Davis, Hugh C.
1901 Elgin
1903 Wallowa
1907-1913 Flora
Directory Listings
1903 POW pg. 444 Wallowa “Davis, Hugh C photographer”, plus display ad pg. 444 “Hugh C Davis, Up To Date Landscape and Portrait Photographer. Kodak work Developed and Printed. Stereoscopic Views and Pictures of Wallowa County. All Work Guaranteed. Wallowa Oregon”
1907 POW pg. 212 Flora “Davis, H C photographer”
1909 POW pg. 155 Flora “Davis, H C Justice and photographer”
1911 POW pg. 147 Flora “Davis, H C Justice and photographer”
1913 POW pg. 1950 photographers “Davis, H. C., Flora O”
Photographer’s Imprints
“Eugene F. Hug, Front Street, Elgin, Ore.” Hug’s name is crossed out in ms, and appended is “H. C. Davis”. cabinet card, printed front. ms notation on back “picture taken June 15th 1901” tr