Crawford, James G. (1850-1929)
Crawford & Littler
Crawford Bros.
Crawford & Paxton
Crawford & Hutchins
1868-1869 Albany
1869 Eugene
1869-1870 Lebanon
1870-1871 Portland
1871-1880 Harisburg
1880-1885 Portland and McMinnville
1886-1925 Albany
Lebanon (Crawford & Hutchins)
list of numbered stereo views
5 Seal Rocks, Resort . Crawford, the Photographer Albany
6 Seal Rocks, Resort . Crawford, the Photographer Albany
7 Elephant Rock, Seal Rock. . Crawford, the Photographer Albany
11 Ladie’s Train Rock, Foulweather. Crawford, the Photographer Albany
20 Crevasse on Glacier, Mt. Hood CRAWFORD BROS ARTISTS, ALBANY
23 Mitchell’s Point, Columbia River CRAWFORD BROS ARTISTS, ALBANY
30 Tunnel number 3, east end Columbia River CRAWFORD BROS ARTISTS,
68 The Needles, near Bridal Veil, Crawford & Paxton, Albnay
78 Warren & Co Fish Scow at Tooth Bridge
82 Rooster Rock Columbia river Crawford & Paxton, Albany
SECOND SERIES- J. G. Crawford’s Oregon Scenery
36 Bluffs on the Pacific Ocean
65 Cascade Falls near Lauterell (sic) Crawford & Paxton, Albnay
74 Warrendale Falls, Columbia River (actually Latourell Falls) Crawford & Paxton, Albnay
78 Warren & Co Fish Scow at Tooth Bridge
131 Alcove Point & Cape Foulweather
132 Heceta Light J. G. Crawford, Albany, Oregon
229 Frogg Rock Blowout Mountain, Crawford & Paxton, Albnay
251 Morrison St. Bridge, Portland Flood of 91 (Crawford & Paxton, Albany, Oregon)
1 Albany, Oregon
2 Albany, Oregon
3 Albany, Oregon
4 Court House, Salem
5 Clarendon Hotel, Portland
6 Wilamett (sic) Falls, Ogn. City.
7 Wilamett (sic) Falls, Ogn. City.
8 Wilamett (sic) Falls, Ogn. City.
9 Wilamett (sic) Falls, Ogn. City.
10 Wilamett (sic) Falls, Ogn. City.
11 Wilamett (sic) Falls, Ogn. City.
12 Wilamett (sic) Falls, Ogn. City.
13 Wilamett (sic) Falls, Ogn. City.
14 Oregon City
15 Oregon City
16 Oregon City
17 Dalles, Oregon
18 Dalles, Oregon
19 Vancouver, W. T.
20 Vancouver, W. T.
21 Cape Horn, Columbia River
22 Castle Rock, Columbia River
23 Shellrock Trail, Columbia River
24 Wind Mountain, Columbia River
25 Rooster Rock, Columbia River
26 White Salmon, Columbia River
27 Upper Cascades, Columbia River
28 Upper Cascades, Columbia River
29 Upper Cascades, Columbia River
30 Block House, Columbia River
31 Lower Cascades, Columbia River
32 Mosier Falls, Columbia River
33 Mosier Falls, Columbia River
34 Horsetail Falls, Columbia River
35 Pacific Ocean at Salmon River
36 Pacific Ocean at Salmon River
37 Pacific Ocean at Salmon River
38 O. & C. R. R., bridge, Hbg. (Harrisburg)
39 Oregon Vegetables
40 Junction City, Oregon
41 Soda Springs Sodaville
42 Soda Springs, Waterloo
43 Soda Springs, Waterloo
44 Harrisburg, Ogn.
Boudoir size views
49 O. P. R. R. Bridge, from Farmers Warehouse.
88 U. S. Lighthouse, Foulweather
137 Cape Horn and Steamer Landing
178 Willamette Falls, from Upper End of Locks
Directory Listings
1867 West Coast not listed
1878 Pacific pg. 212 Harrisburg “Crawford, J. G. photographer”
1881 Ore pg. 556 Harrisburg “Crawford, J. G., photographer” plus advertisement
1884 POWI pg. 167 Harrisburgh “Crawford, James G., photographer”, pg. 200 McMinnville “Crawford, James G., photographer”
1885 PCD pg. 161 “Crawford, James G., photographer, I G Davidson, res 154 Salmon.”
1886 Pacific Coast: Oregon, Albany pg. 979 “Crawford, J. G., photographer”, “Crawford’s Art Gallery, views of the the Pacific Northwest a specialty, send for catalogue”
1886 POWI pg. 70 Albany “Crawford Bros. (James G. Crawford, Orville Crawford), photographers” plus display ad quoted below.
