Cronise, Thomas J. ( -1927)
Cronise, Anna Louise
Trover-Cronise Studio
Cronise & Cronise
1902-1923 Salem
Directory Listings
1886 Marion Cty pg. 56 “Cronise, T. J., printer”
1889 Salem pg. 48 “Cronise, Thomas J., Book and Job printer 321 Commercial, res w s Front s w cor North, N Salem” plus ad quoted below.
1891 Salem pg. 54 “Cronise, Thomas J. Job Printer 3212 1/2 Commercial, res Front, s w cor Academy, Riverside add.” plus display ad
1893 Polk Salem pg. 55 “Cronise & Cook (Thomas J. Cronise, Gaylord W. Cooke) Job Printers, 323 Commercial”, “Cronise & Cronise (Thomas J. and Anna L.), Photographers, 160 State” plus display ad quoted below.
1893 OB Salem pg. 73 “Cronice (sic), Anna, photographer, cor High and State, bds Wm Harris, rms State Ins building” plus display ad quoted below., “Cronice (sic), Thomas J. (Cronice (sic) & Coake) res n s of Union 2 e of Commercial.”, “Cronice (sic) & Cooke (Thomas J. Cronice (sic) and Gaylord W. Cooke, job printers, 923 Commercial”
1903 POW pg. 406 Salem “Cronise, Tom, Photo Studio, The, Thomas J Cronise propr, 227 Commercial over Dairymples Store” + display ad pg. 406
1907 POW pg. 544 Salem “Cronise, Thomas J photographer 193 N Commercial”
1909 POW pg. 482 Salem “Trover-Cronise Studio, H D Trover prop, Eldridge Bldg”
1910 Or pg. 292 Salem Photographers “Cronise, Tom J., Bush & Breyman Bldg.”
1911 POW pg. 469 Salem “Cronise, Thomas J., photographer, 193 N Commercial.”
1911 Salem pg. 88 “Cronise, Thomas J photogr Bush-Bray bldg, res 195 N Front”, “Cronise, Louise, bds 195 N Front”, “Cronise, Harry, student, bds 195 N Front”, “Cronise, Ralph, salsn, bds 195 N Front”
1913 POW pg. 1951 photographers “Cronise, T. J., Salem O”
1913 Salem pg. 80 “Cronise, Thomas J. (Nellie M) photgr Bush-Bray bldg, r 195 N Front”, “Cronise, Louise, tchr dancing, bds 195 N Front”
1915 POW pg. 1492 photographers “Cronise, T. J., Salem O”
1917 POW pg. 1535 photographers “Cronise, T. J., 193 N Commercial, Salem O”
Mautz Oregon “Cronise, 1895, Salem”
Photographer’s Imprints
“Cronise & Craven, successors to Catterlin, Salem, Oregon” CDV printed front (OHS CDV study collection)
OVERPRINT: “Cronsie, Successor to” overprinted on “Catterlin, Salem, Oregon” with F. J. C. monogram. printed front cabinet card
News Items and Advertisements
1874: Review of the Washington County Fair “Photograph galleries, conducted by Lewis & Cronse (sic), A. H. Starkweather and C. M. Duvall are situated in the main thoroughfare.” Morning Oregonian, September 29, 1874, pg. 1, col. 7.
1889: “T. J. Cronise, the Leading Book and Job Printer, office up stairs in State Insurance Building, 321 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon, Good Work, Fair Prices, Prompt and Reliable” Salem City and Marion County Directory 1889-1890, Portland; R. L. Polk & Co. 1889 (same ad appears in 1891 directory)
1893; “ARISTO, CRONISE & CRONISE, The Photographers, ARISTO means the Latest known Process in Photography. With the Largest and Best Instruments and Scenery in the State, we are enabled to give entire Satisfaction to all our Customers. Special Attention Given to Large Work. Bring your Babies. Prices Always Reasonable. 160 State Street, Salem Oregon.” Salem City and Marion County Directory 1891, Portland; R. L. Polk & Co. 1891 (note this ad appeared verbatim 2 years earlier for Catterlin & Lussier’s advertisement in the Polk directory) (same ad appeared in 1892 Polk directory for Salem)
1893: “Go to the Cronice (sic) Photograph Gallery, Corner High and State Sts., Salem, Or., For Your Photographs” Wm. G. Obenauer & Co.’s Salem and Marion County 1893, Portland; Wm G. Obenauer & Co. n.d.
