Frances Judd Catterlin
Catterlin & Hicks
Pickerill & Catterlin
Catterlin & Lussier
1885-1893 Salem
Employee Listings
Cronise, Anna Louise, photographer 1892
Directory Listings
1886 Marion County pg. 53 Salem “Pickerell (sic)& Catterlin, photographers”
1886 Pacific Coast pg. 1075 Salem “Pickerill & Catterlin (Frank A. Pickerill and F. J. Catterlin) photographers”
1886 POWI pg. 383 Salem “Pickerill & Catterlin, (Frank A. Pickerill, F Judd Catterlin) photographers, cor. State and High.”
1888 POWI pg. 477 Salem “Catterlin & Hicks (Francis J. Catterlin, Lute J. Hicks), photographers, 160 State”
1889 Salem pg. 43 “Catterlin, Francis J. (Catterlin & Lussier) res 347 Liberty”, “Catterlin & Lussier F. J. Catterlin, Wm Lussier) Photographers, 160 State” plus display ad quoted below
1889 POWI pg. 451 Salem “Catterlin, Frances J photographer, 160 State”
1891 POWI pg. 551 Salem “Catterlin, Frances J, photographer, 160 State”
1893 Salem directories not listed
1893 – 1900 PCD not listed
1901 PCD pg. 197 “Catterlin, Francis J (Catterlin & Green), res 190 Park”; “Catterlin & Green (F J Catterlin, E G Green) gen agts Occidental Oil Co 2 Cham of Com”
1902 PCD pg. 251 “Catterlin, Francis J, broker 322 Cham of Com, res 135 10th”
1903 PCD pg. 245 “Catterlin, F Judson, mining broker 405 McKay Bldg, res 235 11th”
1904 PCD pg. 273 “Catterlin, F Judson, broker, res 235 11th”
1905 PCD pg. 286 “Catterlin, F Jud, Mining Broker, 319-321 Abington Bldg, Tel Main 2488, res 235 11th”
1906 PCD pg. 287 “Catterlin, Francis J, pres Catterlin-Donahue Inv Co, res 235 11th”; “Catterlin-Donahue Investment Co, Francis J Catterlin pres, 125 Abington bldg”
1907 PCD pg. 369 “Catterlin, F Jud (F J Catterlin & Co), res 235 11th”; “Catterlin, F J & Co (F Jud Catterlin), mining 125 Abington bldg”
1909 PCD pg. 384 “Catterlin, F Jud, Pres and Sec F J Catterlin & Co, res 762 Hancock, Tel East 823”; “Catterlin F J & Co (Inc), F J Catterlin Pres and Sec…”
1910 PCD pg. 267 “Catterlin, F Jud pres F J Catterlin & Co h 762 Hancock”; “Catterlin F J & Co, F J Catterlin Pres, Stocks and Bonds, 2 Lumbermens Bldg, Tel Main 2488, A 2488”
1911 PCD pg. 331 “Catterlin, F Jud pres F J Catterlin & Co h 762 Hancock”; “Catterlin, F J & Co, F J Catterlin pres, Stocks and Bonds 2 Lumbermens Bldg, Tel Main 2488, A 2488”
1915 PCD pg. 295 “Catterlin, Francis J (Eliz) investments 304 Oak, h 762 Hanock”
1925 PCD not listed
Mautz Oregon “Catterlin & Hicks, 1895, Eugene” “Catterlin, F. J., 1885, Salem & Eugene”, “Pickerill, Frank A., & F. J. Catterlin, 1886, Salem”
Photographer’s Imprints
“Catterlin, Salem, Oregon” printed front of cabinet card, FJC monogram. tr
“Catterlin & Lussier, Salem, Oregon” printed front cabinet card, ms date Feb 27, 1891 tr
“Pickerill & Catterlin, Photographers, Salem, Oregon, negatives preserved” rubber stamped back cabinet card.