1888 POWI pg. 86 Albany “Crawford, James G., photographer”
1889 POWI Albany “Crawford & Paxton” (Multnomah library copy – city directory page missing)
1891 POWI pg. 147 Albany “Crawford & Paxton (Jas G. Crawford, Andrew B. Paxton), photographers”
1901 POWA pg. 104 Albany “Crawford, James G photographer”
1903 POW pg. 104 Albany “Crawford, James G photogr”
1905 POW pg. 104 Albany “Crawford, James G photogr”
1907 POW pg. 104 Albany “Crawford, James G photogr”
(please note- it is correct that all four of the above entries are on page 104 of each book, this is not an error)
1909 POW pg. 52 Albany “Crawford, James G photogr”
1910 Or. pg. 267 Albany photographers “Crawford, J. G., State Bank Bldg.”
1911 POW pg. 51 Albany “Crawford, Jas G photographer”
1913 POW pg. 154 Albany “Crawford, Jas. G. photographer and curios 207 W 1st”
1915 POW pg. 123 Albany “Crawford, Jas. G. curios”
1917 POW pg. 99 Albany “Crawford, Jas. G. curios”
1925 POW pg. 170 Albany “Crawford, Jas G photog 207 W 1st”
Mautz Oregon “Crawford, J. G., 1875-1880, Harrisburg & Albany”, “Crawford & Paxton, 1885, Albany”
Photographer’s Imprints
“Wiley B. Allen, Music Publisher, 153 Third St., Portland., Sole Agent for Crawford’s stereoscopic views of Oregon Scenery and Celebrities” Crawford stereo card with imprinted back.
“Crawford & Paxton Photos, 72 First St., Briggs Building, Albany, Oregon.” cabinet printed front
“Crawford, Albany Oregon” printed front cabinet card, ms date 1889.
“J. G. Crawford’s Oregon Scenery. No. 26 Smith Street, Linn County, Oregon. Photographic Views of Oregon, Washington Territory, Pacific Ocean generally – embracing Columbia river, Willamette river, Pacific Coast at Salmon river, Salem, Albany, Oregon City, Santiam river etc. Send for Catalogue.” printed front stereo card.
“J. G. Crawford, Albany, Oreg.” blind stamp on mount, 2- 4 1/2″ x 6 1/2″ prints mounted horizontally as a panoramic pair on 7 1/2″ x 16″ mount (OHS)
“Crawford, Ground Floor, Cor 2nd and Lyon Streets, Albany, Oregon” printed on front of 7″ x 9″ mount, 4 1/2″ x 6 1/2″ home portrait of Oak Creek residence (OHS)
“Crawford & Littler, The leading Photographers, Albany, Oregon. …” cabinet card, imprinted front and back, ms date “taken Feb 18, 1889”
“Crawford & Hutchins, Lebanon, Ogn.” cabinet card, printed front, late style, possibly after 1905 “Crawford & Hutchins, Photographers, Lebanon, Oregon” rubber stamp on portrait back.