1903: (review of First Convention of The Photographers Ass’n of California) “The following is a list of exhibitors from the East and the Pacific Northwest…Cronist (sic) Salem, Ore.” Camera Craft, Vol. VIII, No 1, December 1903, pg. 29-30.
1903: “Tom J. Cronise, Proprietor of The Tom Cronise Photo Studio. Aristo Platino, Platinum, and Carbons. Babies and Groups Given Special Attention. Over Dairymple’s (sic) Store, Salem Ore” Polk Oregon Washington Gazetteer, 1903, pg. 406 display ad
1910: “Tom Cronise Studio, corner Court & Commercial” The Clarion (Salem school periodical, March 1910)
1912: (classified ad) “FOR SALE One 10×12 group lens, one projecting lens. Will trade for 5×7 anasigmat. Also Aristo lamp, lamp jacket, and cone. T. J. Cronise, Salem, Ore.” Camera Craft, Vol. XIX, No. 5, May 1912.
1912: (classified ad) “FOR SALE “One of the best studios in Oregon; capital city, population 18,000 and growing rapidly; north light, ideal location, fine equipment up to 11 x 14. If taken soon will sell for $1,500.00. This is a bargain. Address T. J. Cronise, Salem, Ore.” Camera Craft, Vol. XIX, No. 5, May 1912.
1912: “Mrs. Cronise and daughter, of Salem, have returned from a two month’s trip to the mountains. Tom stayed at home and worked” Camera Craft, Vol. XIX, No. 10, October 1912, pg. 486.
1914: “(classified ads) PHOTO PRINTING PRESS A Dye, for sale; capacity 1,800 per hour; practically new, only used a few weeks. This is an A-1 machine, and any one doing post card or theatrical work in quantities cannot afford to do without it. It is a time saver and money maker if you have the work to do for it; takes negatives up to 8×10; reason for selling is that I have gone out of the post card business; has the automatic attachment and is a fine machine. Call on or address, T. J. Cronise, Salem, Ore.” Camera Craft, Vol. XXI, No. 3, March 1914 pg. 157.
1927: “(classified ads) One of the oldest studios in Oregon, in city of 25,000 with trade area of 55,000 people. Owner seriously ill. Good equipment and location, cheap rent. Negative files date back about 50 years. Address R. R. Cronise, Albany, Oregon.” Camera Craft, Vol. XXXIV, No. 8, August 1927.
Seyl, Susan; The Art Perfected, Portraiture From The Cronise Studio, Portland; Oregon Historical Society 1980. 147 page monograph on Cronise, illustrated with high quality plates. Includes biography. Summary: Thomas Cronise’s sister, Anna Louise, moved to Salem from Ohio in 1892. She worked for photographer Francis J. Catterlin in 1892, and purchased the studio less than one year later. Thomas Cronise, who was a successful book and job printer, began to assist his sister. By 1893 he was in partnership with Anna, as Cronise & Cronise. Their employee was Miss Cravens. In 1893 they hired Howard D. Trover to replace Miss Cravens. Howard Trover married Anna Cronise in December 1893.
Tom Cronise decided to pursue photography as an occupation, and bought the Elite studio in May 1902, from Hart and McLennon. He re-named the business The Tom Cronise Photo Studio. It was located in the Bush-Brey building on Commercial street at the corner of Court.
The Trovers (Anna and Howard) continued to operate their Cronise Studio until 1907, when they re-named it the Trover-Cronise studio. It was located in the Eldridge Building on Commercial street at the corner of Chemeketa.
Tom Cronise operated the studio until his death in 1927, Nellie Cronise (wife of Tom) until 1930, Harry Cronise (son of Tom and Nellie) after 1930.
Photographer’s Association of the Pacific Northwest, Programme of Seventh Annual Convention, September 3rd – 6th, 1907, Seattle; n.p. 1907. (unpaginated) “Members Photographic Association of the Pacific Northwest 1907…Cronise, Thos.—Salem, Ore…”
Winroth, Elizabeth (ed), Union Guide to Photograph Collections in the Pacific Northwest, (Portland; Oregon Historical Society, 1978) pg. 80
Goodman, Theodosia, Early Oregon Daguerreotypers and Portrait Photographers, Oregon Historical Quarterly, (Portland; Oregon Historical Society) Vol. 49 No. 1 March, 1948 pg. 40, 47.