few months.
On March 23, 1865, photographer A. B. Woodard announced that Joseph Buchtel was the designated operator at his new gallery at 5 Morrison St., on the corner of Front, in the Vaughan building. The studio, of course, was complete with a museum of birds, mammals, and sea shells, “the most beautiful in the State.” On April 19th the Oregonian reviewed new views and stereos published by Buchtel. Included were a series of Oregon City and it’s new Woolen Mill, and scenes from Astoria. Also mentioned were prints from Brink’s painting of the shipwreck “Industry.” We can see the keen competition between Buchtel and the gallery he used to own; Dalton’s gallery (J. R. Cardwell’s) had offered prints made from a sketch of the wreck on March 22nd. J. W. Brink was a portrait painter whose studio was next door to the Woodard’s gallery, and he is mentioned again on 21 April as the person who “enlarged” a portrait of John Wilkes Booth which Buchtel offered for sale only 4 days after news of the assassination of Lincoln was received in Oregon.
A memorial parade for Lincoln was planned for April 26th, and Buchtel was one of the organizers. During the parade, Buchtel was a marshall and led the Aurora Colony brass band. Buchtel was one of the few men in Oregon who actually knew Lincoln. 14 years earlier, Buchtel was a clerk in a dry goods store in Urbana, Illinois. One of the partners of the store was the elected sheriff. Buchtel was put to work in the sheriff’s office, becoming a deputy sheriff. Lincoln was a practicing attorney in the district at the time, and Buchtel related in his biographies they became acquainted during the time they worked in the courthouse during trials.
In late summer 1865, Buchtel continued his jobs as photographer and fire chief. His series of images for sale occupied more of his attention. Buchtel advertised Oregon views and stereoscopic cards of scenery from Astoria to Idaho for sale. On July 25th, Buchtel offered photographic copies of a map of the Owyhee region. On September 8th, he again took first premium at the State Fair for Ambrotypes, and his stuffed bird cabinet was also awarded a premium. Portraits taken at this gallery are unmarked, but a CDV example “Purchased at Buchtel’s Gallery, July 21, 1865” is available for comparison at the Oregon Historical Society. (OHS 260-2, Colfax)
On September 25, 1865, Buchtel advertised that he was still taking pictures at Woodard’s gallery, but the tone of the text indicates he had taken over the gallery. Woodard had left Portland for a photographing expedition in Eastern Oregon and Idaho. The Oregonian of 6 November 1865 reported that Buchtel was contracted to photograph Fort Vancouver for the Army in Washington, D. C. Noted was a twelve section panorama of the garrison. This is the earliest recorded panorama to be taken by an Oregon photographer, several years before Watkin’s first series.
November-December 1865 was election time for the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department. Buchtel’s advertised his candidacy on 9 November. Buchtel, given the advantage of being incumbent, still had a hotly contested election. The day before the election the Oregonian noted his accomplishments and gave him an endorsement. When the votes were counted on 7 December, Buchtel lost by 94 to 71. Buchtel conceded the defeat gracefully that afternoon at firehouse No. 3, as the Oregonian reporter noted, giving his recommendation of his former opponent in a few well-pointed remarks. The fraternal manner towards the firemen led to a continued leadership role for Buchtel. Thomas Young, the new chief engineer, was badly burned at the beginning of one of Portland’s largest fires, and Young personally gave control of the fire department to Buchtel on the spot.
On January 8, 1866, newspapers noted the return of A. B. Woodard and an account of his trip to Idaho. Two days later Buchtel advertised he had bought the gallery of A. B. Woodard, his former employer.
On February 1, 1866, the Firemen had their annual election for officers of each company, and Buchtel became First Assistant to the Engineer of Multnomah Company Number 2.
On 25 August 1866, Buchtel announced the opening of his “Pioneer Gallery” at the corner of Front and Morrison. Buchtel had actually been in operation for almost a year here, and this was a re-naming and perhaps some remodeling. Buchtel hired a photographer from Paris, Policarpo Bagnasco (q.v.,) who had come to Portland after working in San Francisco’s galleries. Policarpo became quite useful during his first week, when Buchtel sprained an ankle during a baseball game and was confined to his home. Buchtel had organized the Pioneer Baseball Club on 2 June 1865, and games were on Friday nights and weekends.
In October, 1866, Buchtel entered his Sun Pearls into the State Fair and won a first premium. At this time he was being subjected to a vindictive advertising campaign from Ellsworth & Cardwell, who occupied the old Buchtel & Cardwell gallery (later Dalton’s) in the Shelby building. J. R. Cardwell, the dentist and Buchtel’s ex-partner, had gone through several business relationships with operator-photographers within the last year. In July, 1866, he had formed a new partnership with Frank Ellsworth. They advertised daily in the Oregonian, and the copy of their ad changed every two days.
First & Washington. 1867 – 1870. In December, 1866, Cardwell & Ellsworth apparently came to a business agreement with Buchtel, and occupancy of the Shelby building gallery reverted to Buchtel. On December 13, Buchtel left Portland for San Francisco. Four days later the Oregonian carried notice that Cardwell & Ellsworth were going out of business effective January 1, 1867. The next day’s edition announced that Buchtel’s Front and Morrison gallery had been leased by photographer W. R. Jones. Buchtel returned from San Francisco in January, 1867, with new studio equipment. On January 21, he announced that the Shelby building studio was open for business, with Buchtel as proprietor and operator. Oregonians heard nothing more of the French photographer, Bagnasco Policarpo, who did later become a camera assistant to Carlton Watkins. Buchtel did continue to rely on staff, including J. H. Montgomery as a photographer in 1868 and Mrs. S. J. Rumsey as a colorist.
In summer, 1868, Buchtel made stereoviews at the First Spike ceremony of the East Side Oregon Central Railroad. One copy of the card, in the Oregon Historical Society, has the contemporary annotation “Jo Buchtel prepared the plate, but Senator Williams and the man who wants to succeed him, made such long speeches that the Plate dried and spoiled the picture.” The soceity also has the wet plate stereo negative and other shots taken at the event.
91 & 93 First St., corner Morrison, 1870 – May 15, 1875. In 1870, Buchtel moved to the newly constructed Corbett building (otherwise known as the National Bank building) at 91 First street, which was two doors south of his old studio, and photographs made from this gallery say “new rooms” on the back. The new studio was much larger and better equiped, Buchtel having sold his old equipment during the previous fall. His studio was well equiped for traveling photography as well, and Carl Bosco (q.v.) was his mobile operator. Buchtel’s views were used by Eastern publishers to create engravings.
Portland suffered a great fire in December 1872, leveling three downtown blocks. Fire Chief Archie Bryant named Buchtel as acting fire chief as soon as the fire was out of control. Buchtel was already at the site, and he personally led the fire department extinguishing the blaze and containing the calamity. Numerous views of the fire were taken by Buchtel’s studio, and it would seem logical for Bosco to take them, leaving Buchtel with a well-deserved day off. But in fact, no sooner had the blaze been extinguished than Buchtel was witnessed by a reporter of the Oregonian “busily engaged last Saturday in transferring the crumbling, blackened walls, charred timber, half melted columns and doors, which mark the somber outlines of the burnt district.”
In 1872, the studio was re-named Buchtel & Stolte. E. H. Stolte (q.v.) had emigrated to Oregon in fall 1868 and worked as a hotel clerk. By 1871, he was a partner in a confectionery several blocks away from Buchtel’s studio. Apparently, Stolte’s main asset was his personality, later in his life he was a well known hotel clerk among travelers. Buchtel’s choice of Stolte, and of Bosco who was a famous magician, demonstrates the importance Buchtel placed in having “an obliging gentleman in the reception room.”
By 1875, Buchtel & Stolte joined C. C. Morse in a partnership. He had a retail store beneath their gallery, which was called Morse Palace of Art. They did picture framing and sold merchandised lithographs and decorations, and now of course photographic prints. Buchtel had been manufacturing CDV photo-copies for a similar art store, Shanahan & Dufrene, since the early 1860s. The new retail outlet offered an opportunity for vertical expansion, so Buchtel got busy updating his own image collection. In May, 1873, Buchtel & Stolte advertised a new viewing wagon. By July they exhibited a series of scenic views of Clatsop beach which were credited to Carl Bosco, the cameraman of the mobile photography division. They made also made copy negatives and pirated CDV portraits of Joseph Meek and Captain Jack, before the days of copyright protection. The store carried at least 300 photographs.
119 & 121, and 161 – 163 First St., sw corner Morrison. May 15th, 1875 – 1880. During the spring, the entire operation moved several blocks down the street. The 12,000 glass negatives that Buchtel proudly advertised he preserved, complete with alphabetical index, was laborously moved to 119 & 121 First St., on the sw corner of Morrison, around May 15th. On August 18th, Buchtel & Stolte announced their “recent” purchase of Bosco & Megler’s new photograph gallery. Buchtel’s old friend and employee Carl Bosco (q.v.) had opened a photograph studio just several doors further down First street. It was only eight months old, and was fitted with new cameras and supplies. Buchtel overprinted Bosco & Megler’s old photograph mounts with a simple “Buchtel” signature, and used them as his own. Bosco himself resumed his employment as photographer for Buchtel’s new gallery.
During 1876, Buchel prepared prints of Oregon to be shown in the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia. These were enlargements of Portland’s most important buildings and residences, and scenic attractions in the state. In the fall of 1876 Morse withdrew his picture framing operation from the partnership of Buchtel, Stolte & Morse. The gallery continued to remain Portland’s premeir gallery. A sample cabinet card album, dated to 1878-1879 by a business card pasted on inside cover reading“Buchtel & Stolte, Photographers Corner First and Morrison Streets, Portland, Oregon. First-Class Work In Photography, Crayon, India Ink, Oil or Water Colors. H. H. Brodeck, Operator.” is their photographer’s sample book containing superb prints of the most prominent citizens and politicians, with excellent individual portraits of Buchtel, and of Stolte. This is preserved by the Oregon Historical Society (Album No. 108.)
Stolte apparently left the studio later in 1878, although the Buchtel & Stolte photo mounts continued to be used until the supply was exhausted early in 1879. A contemporary photograph of this facade shows a sandwich-board display of cabinet cards on the sidewalk and a sign for W. B. Cardwell, surgeon, who shared the upstairs of the corner building with Buchtel. Morse’s Palace of Art is the next door store-front on First. A street re-numbering changed Buchtel’s address to 161 & 163. After Stolte’s departure, Joseph’s brother Samuel and his son Albert worked at his studio.
In May 1880, Buchtel ran for the job of Sheriff of Multnomah County. The Oregonian endorsed him, noting “There are few more popular or better known men in the county.” The Republican political convention had not been exactly harmonious; but Buchtel easily made the ticket.” The Oregonian noted “he is universally liked by those who know him, he is capable and thoroughly honest, and he can defeat Mr. Norden, who in all probability will be the Democratic nominee” which is exactly what happened on June 7, by a vote of 2618 to 2208.
After 1880. 1880 should have been a triumph for Buchtel, but events conspired to produce a turning point in his life that permanently changed his career from photography. His 23 year old son, Albert Z. Buchtel, died unexpectedly on 11 August 1880. Albert had just graduated from school, and had worked in the photography studio since 1878. The funeral occured two days later, and that date’s Oregonian carried the first notice from William Towne that he had leased Buchtel’s gallery.
W. H. Towne (q.v.) had emigrated from San Francisco, arriving in Portland on September 1, 1880. Within two days he was employed by the prestigious Abell studio. Towne was a veteran of the best of San Francisco’s galleries, including Bradley & Rulofosen and I. W. Taber. Towne had learned the business of landscape view publishing while at Taber’s, which owned (by possession, if not by title) all of Carlton Watkin’s best early negatives which they printed. Towne was a experienced portrait photographer with substantial experience, and apparently an excellent choice to operate Buchtel’s gallery,
Buchtel left Portland for a trip to the east coast, and returned to find that, although Towne advertised “Duplicates can be had from all of Buchtel’s old negatives,” he had in fact hauled them to the dump. Buchtel later wrote ruefully “I sold my gallery … with thousands of valueable (sic) negatives carefully preserved – the first thing the purchaser done was to destroy them.” Not all were actually discarded, a print of a Buchtel & Cardwell view of the 1862 Portland Flood exists on a B. C. Towne imprint. Fred Lockley salvaged a small portion of the discarded negatives, and these now are in the Oregon Historical Society vault. The original negative labels on many of these wet-plate stereo views have captions and the remains of a numbering system. The evidence of these shows how Buchtel did his field photography. He produced each important image in triplicate, probably as a safety measure against damage (since these were to produce contact prints, the likelihood of an accident was high.) The exposures were identical on the duplicate images, and the camera aim generally remained the same. Two groups in particular, the 1873 fire and the 1876 flood, are represented here. It is interesting to compare Buchtel’s views with other photographer’s views of the flood. Many other photographers took fine views, some of them carefully staged photo events. Buchtel is clearly interested in a documentary survey, with 3 shots per street corner systematically covering each main street. Buchtel personally photographed these events, as an eye-witness report in the Oregonian attests.
The photographic survey of the 1876 flood could only be done with a darkroom on a barge, which Buchtel was uniquely qualified to organize. Buchtel had realized the fire engines could not be transported down the flooded streets, so he organized a system of fire engines on barges parked downtown. A major fire did in fact start, and since the right equipment was nearby, the firemen were able to extinguish it before a city-threatening conflagration began. Buchtel is generally credited with saving the city by his foresight. The fire pictures share the survey-like quality, and it again is Buchtel who was uniquely prepared to take them, being former fire chief and the only major downtown studio equipped with a mobile photography wagon that did not burn.
The loss of his oldest son and his life’s work mark the effective end of his career as photographer, although he did maintain a small gallery on the East side for another 8 years. The 1880 Oregon State Fair went without his photographs, as the Oregonian bemoaned, “The exhibit in these is extremely meager, compared to former years, and shows the painful lack of the competition of Portland artists.”