Boudoir views are noted which have Crawford’s imprint crossed out and “Harnish” appended in ink. (WCM)
News Items and Advertisements
1869: James G. Crawford advertises that he has opened a gallery in J. A. Winters rooms in Eugene. Eugene Guard, April 1869 (Winter had moved into A. B. Paxton’s gallery in Albany not long before) (courtesy Eric Gustafson)
1877: “Jas. Crawford, Harrisburg’s shadow-catcher, was down visiting his father’s family during the first of the week.” State Rights Democrat, (Albany) 17 August 1877 pg. 3 col. 2
1877: (account of correspondents trip to Harrisburg, and old friends they encountered) …”Jimmy Crawford…” State Rights Democrat, (Albany) 14 September 1877 pg. 3 col. 3
1877: “Fine Pictures. We received this week several fine photographic views of Oregon scenery from Mr. J. G. Crawford, artist at Harrisburg, also a miniature pamphlet containing suggestions to his patrons and the patrons of the art generally. Mr. C. has made Oregon landscapes and scenery a speciality, and has a large number of pictures on hand which he offers at prices so low that everybody can adorn their houses with really fine pictures.” Eugene City Guard, 20 October 1877
1877: “Fine Views – A few days ago we received several stereo-scopic views from the gallery of J. G. Crawford, at Harrisburg, which are very interesting to us. They were taken at different points in the large hop yard belonging to the Lee brothers, at Lancaster, Lane county, and to one who has never had an opportunity of seeing a large hop field these views will prove valuable. Crawford’s views of Oregon scenery are acquiring quite a reputation, and he is selling a great many. Any one who wishes to add to their stock of stereoscopic views will find it to their advantage to write to him at Harrisburg.” State Rights Democrat, (Albany) 26 October 1877 pg. 3 col. 2
1877: “J. G. Crawford, the Photographer of Harrisburg, sent to this office last week some very fine photos, comprising two of Messrs. Lee Bros hop yard at Lancaster, in this county. They are natural as life, and we do not hesitate to say that Mr. Crawford is an artist of rare ability.” Oregon State Journal, (Eugene) 27 October 1877
1877: “Mr. J. G. Crawford, of Harrisburg, has our thanks for a number of fine stereoscopic views of Oregon and Washington Territory scenery. Mr. C. came up for the purpose of taking a picture of the State University and its surroundings, but in consequence of the unfavorable weather had to postpone it. He left a large number of fine pictures at Crain’s jewelry store for sale.” Eugene City Guard, 22 December 1877
1878: “Mr. Crawford, a Harrisburg photographer, has been taking views of our new district school house this week.” Eugene City Guard, 16 November 1878
1881: “photography is carried on more perfectly here than in other places of it’s size. In stereoscopic views J. G. Crawford is a great success” 1881 Oregon State Directory, Portland; Gill, 1881 pg. 555
1886: “Crawford Bros. Views of the Pacific Northwest. The finest in the West, Embracing Columbia River, Mt. Hood, Pacific Coast and Landscape Views, Generally in three sizes, Imperial, Boudoir, and Stereoscopic. Send for Catalogues. Albany, Oregon” Polk, R. L. & Co., Oregon, Washington, and Idaho Gazetteer 1886-7, Portland: R. L. Polk 1886 pg. 71.
1888: “J.G. Crawford returned home from Harrisburg To-day, where he has been taking pictures for a couple weeks.” Albany States-Rights Democrat(Albany OR) 03 August 1888, pg. 3, col. 6.
1888: “Mr. J.W. Littler, recently of Florida, who has been prospecting here for several weeks, has purchased Mr. A.B. Paxton’s interest in the photograph business here, and hereafter the firm will be Crawford and Littler. Mr. Paxton will remain in the city this summer at least.” Albany States-Rights Democrat(Albany OR) 03 August 1888, pg. 4, col. 6.
1888: “Crawford and Littler left a few days ago for Mt. Hood, which they will ascend and photograph.” Albany States-Rights Democrat(Albany OR) 17 August 1888, pg. 3, col. 6.
1888: “Mt. Hood – Messrs. Crawford and Littler the photographers returned home last Tuesday from an eventful trip up Mt. Hood, the pride of the Northwest. Both were elated with their experiences. Mr. Littler, who came from sunny Florida particularly so. They ascended the mountain 11,500 feet, and took ninety-nine views while gone, some of which will be very fine. Among other trophies of their trip they brought back the jaw-bone of some strange beast, found at the snow-line, and some sulphur (sic) from the crater. They could have gone to the top, but were ready to return home so gave it up. Mr. Henry Conner, of Portland arrived in Albany on the same train on a visit. He is also just back from a trip to Mt. Hood, which with five other young men of Portland he ascended to the very apex. It was some sulphur (sic) which he plucked from the crater that Mr. Crawford displayed to a Democrat man. The atmosphere on the mountain is fine, and the tip is one it will pay any one to make.” Albany States-Rights Democrat(Albany OR) 24 August 1888, pg. 3, col. 2.
