Cheney, Edith C. (Oregon City, not McMinnville)
1896-1905 Oregon City
Directory Listings
1896 PCD pg. 688 Oregon City “Cheney Eston S, Photographer, w s Main 4 n 8th, bds same” plus ad “First Class Work Only. Cheney’s Art Gallery, Oregon City, Oregon”
1897 PCD pg. 674 Oregon City “Cheney Eston S, Photographer, w s Main 2 s 9th, bds same” plus ad “First Class Work Only. Cheney’s Art Gallery, Oregon City, Oregon”
1901 POWA pg. 252 Oregon City “Cheney, Eston S The Leading Photographer” (also Cheney, Arden W, propr Oregon City Courier Herald)
1904 PCD pg. 1005 Oregon City “Cheney, Edith C., photog 914 Main, bds same, photog”
1905 POW pg. 330 Oregon City “Cheney, Edith C photgr”
Photographer’s Imprints
“Cheney, Oregon City, Ore.” rubber stamp on back of small card mount
“Cheney’s Art Gallery, corner Ninth & Main Streets, Oregon City, Oregon.” rubber stamp on back of small card mount
“Cheney, Oregon City, Oregon” printed front cabinet card, subject is Maurice Myers, ms date 1898.
“Cheney’s Art Gallery, Oregon City, Oregon. Views Of Oregon” printed front cabinet card, view of loggers. (APG cat. 83, item 22)
News Items and Advertisements
1899: Cheney, Oregon City, Oregon. Leading Photographer Makes The Latest Style Photos, Photo Buttons, Crayon Portraits, Etc., The Best are the Cheapest.” Oregon City courier=herald, May 26, 1899, pg. 3
1902: “For fine Photos call on Snodgrass, successor to Cheney…” Oregon City Enterprise, 25 April 1902, pg. 3, col. 2.
1904: “Miss Edith Cheney. The desire to preserve the pictured semblance of loved ones and familiar scenes is as natural as life, and the people of Oregon City now enjoy special facilities in this line by reason of the recent location here of Miss Edith Cheney. This lady stands among the leaders in her chosen profession, and is fully equipped with a first class gallery. She is a lady with marked artistic taste and is prepared to do any and all kinds of work pertaining to the art of photography. While her work leaves nothing to be desired, it must not be supposed that her prices are high, for on the contrary they are most reasonable.” Oregon City Enterprise, 24 June 1904, pg. 6, col. 4.