After his term of Shreiff of Multnomah county expired in1882 ,Buchtel became the superintendent of City View park. He also opened a real estate office. In 1886, he opened a photo studio on Portland’s east side, on the west side of 4th bet I and J streets. It probably stayed in business about two years. Buchtel did better with a new real estate businesss he started in 1887, called Buchtel & Mall. He stuck with real estate for the rest of his life.
Throughout his galleries 35 year lifespan, his advertising emphasized a premium level of quality. His many competitors in Portland allude comparable workmanship at lower prices. Reading Buchtel’s advertisements, and rival photographer’s responses, indicates that Buchtel was considered by his contemporaries to set the benchmark for portrait quality in Portland. The quality of Buchtel’s portraits is best demonstrated by his photographer’s sample book, now in the Oregon Historical Society. After looking over several hundred thousand Oregon portraits recently, the author has no doubt that Buchtel was Portland’s most talented portrait photographer, and the only serious rival he had was Frank Abell.
Joseph Buchtel died Aug. 10, 1916. He was honored by having a street named after him, which has now been re-named 30th place in S. E. Portland. Many of the street corners still have “Buchtel Ave.” impressed in the concrete.
Buchtel, Albert Z. (1857-1880) Son of Joseph Buchtel. Born on August 5, 1857. After he attended business college in Portland, Albert began working for Joseph Buchtel around 1877, which is when Stolte left the Buchtel & Stolte partnership. He died unexpectedly at age 23 on August 11, 1880.
Buchtel, Frank S. ( -1901) Son of Joseph Buchtel. He began working at as a photographer in 1881, probably for W. H. Towne (who had leased Joseph Buchtel’s studio.) He worked as a photographer until at least 1883, but by 1885 had begun working as a clerk at a store downstairs from the gallery. He went through a succession of non-photographic jobs and died on May 8, 1901.
Buchtel, Samuel ( -1901) Younger brother of Joseph Buchtel. After serving in the Civil War, he moved to Portland from Illinois around 1864 and began working for Joseph Buchtel as a photographer. According to city directory listings, he was continuously employed by Joseph until 1880, when the studio was leased to W. H. Towne. Samuel stayed at the studio until 1882, when he became a photographer for I. G. Davidson. His employment there lasted less than a year, and he got a job as a varnisher in Power’s Furniture Factory in late 1882. He soon resumed his old job with Towne in late 1883. He remained a photographer in Portland through 1897, although it cannot be determined whom he worked for. In 1900 he worked as a photographer in Stockton, California. He died in 1901.
Listing of Employees Carl Bosco, 1872-1873; J. W. Brink, 1865; H. H. Brodeck, operator 1876-1879; Albert Buchtel; Frank Buchtel; Samuel Buchtel; James G. Crawford, 1870-fall 1871; W. W. Davis, W. W., 1865; R. A. Desmond, 1865; W. H. Lewis, 1875; Mrs. L. S. McLauren, 1864; John Montgomery, fall 1862 & 1868; Bagnasco Policarpo 1866; B. W. Talliaferro, 1878; A. B. Woodard, fall 1863.
News Items and Advertisements
1858: “Picture Gallery. We have opened the rooms over Milwain’s store, in Oregon City, where we are now ready to wait upon such as wish Ambrotypes or Photograph Likenesses. We are determined to furnish as good work as any artist in Oregon. Our pictures show for themselves. Family Groups taken, on liberal terms. Call in and get your whole family group taken. -You will never regret it, and your children in future years will treasure the picture as a relic too precious to be bought with gold. Buchtel & Holland.” Oregon Argus, (Oregon City) 6 February 1858, pg. 3, col. 1 (courtesy of Michael Cirelli)
1858: “Business &c. of Portland. (large list of all businesses in Portland) … AMBROTYPIST- Joseph Buchtel. …” (no others listed) Oregon Weekly Times, (Portland) 27 July 1858, pg. 2, col. 5.
1858: “For Photographing the fine engravings we give, the readers of the Farmer are indebted Mr. Joseph Buchtel, Daguerreian Artist, Ambrotypist, &c., of this city. Having fitted up spacious rooms in the second story of the fire proof brick building recently erected by Shelby, on corner of Washington and First sts., with the eye and taste of the artist he is, Mr. B. is prepared to take as fine pictures as can be found on the coast, from life size down to the least possible dimensions wished. Call on him.” Oregon Farmer (Portland) November 1858, Vol. 1, No. 4, pg. 8 (whole no. pg. 56).
1859: “The Steamship Brother Jonathan on Wednesday last … Passengers … Mr. Bucktel (sic) …” Weekly Oregonian, 9 April 1959 pg. 2, col. 4.
1859: “Photographic Rooms. J. Buchtel’s Picture Gallery – Corner First and Washington Streets, where the latest and most improved styles of pictures are taken.
A large assortment of every article used in the business kept constantly on hand. Orders from the country promptly supplied on reasonable terms.
Out-door scenes, Landscapes, Fine Stock, &c,., &c., taken on short notice and warranted satisfactory.
Instructions given in the various branches of the Art.” Oregon FarmerMay 1859, Vol. 1, No. 10.
1859: “Buchtel & Cardwell Photographers. Rooms – First St., near Washington. Second story of Shelby’s brick store. One of the Firm, having just returned from San Francisco, in possession of all the late improvements in the art, and an entire new and extensive stock of Chemicals and Cameras, beg leave to inform their old friends and the public generally, that they are now prepared to execute pictures of all sizes and kinds in the highest perfection of the art. Photographs life size. Call and exmine our stock and specimens – we warrant satisfaction.” Portland Daily News, 10 May 1859 – 30 September 1860 (previous issues not available for checking)
1859: “To Farmers! Buchtel & Cardwell propose to take all styles of PICTURES, From life size to the most delicate setting for a Lady’s finger ring in the most durable and improved manner, for which they will take all kinds of merchantable produce, such as Chickens, Eggs, Butter, Cheese, Wheat, Flour, Bacon, Apples, Potatoes, Hay, &c. Bring us anything you have for sale. N. B.- We have secured a FIRST CLASS PORTRAIT PAINTER, and those who wish can have their PHOTOGRAPHS PAINTED IN OIL. Prices to suit the hard times. B.&C.” Weekly Oregonian, 6 August 1859 – 28 July 1860.
1859: “Photographic and Daguerrean Rooms, Shelby’s Brick Building, First Street, Portland. Buchtel & Cardwell, Artists. The Undersigned are prepared on short notice to execute all kinds of Photgraphic and Daguerrean Likenesses in the most artistic and life-like style, and upon the the most advantageous terms to patrons, when Cash is the article to be exchanged for thier work. Their rooms are fitted up with neatness, and furnished with lens of different degrees of power, adapted to small locket picutres or those as large as life. Call and see them in Shelby’s Brick Building, First Street. Buchtel and Cardwell.” Portland Daily Advertiser, 19 August 1859, pg. 3.
1859: “Photographic Rooms. Buchtel & Cardwell’s Picture Gallery, Corner First and Washington Streets, Where the latest and most improved styles of pictures are taken. A large assortment of every article used in the business kept constantly on hand. Orders from the country promptly supplied on reasonable terms. Out-door Scenes, Landscapes, Fine Stock, &c, &c, taken on short notice and warranted satisfactory. Instructions given in the various branches of the art.” Oregon Farmer (Portland), 21 September 1859 pg. 10, col. 3 (regular insertion, previous issues not checked, last insertion 1 February 1863, at which time the Oregon Farmer suspended publication.)
1860: “J. R. Cardwell, Dentist, Will practice in Portland from the 4th to the 30t of March. Office – at Buchtel & Cardwell’s Photograph Gallery.” Portland Daily News, 7 March 1860, pg. 3, col. 4.
1860: “Buchtel & Cardwell, Photographers. Rooms – First St., near Wash. Second story Shelby’s brick Store. Continue to execute Pictures in the highest style of the Art. N. B. – The dissolution of a late firm in a different business, of which our house was a partner, has led to the erroneous impression that our firm had been dissolved. Our co-partnership and business remain unchanced. Buchtel & Cardwell” Portland Daily News, 16 October 1860, pg. 2, col. 5. (ed note: it is probable the dissolved business is Robbins & Cardwell (William L. Cardwell) who operated a furniture factory. A typical advertisement is found in The Daily Morning News (Portland) 9 October 1859, pg. 1, col. 2.)
1860: “Buchtel & Cardwell Photographers. Rooms – First St., near Wash. Second story Shelby’s brick store” Portland Daily News, 7 November – 7 December 1860 (further issues not available for checking)
1861: “Go to Buchtel & Cardwell’s for a Photograph”, “Buchtel & Cardwell’s Pictures are the Best in Oregon”, “Buchtel & Cardwell Have the Best Arranged Gallery in Oregon”, “Buchtel & Cardwell have a fine Collection of Specimens of their Art. Go and see them and Get A Picture” (with cut of ambrotype), “Go to Buchtel & Cardwell’s for a Picture while the Weather is Fine”, “Buchtel & Cardwell’s Photographic Gallery. First Street, in Shelby’s Building.” set of ads in Oregonian, all first appeared 5 March 1861 and appeared through 15 September 1864. The ambrotype ad had its text changed on 12 March 1864 and continued further.
1861: “PHOTOGRAPHIC- The officers of the various Fire companies have been procuring pictures of themselves while the sun shines. A collection of their physiognomies can be seen at Buchtel & Cardwell’s.” Oregonian, 15 April 1861, pg. 3, col. 1
1861: “PICTURES.- BUCHTEL & CARDWELL are to be at the Fair with their superior ambrotype and photographic apparatus. They are the best artist on the coast, as everybody knows, and will have full employment, we doubt not, in taking pictures of bipeds and quadrupeds during the Fair.” Oregon Argus, (Oregon City) 21 September 1861 pg. 2, col. 4. (courtesy Michael Cirelli)
1861: “AMBROTYPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS.- The pictures taken by Mr. Joseph Buchtel are not excelled by those of any other artist on this coast, or elsewhere. Mr. Buchtel will be here on Monday next, and will remain two weeks. We say to those who desire a fine picture of themselves, or of their families, that they will now have a fine opportunity of getting the same taken. Rooms in Milwain’s building.” Oregon Argus, (Oregon City) 5 October 1861 pg. 2, col. 3. (courtesy Michael Cirelli)
1861: “The First Oregon Agricultural State Fair, Held on the 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th Days of October, 1861…Mining Products, Home Work, Works of Art, and Natural History. This department of the Fair constituted the greatest attraction to those who attended the Fair with a view to see what was to be seen. It was under the charge of Mr. Joseph Buchtel, of the firm Buchtel & Cardwell, Photographers, to whom great credit is due for his industry and good taste. Messrs. Buchtel & Cardwell’s display of specimens of photographs, ambrotypes, daguerreotypes, and all species of pictures taken in the camera obscura, was one of the features of this department. It is not invidious to assert that they stand at the head of the art in this State; and we only repeat what an eminent daguerrean artist form San Francisco said of them, ‘They take as good pictures as I ever saw of all kinds, and there is a peculiar excellence about their larger photographs.’ Messers. B. & C. also exhibited a large part of their fine collection of Oregon birds and animals, and their cabinet of minerals.” Oregon Farmer, (Portland) 15 October 1861. pg. 2, col. 3
1861: “List of premiums awarded…at the first annual State Fair…Buchtel & Cardwell, Portland, 40 photographs, dip, Buchtel & Cardwell, Portland, 20 Ambrotypes, dip, J. R. Cardwell and Buchtel, Portland, 25 specimens native birds and animals, 1st Premium…” Oregon Farmer, (Portland) 15 October 1861. pg. 6, col. 4
1861: “List of Premiums awarded by the State Agricultural Society at its first annual fair, held October 1, 2, 3 and 4, 1861…Buchtel & Cardwell, Portland, 40 Photographs, dip. Buchtel and Cardwell, Portland, 20 Ambrotypes, dip. J. R. Cardwell and Buchtel, Portland, 25 Specimens Native Birds and Animals, 1st premium…” Oregonian, 16 October 1861, pg. 1, col. 2.
1861: “PICTURES, PICTURES!- Go to BUCHTEL’S, and get your likeness taken. He is the best artist on this coast, and of course his pictures took the premium at the State Fair. He will remain in town but one week more. Don’t stand back for rainy weather; Jo can take pictures as well then as when the sun shines.” Oregon Argus, (Oregon City) 19 October 1861, pg. 2, col. 3. (courtesy Michael Cirelli)
1861: “A SEVERE ACCIDENT- We are sorry to learn that the wife of our estimable townsman Joseph Buchtel, met with a serious accident from the explosion of a fluid lamp.” Oregonian, 11 November 1861 pg. 3, col. 1., also Weekly Oregonian, 16 November 1861 pg. 3, col. 1.
1861: “ACCIDENT.- In Portland on Saturday last, Mrs. Buchtel, wife of Joseph Buchtel, Esq., had her arm severely bruised by the bursting of a fluid lamp in her hand, which set her clothing on fire. She lies at present in critical condition” Oregon Argus, (Oregon City) 16 November 1861 pg. 2, col. 5. (courtesy Michael Cirelli)
1861: “BURNING FLUID- It is believed that many accidents occur in the use of this fluid, caused by filling the lamp entirely full- so that, when the liquor expands by heat, the fluid, coming in contact with fire, immediately explodes. The unfortunate occurrence at Mr. Buchtel’s, in our city, is believed to have been caused by thus filling the lamp. But these fluid lamps can never be used with perfect safety.” Weekly Oregonian, 23 November 1861, pg. 3, col. 1.
1861: “We are glad to say that Mrs. Buchtel, who was lately severely burnt by the explosion of a fluid lamp, is in a fair way for recovery- Her husband is now able to attend to his business as an artist at the gallery of Messers Buchtel & Cardwell, and who are well known to be the best artists on the coast. They have recently made some improvements in their gallery and in the conveniences for doing their work. Their arrangements are such that they can do work in cloudy as well as clear weather, and gentlemen and ladies, who desire pictures, can avail themselves of this season of leisure for the purpose. They have many curiosities in natural history in their gallery which will amuse our citizens for an hour.” Weekly Oregonian, 7 December 1861, pg. 3, col. 2.