1890: “Crawford & Paxton, The Leading PHOTOGRAPHERS ALBANY, OREGON. We have bought all the negatives made by L. W. Clark and Greenwood (ed. note- these were two separate outfits, Clark did not have a partnership with Greenwood) up to date (Nov 15, 1889). Duplicates can be had from them only of us, at reduced rates. We also have about 1800 negatives made by ourselves, from which duplicates can be had at like rates. We carry the only full line of view of the state, and do enlarged work at lowest rates for first-class work. We shall be pleased to see you at our studio in Froman’s block, next door to the Masonic Temple” Morning Daily Herald (Albany) 10 Jan 1890 pg.3 col 5-6, (ad ran through at least 26 March)
1891: “J. G. Crawford went to Newport yesterday for a few days. He will take views of the bay” Morning Daily News, (Albany) 14 Aug 1891 pg. 4 col. 1.
1898: “T.L. Dugger was in Lebanon Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dugger are now stooping (sic) in Corvallis, taking care of Mrs. Duggers’ mother, Mrs. Crawford, who is seriously ill.” Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR), 1 July 1898, pg. 3, col. ?
1898: “The Misses Crawford and Hutchins have taken charge of Mr. Boyd’s gallery and are now ready to do all kinds of photo werk(sic). We especially call your attention to our new Platino Photos, which are the latest out.” Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR), 8 July 1898, pg. 3, col. 2.
1898: “Mrs. J.G. Reed conducted the funeral of Mrs. D. Crawford, in Albany this forenoon.” Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR), 15 July 1898, pg. 2, col. ?
1898: “Miss Lillian Crawford went to Albany yesterday morning upon hearing of the death of her grandmother.” Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR) 15 July 1898, pg. 3, col. 1.
1898: ” Misses Crawford and Hutchins, the two Albany young ladies who have taken charge of Mr. Boyd’s gallery, are doing a good business and turning out some exceedingly fine work.” Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR) 15 July 1898, pg. 3, col. 2.
1898: “DEATH OF MRS. CRAWFORD” – article quoted from “Thursday’s Democrat”. Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR) 15 July 1898, pg. 3, col. 3.
1898: “J.G. Crawford, the well-known photographer, has disposed of his interest in his finely equipped gallery in Albany to his partner C.S. Harnish. Mr. Crawford is in Lebanon for a few days assisting Misses Crawford and Hutchins.” Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR) 22 July 1898, pg. 2, col. 2.
1898: “Miss Lillian Crawford and Miss Hutchins, who have opened a photo gallery in Lebanon, are gaining the reputation of doing excellent work. ‘Herald’. ” Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR) 22 July 1898, pg. 3, col. 2.
1898: “Prof. Helen Crawford, of the O.A.C., is visiting relatives and friends in Lebanon.” Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR) 29 July 1898, pg. 3, col. 1.
1898: “Dr. Foley has sold the old photograph gallery and house on Main Street to John Mayer. Mr. Mayer will tear down the old buildings and erect a new dwelling on the property.” Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR) 05 August 1898, pg. 3, col. 2.
1898: (continued) “‘You’ll regret it if you let the days go by without getting those photographs taken which you have in mind. Time brings changes. Think what may happen. We give great care to obtain the most becoming to the subject. We have been particularly successful with children’s pictures’. Crawford and Hutchins.” Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR) 05 August 1898, pg. 3, col. 2.
1898: “Photographer J.G. Crawford returned from the bay Tuesday loaded down with the finest views to be had. While there he captured a devil fish and found several agates.”‘Herald’. Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR) 12 August 1898, pg. 3, col. 2.
1898: “Miss Crawford was in Albany from Saturday until Tuesday.” Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR) 12 August 1898, pg. 3, col. 1.
1898: “Photographer Crawford is again in Lebanon, assisting Misses Crawford and Hutchins.” Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR) 12 August 1898, pg. 3, col. 1.
1898: “On account of being sick, Miss Crawford is staying at her home in Albany for awhile.” Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR) 19 August 1898, pg. 3, col. 1.
1898: “Miss Hutchins is spending a few days at her home near Fry Station.” Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR) 26 August 1898, pg. 3, col. 1.
1898: Crawford and Hutchins ad (as Aug. 5).Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR) 26 August 1898, pg. 3, col. 2.
1898: “J.G. Crawford will soon open a photograph gallery in Albany.” Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR) 02 September 1898, pg. 2, col. 1.