“F. J. Catterlin, Successor to Pickerill & Catterlin, Salem, Or.” printed front cabinet card tr
“Cronise & Craven, successors to Catterlin, Salem, Oregon” CDV printed front (OHS CDV study collection)
“Catterlin & Hicks, Artists, Salem, Oregon” cabinet card printed front (tr)
OVERPRINT: “Cronsie, Successor to” overprinted on “Catterlin, Salem, Oregon” with F. J. C. monogram. printed front cabinet card tr
News Items and Advertisements
1876: “From Mr. Catterlin, brother of the photograph artist of this city, who arrived here yesterday from Tillamook, we have the following strange and horrible story…” (relates death-bed confession of a robber and murderer) The Weekly Mercury, (Salem) 26 May 1876 Pg. 4 col. 2 (this refers to F. J. Catterlin relating the story and W. H. Catterlin being the photographer)
1889: “Catterlin & Lussier. Do not wait for a Bright Day, but bring your children and have them Photographed. 160 State Street, cor High, Salem, Or.”; pg. 45 “F. J. CATTERLIN, WM. LUSSIER, CATTERLIN & LUSSIER, The Leading Photographers Of Salem and Marion County. We have the very Latest Instruments and Processes for taking Instantaneous photographs. Special Attention Given to Large Work. Bring Your Babies. Prices Always Reasonable. 160 State Street, Salem, Oregon” Salem City and Marion County Directory 1889-1890, Portland; R. L. Polk & Co. 1889
1891: “COPYRIGHT. Tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock Photographer Catterlin will take a photograph of the fruit palace for the association. He has sent on the necessary papers to have his picture copyrighted, and it will be on sale at the grounds and his gallery. Remember, this will be the only authorized picture of the fruit palace.” Evening capital journal. (Salem), September 14, 1891, pg. 3, col.2.
Seyl, Susan; The Art Perfected, Portraiture From The Cronise Studio, Portland; Oregon Historical Society 1980. pg. 7-8 “Around 1892, Cronise’s sister, Anna Louise, moved from Ohio to Salem to be with her brother. She was introduced to the photography business, receiving her training in a well-known Salem photography studio founded by W. H. Catterlin and continued by Francis. J. ‘Jud’ Catterlin. Less than a year later Anna purchased this studio, located at the corner of State and High streets.” (the author has asked Ms. Seyl about the statement that F. J. continued W. H. Catterlin’s studio, and no information is available to substantiate the point. Additional research is needed since W. H. may have moved his photography equipment to Portland and F. J. may have obtained his independently. There may be a substantial period of time between the two events. It is established that F. J. learned photography from Johnson and Pikerill, not his brother.
Palmquist, Peter, unpublished research notes. Summary: Francis Judd Catterlin was born in Iowa in 1864.
Brown, Robert O., Nineteenth Century Portland, Oregon Photographers: A Collector’s Handbook (author; Portland, 1991) pg. 56
Goodman, Theodosia, “Early Oregon Daguerreotypers and Portrait Photographers”, Oregon Historical Quarterly, (Portland; Oregon Historical Society) Vol. 49, No. 1, March, 1948, pg. 44
Hines, Harvey, An Illustrated History of The State Of Oregon, Chicago; Lewis Publishing Co, 1893 pg. 558-559 “F. J. Catterlin, the leading representative in the photographic art at Salem, Oregon, is a native of the State of Iowa, born in Madison county, in 1864. His father, Solomon Catterlin, was a native of Indiana. In 1875 he emigrated with his family to Salem, Oregon, and is still a resident of that city, engaged in the real-estate business. In November, 1884, he began the study of photography with W. P. Johnson, and after three months opened a gallery, placing in charge a skilled professional from Minneapolis, Minnesota, from he learned the most approved methods of the art. After one year of instruction and practice he took the helm, and has steered his business prosperously and successfully. He does a large business in outdoor work, making a specialty of mountain scenery. His best efforts, however, find expression in portrait work which is finished in most perfect style, and in which he has won an excellent reputation.
Mr. Catterlin was united in marriage at Salem, in 1885, to Miss Lizzie Ryder, a native of Iowa; they are the parents of two children.
In the Methodist Episcopal Church our worthy subject has a membership, and he is also an officer of the society. He belongs to no secret orders. He has acquired a considerable amount of city and country property, but devotes his time and energies to the care of his business, which as come to be recognized as one of the leading industries of a progressive city.” (The author suspects this biography as being less than the whole story. It does not mention W. H. Catterlin, nor that the Minneapolis photographer was a partnership – Pickerill & Catterlin. Catterlin & Hicks is also nowhere mentioned)