1862: FIREMAN’S ELECTION- … Multnomah No. 2- … First Assistant, Jos. Buchtel…” Oregonian, 8 February 1862 pg. 3, col. 2.
1862: “BRANCH OF PORTLAND PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY. BUCHTEL & CARDWELL’S PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, SALEM, OREGON. Having leased the rooms and fixtures of Mr. Kenyon, we are prepared to furnish every style of PICTURES known to the Art, in MANNER and WORKMANSHIP, second to none. Pictures taken without regard to weather. It will be our aim to GIVE SATISFACTION, and maintain for the establishment its deserved reputation. SPECIMENS can be seen at the rooms and at the State Fair. Salem, Sept. 25th, 1862” Oregon Statesman, (Salem) 29 September – 15 December 1862
1862: (report on State Fair from Salem correspondent) “Buchtel & Cardwell, of your city, have large contributions: They have on exhibition a fine cabinet of specimens of the Natural History of Oregon. Old residents here were astonished at the number of strange animals and birds that were spread out before them. It is a fine attraction and evinces great taste on the part of the owners as well as their liberality and industry. I am sure they will get the offered premium for the best cabinet of minerals and other specimens illustrating the geology of Oregon; and also photographs, which are securing much employment for Mr. Buchtel, who has opened photograph rooms in Salem.” Oregonian, 6 October 1862, pg. 2, col. 3.
1862: “THE STATE FAIR.- …Messrs. Buchtel & Cardwell, and Mr. Kenyon showed excellent specimens of photographs, ambrotypes, &c., executed in the highest style of the art. Curiosity-hunters found much in the cabinets of Messrs. B. & C. to admire; we notice the crowd of passers-by invariably paused to examine their specimens in geology, mineralogy, ornithology, and natural history. They are entitled to great credit for the attractive features they furnished the fair. …” Oregon Statesman, (Salem) 6 October 1862 pg. 2, col. 4.
1862: “Oregon State Fair…Photographs, ambrotypes, specimens of fossil remains, geology, mineralogy, and natural history by Messrs. Buchtel & Cardwell, of Portland…List of premiums …Cabinet of animals of Oregon, Buchtel & Cardwell, 1st premium…Minerals and Geological specimens, Buchtel & Cardwell 1st premium…Photographs. Buchtel & Cardwell, 50 , 1st premium…Ambrotypes, W. Kenyon, first premium, Buchtel & Cardwell 2nd prem.” Oregon Farmer, (Portland) 15 October 1862. pg. 1, col. 2
1863: “For Chief Engineer of the Portland Fire Department, Jos. Buchtel” Oregonian, 9 November 1863, regular insertion, (campaign ad for Fire Chief job)
1863: “Buchtel & Cardwell, photographers, Portland Oregon Keep up with all the improvements in Picture Making, and will continue to execute as good Photographs, Ambrotypes, Melainotypes, Cartes des Visites, In fact every style of picture known to the art, as can be found in the world. We are also prepared to have Photographs Finished In India Ink, Crayon, or Colored in Oil. Call and see specimens! Rooms — 89 First St., in Shelby’s block” Portland Directory for 1863, Portland; S. J. McCormick, 1863 pg. 22 full page ad.
1863: “Photographs. Having completed our arrangements, we are better prepared to take every picture known to the art than we have ever been. We are also prepared to have photographs colored in oils or finished in india ink or crayon. Our cabinet of Beasts, Birds, and Reptiles, with quite a number of recently added specimens, are still on exhibition. Lovers of nature and art are invited to call and examine for themselves. Rooms on First Street, adjoining our former ones, Buchtel & Cardwell, Portland, March 16, 1863, Buchtel & Cardwell’s Photographic Gallery, First Street in Shelby’s building” Oregonian, 16 March 1863 – 15 March 1864 (similar ad in The Daily Times – Portland- same start date)
1863: “The misses who are to are to (sic) represent the several States of the Union in the Car, on the Fourth , are requested to meet at Buchtel’s and Cardwell’s Daguerrean Rooms at 9 o’clock, precisely, on that morning.” Oregonian, 3 July 1863, pg. 3, col. 1
1863: “SILVER TRUMPET- A silver trumpet was put up by the proprietor of the circus, to be run for by one member from each company of the fire department. The trumpet was won by Mr. Joseph Buchtel, of Multnomah No. 2, who went around the ring ten times in one minute and eighteen seconds.” Oregonian, 25 September 1863, pg. 3, col. 1
1863: “Dissolution of Copartnership. The firm of Buchtel & Cardwell, in the Daguerrean business in this city dissolved by mutual consent so far as the business of the gallery in Salem is concerned. Mr. Montgomery will settle all accounts, and continue the business at the old stand. Buchtel & Cardwell. Salem, Sept. 30, 1863” Oregon Statesman, (Salem) 12 – 19 October 1863
1863: “For Chief Engineer, Jo. Buchtel” Oregonian, 4 December 1863, regular insertion, (campaign ad for Fire Chief job)
1863: “FIRE DEPARTMENT ELECTION.- The election yesterday … Mr. Buchtel received 94, and Mr. Bothwell 71, for Chief Engineer. Buchtel’s majority, 23…” Oregonian, 8 December 1863, pg. 3, col. 1.
1864: “Jos. Buchtel, J. R. Cardwell, Buchtel & Cardwell’s Photograph Gallery, Portland, Oregon, Jo. Buchtel, Artist. Will keep up with all the improvements in Picture Making, and will continue to execute as good Photographs, Ambrotypes, Melainotypes, Cartes des Visites, In fact every style of picture known to the art, as can be found in the world. We are also prepared to have Photographs Finished in India Ink, Crayon, or Colored in Oil. Jo. Buchtel, Artist, has just returned from San Francisco, and is now prepared to Take First Class Card Pictures. Call and See Specimens. Rooms–89 First St., in Shelby’s Block.” Portland Directory for 1864, Portland; S. J. McCormick, 1864 pg. 42
1864: “NATURAL HISTORY- Two years ago this present month the readers of the Morning Oregonian were furnished with a list of some twenty animals, and fifty birds, comprising a collection of specimens in natural history, to be seen in the cabinet of Messrs. Buchtel & Cardwell, artists, in this city. Since then this cabinet has steadily increased, and they now have a very excellent collection. These gentlemen are deserving of credit for their efforts to preserve these specimens, as they may be of lasting benefit to the historian in future years, when the species now seen so commonly, become rare and finally extinct, in our district of the country, an we become more populous. The Cougar, the Catamount, and the Wild-cat, are ferocious looking specimens of the carnivorous quadruped, and one would much rather see them in a gallery, stuffed, than meet them under similar circumstances in the forest. The white-headed Eagle, the Grey Eagles, and the Swan, are among the finest specimens of birds. The number of reptiles and geological specimens are numerous. The pet dog, now missed from the side of his master, may be seen here as natural as life, and apparently ready to bound out with a joyous snap, as you approach his case. We cannot enumerate all their collection, but it is extensive and well worth a visit to see; besides, they have numerous fine paintings, photographs and lithographs, rendering their gallery a pleasant place to while away an hour.” Oregonian, 9 February 1864, pg. 3, col. 1. (several hours of searching failed to turn up the article refered to)
1864: “Pictures – Buchtel & Cardwell advertise that they have secured the services of a first class Artist, direct from New York city. The present is a favorable time – fine weather and all that – to secure a good picture, and we recommend our readers to give them a call.” Oregonian, 14 March 1864, pg. 3, col. 1.
1864: “BUCHTEL & CARDWELL. WE HAVE SECURED THE Services of a FIRST CLASS ARTIST direct from New York city, with six years experience in taking the Fashionable Card Pictures. With our present facilities we can supply our patrons with a Superior Style of Picture without delay. Rooms – No. 89 First street, Portland, Oregon.” Oregonian, 14 March – 24 April 1864.
1864: “TELEGRAPHIC CORRESPONDENCE, … The following correspondence by telegraph took place… To David Scannel- Chief Engineer Fire Department, San Francisco: The Portland Fire Department salutes you. A common purpose makes us warm friends. May new ties bring us still nearer. Jo. Buchtel, Chief Engineer, Portland Fire Dep’t. …” Oregon Statesman, 14 March 1864 pg. 3, col. 3.
1864: “AN AQUARIUM- Buchtel & Cardwell have made some important additions to their cabinet of collections in Natural History. They have four beautiful gold fish and design putting up a large sized Aquarium in a few days, with all the latest improvements. They have also received an addition to their stock of birds, among them one fine specimen of the Brown Heron.” Oregonian, 18 March 1864, pg. 3, col. 1
1864: “A Fine Frame – among the many fine things at Buchtel & Cardwell’s Gallery is an exquisite picture frame, wrought in shell by Mrs. L. S. McLauren, of Brooklyn. It is a credit to the lady’s good taste, and we think is deserving of notice.” Oregonian, 15 April 1864, pg. 3, col. 1.
1864: “Trial of Protection Engine No. 4 – This fire engine was put upon trial last evening under the direction of Chief Engineer Buchtel, and gave perfect satisfaction…” Oregonian, 7 September 1864 pg. 3, col. 1
1864: “A FOOT RACE PENDING- Mr. Jos. Buchtel and Mr. Lewis will run a match of 100 yards, on the 12th of November, on the east side of the river, opposite this city. It will be remembered that the former was beaten by the latter in a contest some few weeks since. The present match is for $300 a side, and Lewis is to give ten feet at the outcome.” Oregonian, 24 October 1864, pg. 3, col. 1
1864: “THE CHIEF ENGINEER- We are informed that Mr. Buchtel has decided to accept the position of Chief Engineer of the Fire Department for another term. This is right. We feel sure that the Department have a preference for him – in fact they will elect him. A good man in the right place.” Oregonian, 27 October 1864, pg. 3, col. 1
1864: “FIREMAN’S ELECTION- The manes of the firemen’s candidates for election to the position of Chief Engineer and two Assistants are given in another column. Mr. Buchtel is the present incumbent of the office of Chief and has right worthily filled the position for a year past. His re-election is beyond a doubt…” Oregonian, 21 November 1864, pg. 3, col. 1
1864: “FOR CHIEF ENGINEER – JOSEPH BUCHTEL” Oregonian, 21 November 1864 (first insertion)
1864: “THE FIREMAN’S ELECTION- The election of the Chief Engineer and Assistants for the Portland Fire Department passed off in a very quiet manner yesterday and resulted in the choice of Joseph Buchtel for Chief…The vote was as follows: For Chief – Joseph Buchtel 106, Wm. B. Clark 44. Total 170…” Oregonian, 6 December 1864 pg. 3, col. 1
1865: directory advertisement, same as 1864 except omit the sentence about San Francisco. Portland Directory for 1865, Portland; S. J. McCormick, 1865 pg. 38
1865: “SOLD OUT – The photograph gallery on Front street which has been conducted for a long term of years by Messrs. Buchtel & Cardwell, has changed into the proprietorship of other parties. The collection of rare species of birds, animals, reptiles, etc., which forms an attractive cabinet of curiosities in natural history, has made this the finest resort in the State, and the name of the old firm have been synonymist (sic) on the part of naming and preserving the relics which have been entrusted or donated to them.” Oregonian, 10 January 1865, pg. 3, col. 1.
1865: “BIRDS – Mr. Joseph Buchtel, late of the firm of Buchtel & Cardwell, has secured the services of an able taxidermist, Mr. S. S. Douglas, and advertises in another column for birds of rare species, to be delivered for dressing at the rooms of Mr. Douglas, over the Post Office., Front street. Animals also are wanted.” Oregonian, 9 February 1865, pg. 3, col. 1
1865: “BIRDS WANTED. Rare Specimens of Eagles, Ducks, and all other species of Birds wanted for Dressing by a Taxidermist. Care should be taken in handling to avoid disturbing the feathers. Birds to be delivered to S. S. Doughal, over the Post Office, Portland.” Oregonian, 9 February 1865 advertisement, first insertion.
1865: “PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, In G. W. Vaughn’s Brick Building, corner Front and Morrison Streets, Portland. JOSEPH BUCHTEL, Operator. I have Refurbished and Enlarged my Rooms, and am now prepared to do all kinds of work in the Latest Styles of the Art. BUCHTEL’S PHOTOGRAPHS have always taken the First Premium at the Oregon State Fairs. I have also on Free exhibition the Fine Collection of Birds and Animals collected by Mr. Buchtel, together with a Beautiful Collection of Shells, etc., etc. Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call. Having permanently located, NONE BUT THE BEST PICTURES will be allowed to go out of the Establishment. A. B. WOODARD, Proprietor.” Oregonian, 23 March – 18 April 1865
1865: “A GOOD SHOT – Chief Engineer Buchtel, a few evenings since went out gunning a short distance from the city along the Willamette, and had raised his gun to shoot a Bald Eagle, when just at that moment the dogs came rushing past, having a young Deer in chase. Buchtel thinking the latter more likely to be brought down, changed his purpose, and in about an instant killed the deer. The gun was charged with shot for ducks. The hide of the animal will be put among the collection at Woodard’s Gallery, duly prepared by a taxidermist.” Oregonian, 28 March, 1865, pg. 3, col. 1
1865: “FINE VIEWS – Our old friend Buchtel, late of Buchtel and Cardwell’s Gallery, called upon us last evening and left with the publisher a fine assortment of views, lately taken by him, as the principal Operator at the New Gallery, corner of Morrison and Front streets, where he may be found dealing in superb specimens of cities and citizens. Lately he has taken some elegant views of Oregon scenery, which will comprise pictures from Astoria, including the entrance to the Columbia river; the stranded ship Industry, in a series of three photographs, taken from a painting by Brink, on actual observation; and a number of views of Portland during the festival day; views of Oregon City, &c., which make a fine collection for an album or stereoscope. Oregon cannot be beat, the world over, for its scenery – and how many hundreds are there among our citizens who would not gladly be possessors of a few specimens of it- even for their own gratification, or to send to friends in the East. We are pleased at what Mr. Buchtel has shown us, and hope he will be well repaid for his energy in procuring such elegant photographs. From his collection we have obtained a look at the the Oregon City Woolen Manufactory, a most magnificent brick edifice, lately completed by our enterprising neighbors. We have not visited the City of the Falls since the day the work was inaugurated last year, but feel gratified at being able now to see the fine structure, the best in all Oregon- while sitting in our chair at home- thanks to Buchtel.” Oregonian, 19 April 1865, pg. 3, col. 1
1865: “Removed. JOSEPH BUCHTEL’S Fine Collection of Shells to the Photograph Rooms of A. B. Woodard, in the room with the Oregon Museum, consisting of Animals, Birds, &c., &c., the most Beautiful Collection in the State. Cartes De Visite, Vignette and Full Figure, taken in the Latest style of the Art. Jos. Buchtel, operator, Rooms on Front Street, in G. W. Vaughn’s Brick Building. A. B. Woodard.” Oregonian, 19 April – 25 August 1865.
