Coovert, Mr.
1878 McMinnville
News Items and Advertisements
1878: “FIRE AT McMINNVILLE. (From the Yamhill Reporter) About two o’clock this morning the fire bell…<account of citizens attempting to contain the blaze> By keeping the buildings across the two streets to the north and the west well drenched, it was very evident that they could be saved and the fire confined to the group of four buildings which stood so closely together that no human power could have prevented a common fate for them. And so the large corner store was left to its doom, while the crowd bent their energies towards saving other property and rescuing goods from burning building. By the time it fel- <type compositor left out a line in the typesetting of this newspaper> Landgraf’s jewelry store and Mrs. Hallpenny’s building, which was occupied by Mr. Coovert as a photograph gallery, came down… Mr. Landgraf succeeded in removing the most of his goods as also did Mr. Coovert…” Oregonian, 26 October 1878, pg. 3, col. 1.