Daggett, J. R.
1869 Roseburg
News Items and Advertisements
1869: “New Photograph Gallery! On Jackson Street, next to Crane’s store, Roseburg, Oregon. J. R. Daggett, Artist. Photographs, Ambrotypes, Enameled Cards, Sun Pearls, Etc., Etc. Taken in the highest style of the Art and warranted to give satisfaction. Call and examine my specimens.” Roseburg Ensign (Roseburg), 21 August 1869 – 9 October 1869.
1869: “Pictures. – See the new artist’s card and then visit his gallery. The ‘Sun Pearls’ which Mr. Daggett takes, are something new among us, and infinitely superior to any pictures heretofore taken in this place. You, who have been waiting for years for an opportunity to get a good picture of yourself, have no excuse for further delay.” Roseburg Ensign (Roseburg), 21 August 1869 pg. 3, col. 1.