1865: “J. WILKES BOOTH – The assassin of the President, J. Wilkes Booth, appears in the group on ‘Frederick & Co.’s Portrait carte de visite,’ one of which is owned by Mr. John Ward of the Crystal Saloon, in this city. The card was taken to Mr. Buchtel, at Woodard’s Gallery, on the morning of the 19th, and enlarged by Mr. Brink, from which copies were photographed yesterday, and last evening Mr. Buchtel laid specimens of the assassin upon our table. It is a life-like portrait, taken from an original photograph, and not only shows to what extent photography leads in familiarizing faces, but is a credit to the energy of the operator in bringing out the assassin, that our people many know the character (judging by appearances) of the man. Copies of the picture will be for sale to-day.” Oregonian, 21 April 1865, pg. 3, col. 1. (the Oregonian’s first word of Lincoln’s assassination was published 17 April. It is probable that it was word of mouth the day before)
1865: account of parade of mourning for Abraham Lincoln, Buchtel was marshall of the German Brass Band (from Aurora colony) which marched in the parade and represented the Portland Fire Department. Oregonian, 27 April 1865, pg. 3, col. 1
1865: Buchtel thanked for his help in organizing the mourning parade for Abraham Lincoln. Oregonian, 27 April 1865, pg. 3, col. 1
1865: “Sale of Mining Stock. There remains unpaid of Assessment No. 3 levied upon the capital stock of the ‘Santiam Gold and Silver Mining Company’ of the 14th day of July, 1864, the amount set opposite the shares hereinafter enumerated, as follows, to wit: … Jos. Buchtel 293, 13, $39.00 …” Oregon Statesman, (Salem) 22 May – 12 June 1865 (this is a delinquent stockholder announcement) (Wiley Kenyon may have something to do with the sale of these stocks to Buchtel. -ed note)
1865: “MAP OF OWYHEE- The map of the region of Owyhee, lately noticed by us, has been photographed by Buchtel, and he has them for sale.” Oregonian, 25 July 1865, pg. 3, col. 1
1865: “Go Always in the Morning – The card of Mr. Buchtel this morning contains a hint worth adopting by those who would secure good cartes de visite, or other style of pictures. Humphry’s Art Journal says: ‘Go early in the day when you are fresh after a night’s repose and the morning wash, before you have got fatigued by being busy, or by doing nothing during the day – before you have met with some annoyance which will, very likely, show on the countenance, and change the expression. Go alone, or with some quiet friend.’ The views advertised by Buchtel are such as every resident of Oregon can (consistently? illegible microfilm) send to his friends in other parts of the country. The enterprise of Mr. Buchtel in obtaining these views, is deserving of support.” Oregonian, 25 September, 1865. pg. 3, col. 1
1865: “Come Always in the Forenoon! The undersigned well known Artist, wishes to impress upon the public the fact that he is still taking Pictures in the City of Portland, at Woodard’s Gallery, in Vaughn’s brick building, over the City of Paris store, corner of Front and Morrison streets, and those wishing the Best Photographs, Cartes De Visite, of other styles of Pictures, should bear in mind that the Forenoon is the best time to have Negatives taken. His ability to please subjects is conceded, hence there is no necessity of speaking in that respect. At this Gallery may also be found a larger collection of Oregon Views of Scenery from Astoria to the Idaho region, and on the Willamette river, and about Portland, than any other Gallery in the State, suitable for Albums, Stereoscopes, etc., which are offered at low figures, singly or by the dozen. Give me a call. Joseph Buchtel. Portland, Sept. 25th, 1865. ” Oregonian, 25 September 1865 – 9 January 1866. at this time the text was revised, and this basic ad continued to run through 3 April 1866.
1865: “Fifth Annual State Fair…Mr. Jos. Buchtel of the photographic art, all make handsome displays in their respective branches of business…” Oregonian, 6 October 1865, pg. 2, col. 2
1865: “Fifth Annual State Fair…Mr. Buchtel of Portland has some Ambrotypes, also a case of stuffed birds, for all of which he received premiums.” Oregonian, 9 October 1865, pg. 3, col. 2
1865: State Fair, entries noted: “Joseph Buchtel, Portland, Ambrotypes, Photographs”, “Jo. Buchtel, Portland, Cabinet specimens”, List of Premiums “Jo. Buchtel, Portland, exh’t suffed animals, 1st p.” Oregon Statesman, (Salem) 9 October 1865, pg. 2, col. 1.
1865: “VIEWS OF FORT VANCOUVER.- Mr. Buchtel has recently visited Fort Vancouver, at the request of the Government officers, and taken a large view of the garrison in twelve sections, besides the quartermaster’s building, officers’ quarters, &c., the whole embracing about the total of Uncle Sam’s possessions there. These views we understand will be sent to Washington, for some purpose of the Secretary of War. Mr. Buchtel has a large variety of views at his gallery for sale, to send any of which abroad would give people an idea that the arts flourish here. He has two that should go together. One shows the city at a time – 1852 – when Front street was a forest above the bridge, the prominent buildings wooden structures, with the gable ends sticking in irregular rows of one story and one story and a half on the street. In the back ground was a blacksmith shop, a stable and a few small buildings, among the denuded pines stood the Academy building. The other shows the city as it is at this time, and no better evidence of the prosperity of the place is needed to convince people what it is. Buy them, and send them broadcast over the country, friends of Oregon.” Oregonian, 6 November 1865, pg. 3, col. 1.
1865: “For Chief Engineer of the Portland Fire Department, Jos. Buchtel” Oregonian, 9 November 1865 (first insertion) (campaign ad for Fire Chief job)
1865 :THE FIREMAN’S ELECTION.- To-day the firemen of this city elect their Chief Engineer… The rival candidates for the office of Chief are Joseph Buchtel and Thos. G. Young. Mr. Buchtel is the present incumbent, and has filled the post for two years past, with credit to himself and satisfaction to the Department. We have not the right to enter the field of contest for the election of either… On this ground we attribute to Mr. Buchtel he deserves for the faithful attention he has bestowed upon the office for the past two terms, and only wish that o worse officer ma find a place in Portland. …” (This is a guarded endorsement of Buchtel) Oregonian, 4 December 1865, pg. 3, col. 1.
1865 :FIREMAN’S ELECTION.- The election yesterday for Chief Engineer … resulted in the election of the following named gentlemen -For Chief Engineer, Thomas G. Young … Two Hundred and fifty-three votes were cast. Mr. Young had 14 majority. After the polls were closed there was a friendly re-union at the House of No. 3, and when the result was announced Mr. Buchtel was called for and in a few well pointed remarks gave the Firemen to understand that he was perfectly well satisfied with the result and recommended the newly elected as a gentleman and as a Fireman deserving of the confidence the Department had bestowed upon him, by selecting him as their Chief. Mr. Young replied in the same happy manner, and said that while he should aim to cherish the trust reposed in him by his fellow Firemen, he had no aspiration for attempting to discharge the duties of the office more satisfactorily than his predecessor. Cheers were given loudly for each company in the Department, and the ‘boys’ dispersed in the best of fraternal feelings. The vote was as follows: FOR CHIEF ENGINEER; Thomas G. Young–123, Joseph Buchtel–109, Total Vote–232, Young’s Majority–14.” (further reading makes it apparent that 21 voters did not make a choice on the Chief Engineer, but did select candidates in other positions) Oregonian, 5 December 1865, pg. 3, col. 1.
1866: “FROM THE MOUNTAINS.- Mr. A. B. Woodard, who it will be recollected, left this city last spring for the purpose of sketching in photographic form, points in the upper country, has returned, with his portfolio replete with elegant views from the head of Salmon river to the eastern portion of Idaho. Mr. Hurd, who accompanied him, remained to take views of the magnificent falls on Snake river, which are far more grand than the famous Niagra. These views form the best collection of fine art, probably, extant in the country. Buchtel has duplicate copies. …” Oregonian, 8 January 1866, pg. 3, col. 1. quoted fully under A. B. Woodard’s listing in this book.
1866: “REINSTATED.- Joseph Buchtel has lately purchased the entire interest of A. B. Woodard in the gallery in Vaughn’s building, and his card appears in another column. Mr. B. wishes his patrons to call in the forenoon, as much as may be possible, as that is decidedly the best time for taking the negative for pictures.” Oregonian, 10 January 1866 pg. 3, col. 1.
1866: “COME ALWAYS IN THE FORENOON. JOSEPH BUCHTEL. Having purchased the entire interest of Mr. Woodard in the Gallery, in Vaughn’s building, corner of Front and Morrison streets, would recommend to those wishing THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHS, CARTES DE VISITE, OR OTHER STYLE OF PICTURES that the fore-noon is the best time to have Negatives taken. His ability to please subjects is conceded, hence there is no need of speaking in that respect. N. B.- Oregon Views suitable for Albums, Stereoscopes, etc., at low figures, singly or by the dozen. Give me a call. Portland, Oct 25, 1865 Joseph Buchtel.” Oregonian, 10 January 1866 pg. 2, col. 4. (first insertion of revised text)
1866: “FIREMAN’S COMPANY ELECTIONS.- The annual election of officers for the various fire companies of this city, for the coming year, took place last evening with the following results… Multnomah Company No. 2… Joseph Buchtel, 1st Assistant…” Oregonian, 2 February 1866, pg. 3, col. 1.
1866: “Come in the Morning! To BUCHTEL’S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, the only establishment in Oregon that is thoroughly prepared to do all the different styles of work in the art. Photographs from card to life size. The new Cabinet Cards, etc., etc. Small pictures enlarged, retouched in India ink- painted in water colors or oil by Mr. S. J. Rumsey. Pictures that are fading can be reproduced in this way. All negatives taken in this Gallery will be carefully preserved, and additional copies had. I have now, on hand a very large collection of negatives, the names of which are recorded alphabetically in a book for that purpose that can be seen in the reception room.” unidentified newspaper advertisement, early 1866.
1866: “Portland Items.- … The Firemen of Portland have recently presented their Chief Engineer, Joseph Buchtel, an elegant gold watch, valued at $150, as a token of their consideration…” Oregon Statesman, (Salem) 9 April 1866, pg. 3, col. 1.
1866: “PREMIUM PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY.- Cor. Front and Morrison Sts., Portland, JOS. BUCHTEL, Proprietor and Operator. His Photographic Work has taken the First Premium every year since the organization of the Oregon State Fairs. Pictures in every style of the art, from the smallest Ring Picture to Double Life Size, if desired. Views and Oregon Scenery for sale. The Finest Collection of Birds and animals on the coast are to be seen at his Rooms.” Oregonian, 3 May – 4 June 1866.
1866: “Most Beautiful Photographic Work is now being done at Buhctel’s Premium Gallery. The Enameled Card Pictures- attracting so much attention in other sections- is being taken at the above gallery, the only rooms in the State where it may be had. Buchtel is the pioneer photographer and ambrotypes, and introduces, all the new styles in his line in the State of Oregon, taking the first ambrotype, first photograph and first premiums. Rooms on Front street, corner of Morrison.” Oregonian, 14 May – 3 June 1866
1866: “SUN PEARL – Mr. Buchtel yesterday placed …… eyes a frame of nine sun pearl pictures, which we are certain cannot be beat in any city. They were taken at his gallery, at the corner of Front and Morrison streets, in this city, by Mr. Bagnasco Policarpo, a Parisian artist, late of San Francisco, now in the employ of Mr. Buchtel. In another column Mr. B. invites the public to call at his gallery and examine specimens.” Oregonian, 25 August 1866, pg. 3 col. 1
1866: “THE LATEST STYLE OF FINE ART PICTURES, the attention of the public is invited to the fact that JOSEPH BUCHTEL’S PIONEER GALLERY, corner of Front and Morrison streets, Portland, Oregon, is the only place in this state where those beautiful SUN PEARLS are produced in a manner equal to the art in San Francisco, New York, or European cities. Having employed the services of the Best Operator on the Pacific Coast, Mr. Bagnasco Policarpo, of Paris, late of San Francisco, the undersigned is better prepared than any other Gallery to furnish all styles of Pictures known to the Art. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine specimens, which shall be sufficient to convince the most skeptical of the truth of the above statements. Critics are invited to call. Portland, August 25th, 1866. Joseph Buchtel.” Oregonian, 25 August – 1 September 1866
1866: “We were glad to meet our friend Joseph Buchtel on the street yesterday, after a few days confinement occasioned by spraining his right ankle, when ……accomplished at the match game of ball, played in East Portland on Friday evening. The injury did not interrupt his business, as Mr. Policarpo attends to the picture department.” Oregonian, 4 September 1866, pg. 3 col. 1
1866: “THE INDICATORS are that we are to have a pleasant season and clear weather for a few weeks, and all should bear in mind that BUCHTEL is now taking those inimitable SUN PEARLS that everybody admire (sic) so much, and also the most beautiful photographs. Come always in the forenoon, and examine the specimens. Experience, material, and close business habits need no bomblast.” Oregonian, 19 – 21 September 1866
1866: “Buchtel of Portland was awarded a first premium for Sun Pearls” Oregonian, 22 October 1866 pg. 2, col. 2. State Fair awards
1866: “Buchtel’s Premium Gallery was represented at the State Fair, as it always has been, and did take the FIRST PREMIUM as usual. His work stands for itself and does not require bombastic puffs in self written cards to recommend itself to the public. All kinds of work in the art furnished in the very latest styles.” Oregonian, 23 October – 7 November 1866
1866: “Passengers for Steamer Montana…Joseph Buchtel…” (destination is San Francisco) Oregonian, 13 December 1866 pg. 3, col. 1
1867: “BUCHTEL – Jo. Buchtel is still in the picture business and is prepared to do the subject justice. See his spec on 2d page.” Oregonian 21 January 1867 pg. 3, col. 1
1867: “NEW ARRANGEMENT – THE OLD BUCHTEL & CARDWELL PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, 89 First Street, has passed into the hands of JOSEPH BUCHTEL, proprietor and operator, who, having just returned from San Francisco, with ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS, is prepared to take every style of picture known to the art.” Oregonian 21 January 1867.
