Luther Cowherd (Madras)
1910-1913 Madras
Directory Listings
1913 POW pg. 1948 photographers “Cowherd, Luther, Madras O”
News Items
1908: A. W. Culp, W. E. Parrish, C. V. Wilson, J. W. Hurt and Luther Cowherd spent yesterday in the Lamonta country, completing the work of staking out their oil claims.” The Madras pioneer, June 25, 1908, pg. 5, col. 3.
1910: “Fire Company is Organized … those who have already agreed to become members are named below: Luther Cowherd …” The Madras pioneer, July 21, 1910, pg. 4, col. 1.
1910: “Luther Cowherd and E. N. Fairchild left Monday enroute to Portland. They have formed a partnership in the photograph business and intend to stop along the way and make photos for ranchers and others.” The Madras pioneer, September 22, 1910, pg. 5, col. 2.
1911: “Ora Van Tassel left for Portland Saturday morning where he expects to remain for some time, looking after the interests of the Vanora Townsite Co., of which he is secretary and treasurer. While absent, the business of the Van Tassel Land Co., will be looked after by Luther Cowherd.”The Madras pioneer, February 02, 1911, pg. 7, col. 2.
1912: “While attempting to take a picture in the Shamrock Bar last week, a flashlight powder exploded in the face of Luther Cowherd, burning him badly about the eyes and face. Fortunately his eyesight was not injured. His wounds were dressed by doctors Halo an Gale (sic).” The Madras pioneer, May 16, 1912, Pg. 6, col. 2.