1898: “‘We wish to say to our friends and patrons that we will be in Lebanon only three weeks more, our lease of the gallery expiring the last of this month. Please call and have your pictures made before it is too late for us to finish them for you.’ Crawford and Hutchins.” Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR) 09 September 1898, pg. 3, col. 2.
1898: “‘When distance separates beloved friends and relatives it is a consolation to always have their portraits. While they are here, let us take their photos. We make beautiful, permanent pictures that always please. Children’s’ pictures a specialty’. Crawford and Hutchins.” Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR) 16 September 1898, pg. 2, col. 2.
1898: Repeat of Sept. 9 ad with correction to “two weeks”. Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR) 16 September 1898, pg. 3, col. 2.
1898: “Photographer Crawford went to Oregon City the first of the week to take a picture of the Hoag.” Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR) 23 September 1898, pg. 2, col. 1.
1898: Repeat of Sept. 9 ad with correction to “one week”. Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR) 23 September 1898, pg. 3, col. 2.
1898: “Misses Crawford and Hutchins, who have been running H.J. Boyd’s photograph gallery for the past three months, leave today for their home in Albany. They are fine young ladies, and besides doing first-class photograph work, they have made many friends in our city. Mr. Boyd will hereafter have charge of the gallery.” Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR) 23 September 1898, pg. 3, col. 3.
1898: “J.G. Crawford opened his new photograph gallery in Albany yesterday. It is located on Second Street.” Lebanon Express-Advance(Lebanon OR) 07 October 1898, pg. 2, col. 1.
1929: obituary in Albany Democrat, 4 or 5 January 1929.
Photographer’s Association of the Pacific Northwest, Programme of Seventh Annual Convention, September 3rd – 6th, 1907, Seattle; n.p. 1907. (unpaginated) “Members Photographic Association of the Pacific Northwest 1907…Crawford, J. G.—Albany, Ore…”
Goodman, Theodosia, “Early Oregon Daguerreotypers and Portrait Photographers,” Oregon Historical Quarterly, (Portland; Oregon Historical Society) Vol. 49, No. 1, March 1948, pg. 44-45.
Stanard, Everett Earle, “Work Of Pioneer Indian Mound Excavator Praised”, unidentified newspaper clipping, Oregon Historical Society scrapbook 260, pg. 34. Summary: Crawford was an amateur archaeological researcher. He explored Indian mounds and graves. Prior to 1880, when Crawford moved to Harrisburgh, he explored mounds in the Brownsville-Albany area. His findings are held by a local museum. He personally excavated 30-50 mounds.
“Carriage Day Cameramen,” Oregon Journal 26 June 1949, magazine pg. 9.
Hines, Harvey, An Illustrated History of The State Of Oregon, Chicago; Lewis Publishing Co, 1893 pg. 736-737 “JAMES G. CRAWFORD, photographic artist, Albany, Oregon was born in Hancock county, Illinois, in 1850.
His father, Dr. G. F. Crawford…in the spring of 1852 he started with his wife and two children for Oregon. His outfit consisted of two wagons, six yoke of oxen, and five yoke of cows. Emigration was large that year, and the Indians gave them little trouble. Continuing by the usual Oregon trail and crossing the Cascade mountains by the Barlow route, they landed at Foster’s late in September, 1852. Dr. Crawford proceeded from there to Albany Prairie, and located on 320 acres of land, five miles west of Lebanon. There he commenced farming and continued to reside until 1873, when he bought property on the corner of Fifth and Ellsworth streets (where he now resides), and moved to town to educate his children. He conducted his farming operations, however, until 1885, when he retired and his sons took charge of the farm. Dr. and Mrs. Crawford have five children, viz: Georgiana, wife of T. L. Dugger, proprietor of the Scio Press; James G., whose name heads this article; William W., Orville, and Helen. The Doctor has served two terms in the State Legislature. In 1873 he was an important factor in organizing the Albany Farmer’s Company, and is still a member of its Board of Directors.