1867: “Important to Photographers. Notice is hereby given to all photographers that the undersigned is the lawful owner for the State of Oregon of ‘Cutting’s Bromide Patent,” And is now ready to sell County, City or Town rights for the same, and all persons using the said rights, without first obtaining authority from the undersigned, will be prosecuted for so doing. All communication on the subject to be addressed to B. P. Cardwell, Portland, Oregon. Joseph Buchtel. Dated at Portland March 7, 1867.” Morning Oregonian, March 15, 1867, pg. 3, col. 1.
1868: “Buchtel’s Photograph Gallery is the only establishment in Oregon that is thoroughly prepared to do all the different styles of work in the art. Photographs from card to life size. The new Cabinet Cards, &c., &c. Small pictures enlarged (retouched in India ink- painted in water colors or oil, by Mrs. S. J. Rumsey.) All negatives taken in this gallery will be carefully preserved, that additional copies may be had, Mr. B has now on hand a very large collection of negatives, the names of which are recorded alphabetically in a book for that purpose, which may be seen in the reception room.” The Weekly Enterprise, Oregon City, 18 January 1868
1868: “To those who want of photographs, we would say that now is a first rate time to visit Buchtel’s Gallery, where the latest and finest styles may be had – J. H. Montgomery, Operator.” Oregonian, 15 June – 30 June, 1868, pg. 3, col. 2 (previous ads not checked for start date, 30 June was last)
1868: “Come in the forenoon to Buchtel’s Gallery for the finest work in the art of photography. Sun Pearls, Imperial Cards, Ambrotypes, Plain Photographs, Old Pictures Enlarged, re-touched, painted in oil or water colors. Come in the morning.” Oregonian, 1 July 1868 (first insertion) – 16 November 1868 (last insertion).
1869: “Buchtel, the popular artist of Oregon, has at Portland some photographing instruments for sale at a low figure, which he warrants true and good.” Enterprise, (Oregon City) 6 February 1869, pg. 3, col. 1.
1870: “1853-1870 BUCHTEL’S GALLERY Sun Pearls, Mezzotints, Ambrotypes, Adamantean Pearls, on Watches, Photographs with all the late Improvements; Old Pictures enlarged, retouched, painted in Oil or Water Colors, Views of Buildings, &c., &c. Fair Prices and Superior Work. Oregonian, 5 April – 4 June 1870
1871: “Joseph Buchtel, Photographic Gallery, no. 91 First St, Corbett’s Bldg, Portland” J. Henry Brown, 1871 Salem Directory, (Salem; Snyder & Cook, 1871) pg. 24.
1871: “J. BUCHTEL’S NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, No. 91 Front Street (Second door south of his old stand), Portland, Oregon. I am prepared to execute all work in my line in a superior manner, with all the latest improvements in the art. Nothing but first class work done at my new and magnificent rooms, at low prices. Call and see specimens Feb. 10, 1871” The Weekly Enterprise (Oregon City) 10 February 1871.
1871: “Pictures- Read the advertisement of Jo. Buchtel, of Portland, The reputation of this gentleman is too well known to need any recommendation, and he is now better prepared to execute work than ever” The Weekly Enterprise (Oregon City) 10 February 1871, pg. 3, col. 2.
1871: “Pictures.- A special train went up last Saturday, having on board Carl Bosco, operator for Mr. J. Buchtel, of Portland, taking views of the scenery along the road. We are informed that some of these views are really beautiful. They are taken for the purpose of sending them to the East and Europe.” Oregon City Enterprise, 30 June 1871, pg. 3, col. 1.
1871: “Photographs- Mr. Buchtel is very busily engaged at present on several important pieces of work. He is completing his views taken on the line of the O. & C. Railroad, and is also making a large number of copies of the unk weed (sic), a specific remedy for rheumatism.” The Oregon Herald (Portland) 18 July 1871, pg. 1, col. 2
1872: “The State Fair… Fine Arts… Next is a set of frames, containing photographs by Buchtel & Stolte, as only they can get them up…” Oregonian, 3 October 1872, pg. 1, col. 7.
1872: “RUINS PHOTOGRAPHED- Photography is now-a-days called into requisition in sketching scenes of rain and desolation, as much as in handsome, costly edifices, or the undisturbed face of nature. We were strongly reminded of this fact, by observing Joseph Buchtel busily engaged last Saturday in transferring the crumbling, blackened walls, charred timber, half melted columns and doors, which mark the somber outlines of the burnt district, to pasteboard, through the scientific processes of chemistry and the intervention of his camera obscura. A number of views were taken from different standpoints. Such views sent abroad may enable the public to form some idea of the extant and character of the calamity.” Oregonian, 30 December 1872, pg. 3, col. 1.
1873: “Buchtel’s Boys, otherwise the new base ball club, meet to organize at Buchtel & Stolte’s gallery this evening.” Oregonian, 3 April 1873, pg. 3, col. 2.
1873: “PHOTOGRAPHED.- On Saturday Buchtel and Stolte took photographs of the interior and exterior of Armory Hall. The interior of the room was arranged as on the day previous, the guards from the two military companies being in position. These pictures will be sent East on Tuesday to the publishers of the Eastern papers for publication..” Oregonian, 21 April 1873, pg. 3, col. 3.
1873: “A first class photograph is worth a good price. A poor one is of no value whatsoever. Therefore, the motto of Buchtel & Stolte is – superior work, equal to any in the United States, for which we demand a good price, and receive the same. Our new Viewing Wagon, for Scenic Views, is now ready, and all orders for pictures of buildings, etc, promptly attended to, at the First Premium Gallery, No. 91 First Street, Portland, Oregon.” Oregonian, 22 April – 3 July 1873.
1873: The Pioneer Baseball club met last night and selected the first nine. Herewith is a correct list: Jos. Buchtel, pitcher…” Oregonian, 21 May 1873, pg. 3, col. 1.
1873: “1853 – 1873. No. 91 First Street, Portland, Oregon. Buchtel & Stolte’s First Premium Gallery. With all the late improvements, and the new styles in the art of Photography. Buchtel’s Patent Background and Plate-holder. None but First-class Artists employed. All work warranted qural to the best in the United States. Scenic views, views of buildings, etc., taken to order and promptly attended to.” The Daily Evening News (Portland) 3 June 1873 – 30 June 1873.(previous issues not available for checking)
1873: “Buchtel & Stolte are exhibiting a number of photographic views of Clatsop Beach.” Oregonian, 9 July 1873, pg. 3, col. 2
1873: “Those who have a curiosity to see photographs of the redoubtable Capt. Jack and other Modoc Chiefs can do so by calling at Buchtel & Stolte’s gallery.” Oregonian, 26 July 1873, pg. 3, col. 2
1873: “In J. K. Gill & Co.’s window is a series of fine photographs of Clatsop scenes taken by Bosco.” Oregonian, 2 August 1873, pg. 3, col. 2
1874: “Mr. Joseph Buchtel will exhibit his new electrical idea by a trial this week.It is of special interest to firemen.” Oregonian, 23 March 1874, pg. 3, col. 2
1874: “A PRACTICAL TEST.- Multnomah Engine Co. will drill this afternoon, when Mr. Joseph Buchtel will make a practical test of his new invention, the telegraphic signal. It is a novelty that should be seen to be appreciated. The drill will take place at 4:30 P. M., in a prominent locality. We shall give a full description of the invention and its workings in our next issue.” Oregonian, 28 March 1874, pg. 3, col. 1.
1874: “THE EXHIBITION.- Punctual to the hour, Multnomah Fire Company were at their posts on Saturday. The new steamer was drawn to the intersection of Pine and Second streets, and soon the steam gauge had risen to sufficient height to warrant a commencement of the exhibition of ex-Chief Engineer Jos. Buchtel’s invention, the Hoseman’s Telegraphic Signal- as such we name it, thinking no better name could be applied to it. Mr Buchtel’s idea was to show the practicality of applying a telegraphic line from the engine to the hose-man at the nozzle. On the driver’s seat was placed two jars containing the chemicals, from which the wires extended to the instrument attached in another part of the engine. Two wires ran from the instrument through the battery, and thence along he hose some two hundred feet, to within three feet of the nozzle. Here the wires connected with a key.
All being in readiness the signal (one)_ was given to start by tapping the key with the thumb. In less time than it takes to tell it the electricity in the wires carried the signal to the instrument whereon a miniature bell is attached. A single tap is heard and the engineer responds by a signal from the steam whistle indicating that the hoseman’s signal was understood. The throttle is thrown open in a moment and the stream is on. Three taps from the hoseman indicates that a faster stream is wanted, and is answered. Now two taps of the bell is heard and the engineer slows up and finally one tap is heard on the bell and the water is stopped. This was repeated several times and immediately a response was given. The telegraph worked to perfection, the signal being heard clearly while the machinery of the engine was in full motion. This was merely a test. It is the intention, of course, that the wires should be attached to the hose in such a manner as to escape injury. At the connections the wires will communicate by a strap attachment and when in perfect order can be carried about with as much freedom as though no wires were connected. Mr Buchtel is confident that the invention will meet with favor. the idea is certainly an excellent one and in case of small fires where but little water is necessary the telegraphic attachment will prove a great saving of property and at the same time save hoseman the trouble of communicating with the engineer by leaving the hose or sending word though and officer. The trial was witnessed by quite a number of persons.” Oregonian, 30 March 1874, pg. 3, col. 1.
1874: “Buchtel’s Improved Plate Holder…” Detailed description of the wet plate negative holder designed by Buchtel. The main feature is two small cups designed to collect the excess drippings of silver nitrate from wet collodion emulsions. The excess silver bath would run off into the cups, from where it could be recycled, preventing the waste of silver and keeping the camera interior clean. The text announced Buchtel’s plate holder would be installed as standard equipment on all future American Optical Company cameras. The holder was manufactured and sold by Scovill Manufacturing Co. The Photographic Times, Vol. IV, No. 42, June 1874. pg. 85-86. includes engraved illustration.
1874: “For Fine and Artistic Photographs go to Buchtel & Stolte, 91 and 93 First Street, the only First Class Gallery in the State” Oregonian, 10 June – 7 September 1874
1874: “Bosco, at Buchtel & Stolte’s, has taken several fine photographs of Mrs. Fanny Morgan Phelps, which are to be seen in the show-windows.” Oregonian, 10 June 1874, pg. 3, col. 2
1875: “At His Post Again – The fine photograph gallery of Messrs. Buchtel & Stolte, makes another stride in advance. Mr. Buchtel has visited the principal galleries of the Eastern States, and has returned with all the newest implements in styles, methods and apparatus. He will be at the camera himself, and, with his excellent skill as an artist, and the new facilities secured, will turn out as fine work as can be done anywhere. There will also be an experienced and skillful retoucher attached to the establishment, to retouch or color pictures when desired. We are sure our people will appreciate these efforts to furnish them the very best.” Oregonian, 5 January 1875, pg. 3, col. 1.
1875: “Buchtel and Stolte’s first-class photograph gallery, established in 1853, possesses all the facilities to do better work than any other gallery in the State. All the new styles in the East are make in our rooms. We preserve ALL OUR NEGATIVES, and have at present over 12,000 on hand from which duplicate copies can be had at any time. We have engaged the services of Mr. Chas. Hasselman, late of Sarony’s in New York, and Bradley and Rulofson and G.D. Morse’s. San Francisco. Oil paintings, photographs in water colors, or India ink, and also the beautiful crayon pictures, executed in a superior style. Call and examine specimens.” Oregonian, 3 March-Modified 6 March 1875. pg.3 col.2
1875: “We are now prepared to reproduce from old and faded pictures, the finest work in Crayon, India Ink or Water Colors. Call and examine specimens. There is no longer any necessity to send such work out of the State when it can be done in a superior style under your own observation. Buchtel and Stoltes. 91 and 93 First
Street.” Oregonian -31 March 1875
1875: “Buchtel and Stolte have opened in their large, elegant and convenient rooms in Goodnough’s new building. First and Morrison streets. The rooms were arranged especially for the business and will rank with the best in the country. The firm have recently purchased the business of Bosco and Megler and engaged the services of Mr. Bosco, whose reputation is A No. 1 as photographer. With the consolidation of these large houses and the experience of the gentlemen connected with them, we see no reason why success should not attend them. By all means call at the new rooms. Note ad.” Oregonian 18 August 1875 pg. 3, col. 4
1875: “Removed. Buchtel and Stolte, the leading Photographers, have removed to their new Palace of Art. Cor. First and Morrison Sts.” Oregonian 18 August-18 Sept.1875
1875: “The State Fair … (account of exhibits) … Buchtel & Stolte had as usual a magnificent display of pictures in every style known to their art.” The new Northwest (Portland), October 22, 1875, pg. 2, col. 3.
