Cook, H. M.
1909 Pendleton
1913 John Day
Directory Listings
1913 POW pg. 1950 photographers “Cook, H. M., John Day O”
News Items and Advertisements
1909: (classified ads) “WANTED TO BUY a good view outfit, 5×7 to 8×10, with good anastigmat lens. State explicitly what you have. H. M. Cook, 1010 W. Railroad St., Pendleton, Ore.” Camera Craft, Vol. XVI, No. 3, March 1909.
1910: “Last Chance For Studio Pictures. This is my last month in Bend, so call early if you want pictures taken. H. M. Cook.” The Bend bulletin, February 02, 1910, pg. 8. col.1-2. repeated February 16 repeated to Feb. 23.
1910: “Photographer Cook announces that next Sunday will be the last Sunday that cabinet work can be secured at his studio. Remember the date, Sunday, Feb. 27th.” The Bend bulletin, February 23, 1910, pg. 3, col. 3.
1910: “H. M. Cook, Photographer, Now at Prineville. Don’t forget that he is always ready to give prompt attention to orders from Bend people.” The Bend bulletin, March 9, 1910, pg. 10, col. 4. first insertion of repeating ad to May 18
1910: “H. M. Cook. Main Street Studio. Artistic portraiture and photographic work of all kinds. Developing and finishing for amateurs. Reasonable prices and quick delivery. Paper flowers true to nature for sale. Open Sundays.” Crook County Journal. (Prineville), March 17, 1910, pg. 3, col.6-7.