James G. has only a brief recollection of crossing the plains. His early education was obtained in the district schools, and was supplemented by a three years’ course at the Lebanon Academy. In 1868 he began learning the art of photography, in the gallery of A. B. Paxton, of Albany, and was with him and his successor, J. A. Winter, seven months. He then went to Eugene, and opened a gallery, which in 1869, he removed to Lebanon. In the spring of 1870 he went to Portland, and in the gallery of Joseph Buchtel, one of the pioneer photographers of the State, was employed until the fall of 1871. From that time until 1883 he conducted a gallery in Harrisburg. In order to get the benefit of new ideas, and to further perfect himself in his chosen art, he went to Portland, and was employed in the gallery of I. G. Davidson until 1885. Returning to Albany, that year, in partnership with his brother Orville, he purchased the gallery of A. B. Paxton, and under the firm name of Crawford Brothers did business until May, 1888, when he purchased his brother’s interest. His present partnership was formed in 1889. The firm does an extensive and general business, making a specialty of Oregon views, and having agencies in Portland and San Francisco.
Mr. Crawford was married, in Lebanon, in 1871, to Miss Clara McDonald, daughter of J. N. McDonald, daughter of J. N. McDonald, a pioneer of 1852. They have had seven children, six of whom are living, viz: Carey, Lillian, Bert, Harry, Jerald and Hazle. Mr. Crawford has just completed a pleasant home on the corner of Oak and Willamette streets, where he resides with his family.”
Lockley, Fred: “The Story of Albany’s Pioneer Photographer”, Albany Democrat, 6 July 1924 “J. G. Crawford of Albany probably holds the record for Oregon for length of service as a photographer. He has been taking pictures for more than 56 years. Not only is he a photographer, he is also a scientist and is deeply versed in ethnology, paleontology, geology and minerology. I spent a recent evening with Mr. Crawford in his gallery at Albany.
‘I was christened James Gilmore Crawford, Gilmore being my mother’s maiden name,’ said Mr. Crawford. ‘I was born on February 21, 1850, in Hancock county, Illinois, and was one of nine children. My father, Dr. George F. Crawford, was born in Vermont. My mother, Mary Ellen Gilmore was a native of Kentucky. My father had trouble with his lungs, and the doctors thought he would not last long, so they advised a change of climate. He started across the plains for Oregon in 1852. Living in the open, as he did for six months, completely cured him, and he arrived in Oregon with robust health. He bought a squatter’s right from Mr. Brock, nine miles from Albany and to the west of Lebanon…
In 1868, when I was 18, I went to work for A. B. Paxton, the photographer, here in Albany. In the spring of 1869 I moved to Eugene and started a photograph gallery of my own. I had rather hard sledding in Eugene, for there were a lot of things the pioneers thought they needed more than photographs, and in 1869 Eugene City was a rather small place. That fall I moved my gallery to Lebanon. By the next spring I had taken photographs of all the people in Lebanon who felt like spending the money for pictures, so I moved to Portland in the spring of 1870 and went to work for Joe Buchtel and Dr. J. R. Cardwell, who were partners in a photograph gallery. My fellow-worker was Carl Bosco, who later became a famous magician and sleight-of-hand performer. If those old negatives are still in existence you will find that we took pictures of Joe Meek, and most of the well known pioneers of that day.
‘On September 10, 1871, I was married to Clara D. MacDonald, whose father came to Oregon before the discovery of gold in California. Shortly after our marriage we moved to Harrisburg, where I ran a gallery till 1880… In 1889 we moved back to Portland and I worked a couple of years for I. G. Davidson. In the winters I worked in the Portland gallery, and during the summers I ran his branch gallery in McMinnville. I started my gallery here in Albany 40 years ago. During the time I have been here the other photograph gallery had 23 different owners.
‘When I was at Harrisburg I commenced what has proved to be my life work-the collecting and classifying of the relics of the Indians and Mound Builders. When I came to Albany I sent back to Washington, D. C., and procured reports of the Smithsonian Institution, and also purchased a good-sized library on ethonology and paleontology. I put in all my spare time studying about primitive man. I discovered that between here and Brownsville there are at least 35 mounds built by some race that inhabited the Willamette valley many centuries ago. There are at least 75 of these mounds in Linn county… (5 more paragraphs about his scientific investigations and interests).” (courtesy Eric Gustafson)
Culp, Edwin D., Stations West; The Story of the Oregon Railways, (Caldwell;Caxton 1972) photo of Crawford & Paxton studio exterior reproduced pg. 227.