1875: “BUCHTEL & STOLTE PHOTOGRAPHIC ART GALLERY!!! Cor. of First and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. THIS NEW AND COMPLETE ESTABLISHMENT has better facilities and produces finer work than any other Gallery in the State. Pictures Copied, Enlarged, and Finished in India Ink, Oil, Crayon, or Water Colors in the finest style. Orders from the country promptly attended to. Portland, Oregon April 1, 1875” Weekly Mountaineer, (The Dalles) 19 Feb. 1876 pg. 3 col. 1 (regular insertion, first appearance 1 April 1875, tracked through 29 April 1876, further issues not checked)
1875: “For the best Photographs go to Buchtel & Stolte’s Palace of Art, cor. First and Morrison streets” The Daily Bee, (Portland) 2 – 5 November 1875
1875: “Messrs. Buchtel, Stolte & Morse, at the Palace of Art, corner First and Morrison streets, have just received a large invoice of Fine Art goods for the holidays. We notice that the fine assortment of Prang’s chromos show a long stride in the chromo-lithographic art during the past year.” The Portland Bee, 7 December 1875.
1875: “Buchtel, Stolte, & Morse have their large, handsome show window filled with the most tasty array of work of art ever exhibited in this city. (describes engravings, oil paintings, chromos, statuary, musical instruments etc.)” The Portland Bee, 10 December 1875
1876: “Some very fine photographic statuary can be seen at the handsome show window of the Art Palace, First street. They are elegant specimens of art, and are fit to adorn any parlor. Messrs. Buchtel, Stolte & Morse have about 300 such views.” Oregonian, 27 March, 1876 pg. 3 col. 2. (courtesy Michael Cirelli)
1876: “Scholars Photographed. This morning being exactly suited for the taking of a good photograph, with just the proper degree of light and shade, Mr. Joseph Buchtel shouldered his camera and proceeded to the Custom House, placed it in good position, and when the children of the Central School (numbering about 500) were having their forenoon recess, marshaled them in line, girls and boys promiscuously, big and little, old and young, and, with the aid of the teachers, kept them still while he took their youthful, pretty and sparkling faces. They will certainly make an attractive and pretty picture.” The Daily Bee, (Portland) 10 April 1876 pg. 4, col. 2.
1876: “Die beftausgefuhrten Photographien verfertigen Buchtel & Stolte Erfte Gtrabe, Sudweft=Ede von Morrison Str. Portland, Oregon.” Deutsche Beitung, (Portland, German language) 29 April 1876 pg. 1 col. 6 (regular insertion)
1876: “A Picture of ’62. At the cigar store of Mr. Issac Blum, on First street, may be seen a photograph of Front street, taken by Buchtel & Cardwell during the flood of ’62. The old Columbian and American Exchange Hotels are easily recognized, and the situation is somewhat similar to that of to-day. Boats, sidewalks, rafts and passengers are seen, presenting the same features, and one might easily imagine it a picture of the present but for the absence of some few of the old landmarks.” The Daily Bee, (Portland) 23 June 1876, pg. 4, col. 2
1876: “JUST RECEIVED AT THE PALACE OF ART, the finest lot of Engravings, Chromos, Photographs, and Frames ever brought to this city. 121 First Street. Buchtel, Stolte & Morse” The Daily Bee, (Portland) 6 July – 7 August 1876.
1876: “Fine Photographs. Messrs. Buchtel & Stolte forwarded last evening for exhibition to Mr. Dufur at Philadelphia, photographic views, executed in the highest style of the art, of the following residences, public buildings and famous scenery: Post office, bank of British Columbia, police building, Glisan’s, Ankeny’s and Smith’s buildings on First street, Oregon City woolen mils, court house, bridge across the Willamette at Harrisburg, Willamette falls at Oregon City, Carter’s building corner of Front and Alder streets, Mount Hood from Portland, the locks at Oregon City, Willamette falls and locks, Ankeny’s block and market, Clarendon Hotel, Seaside House, Mount Hood, bridge across the Neacanicum creek at the seaside, summit of Mount Hood, the landing at the lower Cascades, Harrison shoals, White river falls, the residences of J. C. Ainsworth, S. G. Reed, A. G. Cunningham, A. Goodnough, A. Nicolai, L. White, J. A. Chapman, E. Milwain and Ben Holladay. The pictures are large and attractive and will command universal attention.” The Daily Bee, (Portland) 9 August 1876, pg. 4., col. 1.
1877: “The Pioneer Ball… committee of arrangements… Joseph Buchtel- Floor Manager… ” Daily Bee, (Portland) 26 May 1877, pg. 3, col. 2
1877: “Handsome Show-case. Messrs. Buchtel & Stolte have just had a mammoth case for the display of photographs built at the the down-stairs entrance to their gallery. It is about eight feet high, ten feet wide and is made of ornamental wood. The workmanship is very fine. The case is filled with photographs, as true as nature and of finest finish, of well-known people of this city. Altogether, it is indeed ‘a thing of beauty.” Daily Bee, (Portland) 31 May 1877, pg. 3, col. 2
1877: “For the best Photographs go to Buchtel & Stolte’s Palace of Art, corner of First and Morrison streets, Portland, Oregon.” The New Northwest, (Portland) 2 March 1877 pg. 3 col. 6 (regular insertion, other issues not checked)
1877: “BUCHTEL & STOLTE The well known photographers of your city, are on hand with their usual display of fine work, which we have no hesitancy in saying is excelled by no firm in the State. Their display adds very materially to the beauty of the surroundings and their work excites admiration on every hand.” Daily Bee, (Portland) 11 Oct 1877 pg. 3, col. 2.
1877: “A Splendid Indorsement (sic) of BUCHTEL & STOLTE’S Photographic Work. The Morton Photographs.
Portland, July 17, 1877
Messrs. Buchtel & Stoltes- Gentlemen: I concur with Mr. Morton in the opinion that your photographs are the finest I have ever had taken. Respectfully yours, O. P. Morton.
Indianapolis, Oct. 17, 1877
Buchtel & Stoltes- Gents: Mrs. Morton has requested me to write you to send her, at this place, as early as possible, a number of photographs of the Senator you took while in your city. It is pronounced by all who have examined it to be the best photograph ever taken of the Senator. Respectfully yours, W. H. Holloway.
(Telegram) Indianapolis, No. 19, 1877
Buchtel & Stoltes, Portland, Or.- Please send me at once two dozen photographs of Senator Morton, with bill. Mrs. O. P. Morton.” Daily Bee, (Portland) 22 – 24 November 1877
1877: “Buchtel & Stolte have placed us under obligations for one of their splendid photographs of Senator O. P. Morton, deceased. It is really an artistic portrait, and for the highest enconiums of praise we would refer our readers to the correspondence published in another column. It speaks for itself.” Daily Bee, (Portland) 22 November 1877 pg. 3, col. 2.
1878: “Buchtel & Stolte make as fine work in the photograph line as any gallery in the United States, and the best in Oregon.” Oregonian, 18 October 1878, (not tracked).
1878: “THE STATE FAIR… Pavilion… The pictures competing for premiums, exhibited by the rival photographers of Portland, Buchtel & Stolte and Frank G. Abell, are fine in the extreme. The display of the former is favored by the best position and light; and receives four first premiums, the first being for the largest and best collection. The latter receives first premium for the best retouched photographs and display of cartes de visite.” Oregonian, 18 October 1878 pg. 1, col. 4.
1878: “Joe Buchtel’s Blue Ribbon. Joe Buchtel, the champion photographer, has been again the recipient of the first prize, the blue ribbon, for the superiority of his work at the State Fair. This is the eighteenth fair that has distinguished Joe in the same-proud manner, and as an artist he is deserving, he having no superior on the Pacific Coast. In fact, his work is the equal of any in any part of the globe..” Daily Bee, (Portland) 19 October 1878, pg. 3, col. 4
1878: “MECHANICS FAIR: … Buchtel & Stolte. This long established and well known gallery have on exhibition some of the most elegant specimens of photographic work ever shown in the State, and second to none of the best done in the famous galleries of San Francisco or the east. The ‘counterfeit presentment’ of some of our leading citizens are true to nature, and are elegant samples of this art. Their frames bear several blue ribbons as trophies at the State Fair.” Oregonian, 24 October 1878, pg. 3, col. 3.
1878: “A cameo portrait of the late Senator Morton is being executed in New York from a photograph of the statesman by Messrs. Buchtel & Stolte, of this city” Daily Bee, (Portland) 14 November 1878, pg. 3, col. 4.
1879: “Never go to a second class gallery for a photograph, you will have to pay the same price that Buchtel charges for a first class photograph” Oregonian, 17 February 1879 advertisement
1879: “Pictures by Lightning. Having obtained the process of taking pictures with lightning rapidity (by Lambert’s Patent) I am now prepared to do work better than heretofore, and assure the public that none but the best work shall leave the gallery. Joseph Buchtel” Daily Standard, (Portland) 13 March 1879, pg. 3 col. 6 (last insertion 13 May 1879)
1879: “Mr. Joseph Buchtel, the pioneer photographer artist of Oregon, has engaged a first class artist, and will in the future, as in the past, turn out premium work. Patrons attended to by an obliging gentleman in the reception room.” Daily Bee (Portland) 14 July 1879, pg. 3, col. 6.
1879: list of exhibitors at the Mechanics Fair: “… Joseph Buchtel…” The Daily Bee (Portland), 16 October, pg. 4, col. 3.
1879: account of the Mechanics’ Fair: “The Buchtel Gallery. Mr. Joseph Buchtel has an array of photographs that is very attractive in many respects. The pictures of Gen. Grant and other notables, the likenesses of many well-known citizens, and above all the splendid work make up the intense interest of the crowds in his collection. At the top is a life size picture of the late Mr. Tatum, taken nineteen years ago, as good now as when first executed. In the center of his group is a frame of thirty enameled cabinets, prepared over a year ago, and exhibited at the State Fair last year, which are as perfect as when first put up. These facts attest the durability of Buchtel’s works. The point of interest in this display however, is the framed group of transparent photographs, the negatives so arranged and prepared by a new process that a light placed behind throws out these pictures with a startling and brilliant effect. Mr. Buchtel’s glass show case with specimens tastefully arranged, and his sample pictures on the south end of the art gallery are deserving of special examination for the fine character of the work. He is one of our oldest artists, having been for years in business in this city and ranks among his list of negatives all the distinguished citizens of this and other countries that ever visited our city.” The Daily Bee (Portland); 22 Oct. 1879 pg. 3 col. 6
1879: “Something New at Buchtel’s Gallery. The double combination and the patent solar attachment are the grandest and most sublime picture yet seen on the Pacific Coast. They are accurate and beautiful and perfectly true to nature. If you patronize this gallery you will not regret it. Mr. Buchtel is a talented artist and does everything first-class” Daily Standard, (Portland) 1 Sept 1879, pg. 2 col. 3
1880: “…The candidate for sheriff is Mr. Joseph Buchtel than whom there are few more popular of better known men in the county. He was put on the ticket for several reasons among which are, he is a sound republican, he is universally liked by those who know him, he is capable and thoroughly honest and because he can defeat Mr. Norden, who in all probability will be the democratic nominee. He has a host of friends who will work earnestly from now until election day for his success.” Oregonian, 26 May 1880, pg. 2, col. 1.
1880: “Joe Buchtel has lived in this county twenty-six years, and the people all know him to be a public spirited, enterprising man; courteous and obliging to all, fully as competent as Ben Norten to discharge the duties of the office of sheriff. If elected, he will not appoint as deputy a man worth over a hundred thousand dollars, to the exclusion of poorer men, equally as competent and deserving otherwise” Oregonian, 7 June 1880, pg. 2, col. 2.
1880: Final returns of election, broken down by candidate and precincts. Buchtel = 2613, Norden = 2208. Oregonian, 9 June 1880, pg. 3, col. 3.
1880: Death and funeral of Albert Z Buchtel, 12-14 August 1880, quoted under Albert Z. Buchtel in this book.
1880: “San Francisco Gallery, Formerly Buchtel’s, First Street, Cor of Morrison, UpStairs. Having Leased the Above First class and well-known Photographic Gallery, Formerly occupied by Joseph Buchtel, …W. H. TOWNE” Oregonian, 14 Aug 1880 pg. 2 col. 8 (probable date of first insertion 3 Aug)
1882: “It is alleged that promises are out from Sheriff Buchtel for the appointment of a large number of deputies for service on election day, and that Ben Norden is to select such as he may deem most efficient for certain political work. We shall not credit this story. There is no actual authority for the appointment of such special deputies, nor in any case in this county has there been need of them; and more than all, Mr. Buchtel is known as a fair man and conscientious official. We are greatly mistaken in him if he would allow his office to be used for any political, partisan, or other illegitimate purpose. Appointment of deputy sheriffs, deputy marshals or special policemen under pretense of keeping the peace at the polls has always been as practiced here, an expedient to control voters in improper ways. It is a method of coercion and corruption combined” Oregonian, 4 June 1882, pg. 2, col. 1.
1889: “NEW EVIDENCE.- The somewhat famous Buchtel-Dudley case comes up in Judge Shattuck’s court to-day. Mr. Buchtel stated to a reporter yesterday that he had three new witnesses to introduce upon this new trial, which did not get here in time tor the first hearing of the case. It is understood that their testimony will have chiefly to do with Mr. Dudley’s alleged bad character. Mr. Dudley, on the other hand is equally confident that the new jury will give him a speedy and unanimous verdict.” Oregonian, 18 February 1889, pg. 5, col. 2.
1894: account of fire in flooded district; Buchtel personally organizes the extinguishment. Oregonian 5 June 1894 pg. 6, col. 1
1894: account of fire in flooded district; Buchtel has problems with fire engine out of commission. Oregonian 6 June 1894 pg. 6, col. 1
1895: “THE EFFICIENT CHIEF ENGINEER…(biography of Buchtel as fire chief)…On the occasion of two of the greatest fires in Portland’s history, he was called from his position as foreman of an engine to take full charge of the department with all the authority of the chief engineer. One of these fires was that which destroyed Harbaugh & Stitzel’s mill. During the height of the fire, Chief T. G. Young was disabled by being badly burned. Chief Young immediately selected Mr. Buchtel to act in his place, and it was under the able management of the latter gentleman that the conflagration was quickly brought under control. The next time Mr. Buchtel was called upon to fill the same office was at the great levee fire, which leveled three entire blocks to the ground. On this occasion he relieved Archie Williams as chief at the latter’s request, and again, under the prompt action of Mr. Buchtel and his assistants, control was finally gained over the fire…Perhaps the most unique and distinguished service Mr. Buchtel rendered the city was the task imposed on him in fighting the fire along the river front during the unprecedented flood of last year. During the time that Portland’s principal streets were under water, it was impossible to get any of the fire engines into the business district along Front of First street. With wise forethought, Mr. Buchtel had mounted a number of engines on barges, which he kept moored at convenient points throughout the submerged district, ready for instant use. The time came for the aid of the floating fire-destroyers in the conflagration on the river front in the most thickly built district of the city, and it was due to the wisdom of Portland’s able chief in having these engines mounted on barges, which could easily be towed to any part of the city that was under water, that saved Portland from one of the most disastrous fires in her history. During the crisis of the flood Mr. Buchtel arranged a canvas suit for attaching hose to submerged connections that has been termed one of the most remarkable devices ever invented by a chief engineer…” Oregonian, 1 January 1895, pg. 22, col. 7 (courtesy Michael Cirelli)
1901: “Death of Frank Buchtel …” obituary for son of Joe Buchtel at age 39. Oregonian 9 May 1901, pg. 7, col. 4.
1902: Buchtel photo of George Collier Robbins home, claimed to have been taken in 1856, reproduced in unidentified newspaper clipping dated 12 January 1902, Oregon Historical Society scrapbook No. 37, pg. 210. 1904: “Pioneer Building Decays … Joseph Buchtel Thinks it Should be Preserved as Monument to Hudson’s Bay Factor…. (account of Buchtel’s reminisces of McLoughlin) … When I had a picture gallery in Oregon City, shortly before his death in 1857, the venerable old man, with his flowing white locks, came into my study and said he wanted his picture taken. Naturally, I wanted to please him and did the best I could to get his likeness. We then took the old daguerreotype pictures. I took one picture and showed it to him. He said in a rather gruff tone, ‘Don’t like it. Take it away.’ I was determined to please him, and make half a dozen in the same way, and each time he said, ‘Don’t like it. Take it away.’ By this time I got out of patience and told him I could do no better, and that the pictures were the best that any one could take. ‘Who said they are not good?’ he answered. ‘Well, you said you didn’t like them.’ I answered. ‘Of course, I don’t like them. They make my hair look white, when it once was black. Finish them all up and send them around with the bill.’
‘I finished up the pictures and these are the pictures we have today of the old man … ” Oregonian, 10 October 1904, pg. 9, col. 3.
1904: “May Be Preserved- Joe Buchtel thinks he will have to employ a private secretary to answer the letters that have been pouring in concerning the movement to preserve the old home of Dr. McLaughlin, since he made the suggestion last Monday. …” Oregon City Enterprise, 21 October 1904, pg. 5, col. 2.
1907: Buchtel, doing historical research, locates pioneer J. H. Sutton, living in New York. unidentified newspaper clipping dated 22 October 1907, Oregon Historical Society scrapbook No. 50, pg. 37
1912: Oregonian, 21 July 1912 sec. 5 pg. 1 goes blind
1913: (obituary for Marie Hendee, includes remarks by Joseph Buchtel. “…’Hendee’ said Joseph Buchtel ‘had a gallery on Washington street, near First, and my gallery was on the fourth floor of the Canton building, in 1853. I made pictures in the Spring and Hendee in the Fall. We then made what was called daguerreotypes’…” Oregonian, 19 Nov 1913 pg. 12
1913: “MR. BUCHTEL IS 83 TODAY…” (short article) Oregonian, 22 Nov 1913 pg. 1, col. 6.
1914: “JOSEPH BUCHTEL 84 … Mr. Buchtel came to Portland when it was a struggling village. He and Captain G. A. Pease are the only two surviving men who operated on the Willamette River in 1852, 1853 and 1854. All the other river man have passed away. At that time and for many years afterward steamers were operated to Corvallis and were the chief means of transportation in the Willamette Valley to and from Portland. Mr. Buchtel was steward on the ‘Wallamut,’ the largest steamer on the Willamette River. He said that the boat often carried 200 passengers to Salem.
EARLY PHOTOS OF CITY MADE- … He was one of the earliest photographers, and his views of Portland as a village are the only ones extant at present…” (much additional material not related to photography. includes portrait) Oregonian, 23 Nov 1914 pg. 7, col. 4.
1915: “JOE BUCHTEL, BALL PLAYER, WED 60 YEARS … Joe had a gallery in Oregon City, where he worked in the Summers. In the Winters he ran as steward on the Willamette River on such boats as the Canemah, Willamette and Shoalwater, the run being from Canemah to Lafayette, sometimes in high water as far up as Salem and occasionally beyond there.
Canemah, the old town above Willamette Falls, on the west side of the river, is little known now, but before the the locks were put in around the falls it was quite a town, being the lower landing for all of the river boats above the falls. Soon he established himself in Portland, his first gallery being in the fifth story of the Canton House, corner of Front and Washington streets, and later in the first brick building erected on Front street, the Shelby building. Then he removed ‘way up town’ to Second and Morrison streets. During those early days he used to go to Astoria, Salem and Vancouver, sometimes remaining for a month, and always doing a good business… “(much additional material not related to photography. Article by Addison Bennett, who states she interviewed Buchtel for several hours the previous day) Oregonian, 23 April 1915 pg. 7, col. 1-2.
1915: Evening Telegram, (Portland) 22 Nov 1915 pg. 7
1915: Oregonian, 24 Nov 1915 pg. 11 85th birthday
1916: Evening Telegram, (Portland) 11 Aug 1916 pg. 6,7 obituary
1916: “Joseph Buchtel, 86, Pioneer of Oregon, Dies at his home. Former Sheriff and Chief of Fire Department Dies After Lingering Illness…Mr. Buchtel served as a deputy sheriff in Champaign county, Illinois, when Abraham Lincoln was an attorney at court. With an immigration train of 60 wagons, Mr. Buchtel left Illinois on April 23, 1852, crossed the plains to Oregon and arrived here September 27. No trouble with Indians was encountered on the journey. Food became low near the end of the journey and 14 men were sent ahead so that those of the main body of the train would have enough provisions. Mr. Buchtel was one of the 14.
…He was associated with Judge Beck in agitating the question of constructing a bridge across the Willamette river, and, though it was delayed by a court injunction for seven years, at the end of that time the Morrison street bridge was erected by a corporation, and when the bridge was opened Mr. Buchtel’s efforts in bringing this about were recognized when he was chosen the first man to cross by authority, riding at the head of a procession.
…Mr. Buchtel organized the East Side Improvement association, being the first association of business men organized to develop the interests of the east side. He secured the first franchise and laid the rails for a street railway on Grand avenue, the terminus to be City View Park.
For two years Mr. Buchtel was county sheriff and was twice chief of the volunteer fire department, of which he was one of the organizers. He became the fourth chief of the paid fire department and acted in that capacity for two years…” (additional information about his athletic activities, fraternal associations, surviving relatives, funeral arrangements) Oregonian, 11 Aug 1916 pg. 9
1916: Evening Telegram, (Portland) 12 Aug 1916 pg. 7
1916: Oregon Journal, (Portland) 11 Aug 1916 pg. 9 obituary
1927: Oregonian, 21 Aug 1927 sec. 1 pg. 8 wife
1928: Oregon Journal, (Portland) 8 Feb 1928 pg. 20 wife
1928: Oregonian, 8 Feb 1928 pg. 15 wife
1928: Oregon Journal, (Portland) 19 Feb 1928 pg. 10 wife
1937: “…Joseph Buchtel…was steward on the Willamette in 1854, when the Willamette and Gazelle were moored near each other at Canemah and the Gazelle’s boiler exploded, killing a large number of passengers and crew. … Mr. Buchtel also served on the Canemah, which was built at Canemah in 1851 by Captain A. F. Hedges, Captain Charles Bennett, Alanson Beers, Hamilton Campbell, and John McClosky. On August 8, 1853, when the Canemah was near Champoeg, one of the flues exploded, killing a passenger… Mr. Buchtel also ran on the Shoalwater…” Oregon Journal, (Portland) 8 July 1937 pg. 12 Fred Lockley; Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man.
1939: Oregon Journal, (Portland) 19 Apr 1939 pg. 10 could not find this
1961: Oregon Journal, (Portland) 13 Feb 1961 sec. C pg. 10 Buchtel photos donated to library
Items about Baseball
Oregonian, 15 October 1866 pg. 3, col. 1; 4 May 1873 pg. 3, col. 1; 3 July 1873 pg. 2, col. 2; 14 July 1873 pg. 3, col. 3;
Oregon Journal, (Portland) 1 Dec 1934 pg. 4;
Portland Bee: 18 July 1878 pg. 3, col. 4.
Items about Sheriff
Oregonian, 31 July 1880 pg. 3 col. 1 deals with warrant;
Items personal or financial
Oregonian, 19 Feb 1876 pg. 3 col. 3 Lillie Buchtel visits D. W. Craig family in Salem
Oregonian, 7 February 1878 pg. 3 col. 3 review of City Council meeting, claims paid, “…J. Buchtel, $86…”
Items about civic activities
1875: “Joseph Buchtel, Chairman of the Independent State Central Committee, has issued a call for a meeting of that Committee to be held at Portland, July 15, 1875, to arrange for a convention to nominate a candidate for member of Congress.” Salem Daily Record, 26 June 1875 pg. 3 col. 2
1876: Buchtel appointed judge of fire engine tournament. Oregonian, 8 June 1876 pg. 3 col. 2
1881: Joe Buchtel at charity Christmas dinner. Oregonian, 24 December 1881 pg. 3 col. 2
1882: “Joe Buchtel has commenced a zoological garden at City View Park” Oregonian, 1 Nov 1882 pg. 3 col. 2
Brown, Robert O., Nineteenth Century Portland, Oregon Photographers: A Collector’s Handbook (author; Portland, 1991) pg. i, 1, 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 52-54, 73, 83-90, 91, + frontpiece
Lockley, Fred: “The Story of Albany’s Pioneer Photographer”, Albany Democrat, 6 July 1924 (biography of J. G. Crawford) …By the next spring I had taken photographs of all the people in Lebanon who felt like spending the money for pictures, so I moved to Portland in the spring of 1870 and went to work for Joe Buchtel and Dr. J. R. Cardwell, who were partners in a photograph gallery. My fellow-worker was Carl Bosco, who later became a famous magician and sleight-of-hand performer. If those old negatives are still in existence you will find that we took pictures of Joe Meek, and most of the well known pioneers of that day…. (courtesy Eric Gustafson)
Oregon Journal, 29 July 1923 sec. 2, pg. 2, Fred Lockley, Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man “…I dropped in for a visit with Mrs. Joseph Buchtel at 1461 East Lincoln street, and she told me…’My husband came to Portland in 1852. I came the following year…He was born in the Buckeye state. I was born in New York state. He was born November 22, 1830. I was born August 1, 1837. My maiden name was Josephine Latourette. (relates description of Kelly Boarding house in Oregon City)… Here I met a young river man, Joseph Buchtel by name. He invited me to go to a big ball at Oregon City…On April 23, 1855, the justice of the peace at Butteville made us one…My husband ran on the upper Willamette each winter for four years. During the summer, when the water was too low for the boat to run, he operated a photograph gallery at Lafayette, Oregon City, Astoria or Portland…In 1856 we moved to Portland and I have lived here ever since’ … When Joe Buchtel was 21 years of age he was appointed deputy sheriff of Champaign county, Illinois. This was in 1851. One of the attorneys who practiced in the courts there was Abraham Lincoln. It was his acquaintance with and love for Abraham Lincoln that caused Mr. Buchtel to be a lifelong Republican… He was born on a farm near Canton, Ohio, in 1830, and when he was 9 years old he moved to Urbana, Ill. As a boy he was apprenticed as a tailor to his stepfather, a most unsuitable occupation for one who had as much activity as he had, He decided to try the dry goods business, but this not proving to his satisfaction he took up the business of making daguerreotypes…When he was 22 he started across the plains for the West. This was in the spring of 1852. He drove an ox team for I. R. Moores. Arriving at Portland in September, 1852, he landed a job working for Colonel Backenstos, loading lumber aboard the ship Charles Devons. From 1852 to 1856 he followed steamboating on the upper river. Joseph Buchtel from 1853 to 1855 made daguerreotypes, but in 1855 he made his first photograph, which, by the way, is the first photograph made in Portland. The first man to take daguerreotypes in Portland was L. H. Wakefield, and Mr. Buchtel was the second. He purchased the gallery of Mr. Wakefield and became Portland’s leading photographer…He ran his gallery 35 years, during which time he secured negatives of most of the distinguished visitors. He leased his gallery, supposing the man to whom he leased it would of course take good care of the immense collection of negatives he had accumulated. The new man, however, decided to have a thorough housecleaning and, calling an expressman, he had all of the old negatives hauled out and thrown on the dump at Sullivan’s Gulch…Judge Beck and Joseph Buchtel worked long and hard to have (the Morrison bridge) built. After seven years of hard work, in which they overcame all sorts of legal and other arguments against the building of the bridge, the Morrison bridge was finally built. Joseph Buchtel was selected as the first man to cross the newly completed Morrison street bridge…Mr. Buchtel was always intensely interested in the development of the east side, and he is was who organized the East Side Improvement association. He secured a franchise and laid the rails for the streetcar system on Grand avenue. He served as sheriff of Multnomah county, being elected in 1880. He served for two terms as chief of the volunteer fire department, and later, when the Portland fire department was taken over by the city and became a paid department, he was elected department chief. It was under his regime that a fire boat was equipped to fight fires along the river front. He was one of the organizers of the Portland Pioneer Baseball club in 1866. For 15 years he was a captain, manager and pitcher of the club. As a foot-racer he was considered invincible…”
Goodman, Theodosia, “Pioneer Cameraman: Joseph Buchtel”, Oregonian, 27 June 1948 magazine pg. 5 photographic biography. Interesting quote from early newspaper “Mr. Buchtel has introduced all the new styles of pictures and new patents – including ambrotypes, photographs, patent leather pictures, ferrotypes, sun pearls, pearls on watches, and latterly the mezzotints and Rembrandts. He has invented and received patent for the ‘contact pad’ and also for the ‘photograph plate holder’. The entire number of negatives he has collected amount to about 3000…among this number can be found the negatives of all the governors since the first territorial organization of Oregon… all the representatives and senators…all the mayors of the city of Portland since its municipal organization…all the old pioneers of the city and state.”
Goodman, Theodosia, “Early Oregon Daguerreotypers and Portrait Photographers”, Oregon Historical Quarterly, (Portland; Oregon Historical Society) Vol. 49, No. 1, March, 1948, pg. 35-39.
Portrait and Biographical Record of Portland and Vicinity, Chicago; Chapman Publishing Co., 1903, pg. 628-629, “…(the father of our subject) Michael Buchtel was born in Pennsylvania, and came of good old German stock. He learned the trade of shingle making, which he followed up to the time of his death. He moved his family to Urbana, Champaign county, Ill., where he opened a saw and shingle mill for Colonel Busey, which he continued to operate. His death occurred in 1841. His widow, and the mother of our subject was before her marriage a Miss Mary Harvey, her people being English. She married as her second husband a tailor named John Johnson, by whom she had one daughter, Addie, who married Thomas Maxwell. This daughter came to Portland with her mother, and died here. The latter continued to make this her home, living with her son Joseph up to the time of her death in 1895, at the age of eighty-four years.
Of the children of Mrs. Buchtel by her first husband, three went to Illinois. Samuel, a younger brother of our subject, served as a soldier in the Civil War, and at the close of the war came to Portland, from which place he went to California, where he died in 1901. A daughter, Eliza, died in Urbana in 1853.
Our subject was born in Stark County, Ohio, near the city of Canton, November 22, 1830, and received his education in the public schools of Ohio and Illinois. After the death of his father he assisted in the support of the family until his mother re-married. When only fifteen years of age he made a trip to Chicago, which was then but a small town. His step-father taught him the tailor’s trade, but it not being congenial, he never followed it. He early learned the art of making daguerreotypes, and for a time conducted a business in Urbana, where he also clerked in a store. He was the first to introduce all kinds of pictures, including ambrotypes, tin-types, solar pictures, porcelain, watch-dial pictures, enamel cameos, and medallions. About 1855 he made the first photograph.
When the great excitement of 1852 was at its height and people were pouring into Oregon from the eastern states, Mr. Buchtel caught the fever and started with ox teams with some friends from near-by towns across country. The train of forty wagons left Illinois April 23, and reached Portland September 27, 1852, making the long and arduous trip without molestation from the Indians, then so plentiful on the deserts, and meeting with no special hardship until near the end of their journey, when the food supply became low and fourteen were sent ahead with barely enough to last until the end of the journey was reached. By this plan more food could be given the members of the train, the main body of which arrived about a month after the advance guard of fourteen, one of which was Mr. Buchtel.
After his arrival in The Dalles Mr. Buchtel went to Portland, traveling by sail boat and canoe as far as the Cascades on the Columbia river, and from thence across the Cascade mountains on foot. He was without funds and glad to turn his hand to any honest labor, working on the rivers from that time up to 1853, when he again went into the daguerreotype business, opening up galleries in Portland, Oregon City and Astoria. For some time thereafter he continued to look after his galleries in the summer and worked on the rivers during the winter. He introduced the first photographs in Portland, and was the second daguerreotyper, L. H. Wakefield being the first. But soon after Mr. Buchtel arrived he purchased the business. He conducted a gallery in this city for over thirty-five years, doing a very successful business and becoming widely known…”
Gaston, Joseph, The Centennial History of Oregon, (Chicago; S. J. Clark 1912) 3 vols. Vol. 1, pg. 205 discusses Champoeg park and Buchtel’s involvement with its creation, and quotations from Buchtel about the importance of the 1843 convention there. Vol. 3, pg. 971-972 biography: “…Joseph Buchtel was reared at home and attended the common schools of his native state, where he acquired such knowledge as was afforded the country youth at that early day. His father’s death occurred when he was very young and, being the eldest son, it was necessary for him to help in the support of the family as soon as possible. At a very early age he began learning the tailor’s trade and was thus engaged for four years, after which he accepted various positions on farms and in stores before entering the brick manufacturing business. Not finding this sufficiently remunerative nor to his liking, he accepted a clerical position in his brother-in-law’s store. While he was working there one of the partners of the firm was elected sheriff and because of the ability which Mr. Buchtel had already displayed as a clerk he was given charge of the sheriff’s office and collected the taxes. During this time he met Abraham Lincoln and became intimately acquainted with him. Mr. Lincoln was practicing law in that district and, as the courthouse in which Mr. Buchtel was employed was in Urbana, Champaign county, they met frequently. Mr. Lincoln was attorney for one case which extended over two weeks and during that time Mr. Buchtel had many opportunities to talk with him. Many of the pleasantest memories of Mr. Buchtel’s life are of this time when he had the opportunity of associating with one of the biggest and broadest men whom this country has ever known. After he gave up his clerical position he entered the portrait business, first purchasing a daguerreotype outfit. He was thus employed for six months. In 1852 he came to Oregon and in the spring of 1853 located in Portland. From that time he was in the photograph business, taking pictures during the summer and working on a river boat as steward during the winter. He was elected sheriff of Multnomah county and during his incumbency in that office leased his gallery to Mr. William Towne. Mr. Buchtel may well be called the pioneer photographer of the Pacific coast. He introduced every kind of photography in Oregon and took the first pictures of all interesting and prominent places along the Pacific coast. In 1853 he took the picture of Front street, Portland, which appears elsewhere in this edition . After he discontinued his work as sheriff he engaged in the real-estate business…”
Hawthorne, Julian,The Story of Oregon, (NY; American Historical Publishing Co, 1892) Vol. 1, pg. 311-315 biography, pg. 199 portrait. “He was born in Uniontown, Stark County, O, November 22d, 1830. When but four years old he was sent with his brothers and sisters to the district school, where for seven years young Buchtel struggled with mathematics, geography, and other early branches of study. His school course was interrupted by his family removing to Urbana, Ill.; he, however, continued his studies in the little log school-house at Urbana for two years, when the death of his father necessitated his leaving school and aiding in the support of his family; he was accordingly apprenticed to the tailor’s trade, which, however, became so distasteful to him that he soon gave it up. We next find him engaged in farming. This he continued a little while; he then took a position as clerk in a store, which he relinquished to be his own master. He had purchased a daguerreotype outfit and for a while he made daguerreotypes, meeting with moderate success. He was then appointed Deputy Sheriff of Champaign County, and acted in this capacity until the spring of 1852, when he joined the overland train of I. R. Moores, for Portland. …(in Portland) he soon obtained employment at cutting five acres of oats, for which he was paid $25. This enabled him to remain unemployed for a time while he looked around. Meeting an old friend in Oregon City, he obtained through him an introduction to Captain L. White, of the steamer Shoalwater, who gave him a permanent position which he held for five years. …Thirty-five years ago he established a photograph gallery in Portland; he continued it many years, and during his management ‘The San Francisco Gallery’ could compete with any in the Northwest. In 1865 he was elected Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, and was re-elected in 1866. In 1874 he was made Grand Representative of the I. O. O. F., and went with that order to Atlanta, Ga. In 1880 he was elected Sheriff of Multnomah County, and filled the requirements of this office for two years in an efficient manner…”
Hines, Harvey, An Illustrated History of The State Of Oregon, Chicago; Lewis Publishing Co, 1893 pg. 392-394. “Joseph Buchtel…(relates overland journey to Portland and arrival)…(Buchtel) met a man on horseback and appealed to him for work. It proved to be Colonel Backenstos. After some persuasion of an urgent nature the Colonel permitted him to cut a patch of oats with a scythe. The oats were heavy and lodged, but Mr. Buchtel, weak and unable to labor as he was, succeeded in getting the oats down and raked up in five days; and, notwithstanding the work was not worth it, the Colonel made him take $25, which relieved his need and for which he was ever afterward sincerely grateful. Later he had the pleasure of substantially aiding the family of his benefactor.
Next he cut wood and loaded vessels with lumber, and still later obtained a position on a boat, the Shoalwater, he worked five winters on the Willamette river, but followed the daguerreotype business during the intervening summer seasons. For this he had purchased an outfit in 1853, started the business in the Canton house, and he afterward followed it in Portland for thirty-five years. In all the great improvements made in the photographic art since that time Mr. Buchtel was the pioneer artist in Portland…
Mr. Buchtel was elected Sheriff of Multnomah county, Oregon, June, 1882, and served in that capacity for two years.
Land Of The Multnomahs, Portland; Binford & Mort, 1973, pg. 160 good overview of Buchtel’s involvement in early baseball, pg. 185-192 relates Morrison Bridge development by Buchtel.
Andrews, Ralph W., Picture Gallery Pioneers, New York; Bonanza 1964, pg. 101-103 brief biography and pictures.
Oregon Native Son, Vol. 2, May 1900 – April 1901, pg. 328 reproduces 1854 bird’s-eye view of Portland “Buchtel, Photo. Portland, Oregon 1854. View from Front and Washington Streets.”
Hines, Harvey, An Illustrated History of The State Of Oregon, Chicago; Lewis Publishing Co, 1893 pg. 736-737 (James G. Crawford biography) “In the spring of 1870 he went to Portland, and in the gallery of Joseph Buchtel, one of the pioneer photographers of the State, was employed until the fall of 1871.”
The Oregonian Souvenir, Portland; The Oregonian, 1892, pg. 22. (discussing 1854 Portland daguerreotype) “This view was engraved from a daguerreotype taken by Joseph Buchtel, the veteran photographer of Portland. The picture was taken from a window of the old Canton House, afterwards known as the American Exchange located on the east side of Front street, corner of Washington. This single view covered practically all there was of Portland in 1854…”
Buchtel, Joseph, Letter to Mrs. C. H. Dye, dated 12 January 1899, responding to inquiry regarding old photos, “I am sorry I cannot furnish you with information and pictures you request. I sold my gallery some years ago – with thousands of valueable (sic) negatives carefully preserved – the first thing the purchaser done was to destroy them…” OHS MSS 1089, Dye, Eva Emery.
Buchtel, Joseph, Diary, dated 1 May 1851 – 21 July 1851. primarily discusses the daily weather, personal moods, and his tasks as a tailor. No mention of photography.
Up The Columbia, (Portland; C. H. Crocker, 1902) unpaginated, photo: The Old Block House. Photo by Jos. Buchtel, taken in 1860″
Rinhart, Floyd and Marion, The American Daguerreotype. Athens; University of Georgia Press 1981. brief biography of Buchtel pg. 384.
Patents Issued to Buchtel
151,750 Improvement in Electric Signal Fire Hose June 9, 1874
619,934 Wooden-Block Pavements 21 February 1899
578,716 Telegraph Firehose 16 March 1897
211,833 Improvement in Electric Signal Firehose 4 February 1879
572,469 Cigar Tray 1 December 1896
621,216 Mining Cassion 14 March 1899
568,659 Spray Nozzle 29 September 1896
unknown photographic plate holder before 1874.
Receipts and Business Records from Buchtel
* indicates receipt names Buchtel. All others are Buchtel & Cardwell.
1859 March 29 * Wm. Shew, S. F., solar camera $150.00, and supplies
1859 April 1 * R. H. Vance, S. F. extra 1/2 camera $70.00, and supplies
1860 April 7 Wm. Shew, S. F., collodian and supplies
1860 May 24 R. H. Vance, S. F., cases and paints
1860 August 7 R. H. McDonald, Sacramento – supplies and flasks
1860 September 14 A. R. Shipley & Co., Portland – frames
1860 September 24 Shipley, Portland, ambro cases, misc., book Treastie on Photography.
1860 September 24 Shipley, Portland, tintype material.
1860 September 25 Edward & Campbell, S. F., camera $210, and collodian.
1860 December 8 Edward & Campbell, S. F., solar camera $100.
1861 January 1 * Joseph H. Ladd, subscription to Humphry’s Journal
1861 March 7 J. W. Johnston. appears to be a promissory note from Buchtel & Cardwell to Johnston, and Johnston assigns his weekly advertisement to Buchtel. damaged, text missing, difficult to understand.
1861 July 3 Hurgren & Shindler, frames
1861 July 11 Shipley, Portland. case material
1861 July 31 Shew, S. F., rect.
1861 September 7 H. W. Bradley, S. F., plates
1861 September 13 H. W. Bradley, S. F., bill
1861 October 17 H. W. Bradley, S. F., chemicals, etc., offers 4 tube card camera for $100
1862 April 24 H. W. Bradley, S. F., bill
1862 May 12 H. W. Bradley, S. F., paper, plates, cases, misc.
1862 May 29 H. W. Bradley, S. F., Alblumun Paper and collodian supplies
1862 June 28 H. W. Bradley, S. F., tintype, ambrotype, card supplies
1862 July 1 Post Office, Portland. bill
1862 July 28 H. W. Bradley, S. F., bill
1862 September 8 H. W. Bradley, S. F., glass
1862 September 8 H. W. Bradley, S. F., collodian, mats, preservers
1863 April 27 H. W. Bradley, S. F., bill
1863 May 18 H. W. Bradley, S. F., bill
1863 August 26 Wm. Shew. bill
1863 September 26 Wm. Shew cases and colodian.
1864 February 2 Wm. Shew, chemicals and paper
1864 March 16 Wm. Shew, chemicals and paper
1864 April 20 Wm. Shew, bill
1864 July 26 Wm. Shew, bill
1864 May 31 Wm. Shew, plates and colodian
1864 August 18 H. W. Bradley, S. F., bill
1864 September 24 Wm. Shew stereoscope cards, 8×10 back, misc.
1873 April 21 Albert Moore, life membership National Photographic Assn.
These items are manuscript materials in Oregon Historical Society. Other receipts are in this group but are not included in this list because they do not have a legible date.