Edward L. Dimmitt (1881-1963) (Portland)
Cross & Dimmitt
Electric Studio
Directory Listings
1909 PCD pg. 482 “Dimmitt, Ed, waiter, Strobel & Barensecher.”
1910 PCD Not listed
1911 PCD pg. 444 “Dimmitt, Edw L waiter, h 422 Hall”
1912 PCD pg. 459 “Dimmitt, Edw L elec h 422 Hall”
1913 PCD pg. 385 “Dimmitt, Edw L elec h 422 Hall”
1914 PCD pg. 492 “Dimmitt, Edw L Jr. (Blanche) (Electric Studio) h 422 Hall”
1914 PCBD Photographers “Electric Studio, 414 Wash, Main 7487”
1915 PCD pg. 352 “Cross, Arthur B (Electric Studio) r E 88th and Mill”, “Electric Studio (E. L. Dimmitt Jr A B Cross) photgrs 414 Wash”, “Dimmitt, Edw L Jr. (Blanche) (Electric Studio) h 25-234 19th N.”
1916 PCD pg. 394 “Dimmitt, Edw L Jr. (Blanche) (Cross & Dimmitt) h 422 Hall”
1917 PCD pg. 343 “Dimmitt, Edw L Jr. (Blanche) (Cross & Dimmitt) h 2062 E Mill”
1918 PCD pg. 369 “Dimmitt, Edw L Jr. (Blanche) photgr h E 82d se cor E Mill”
1925 PCD pg. 522 “Dimmitt Edw L (Blanche; Cross & Dimmitt) h 674 E 64th N”, pg. 487 “Cross & Dimmitt (A B Cross E L Dimmitt) scenic photog 1801 Sandy blvd”
News Items and Advertisements
1931: “POLITENESS RARE VIRTUE NOW, SCENIC PHOTOGRAPHER FINDS E. L. Dimmitt Tells of Ingratitude of Vista House Visitors: Eastern Traveler, However, Is Loud in Her Praise. People aren’t as polite as they used to be when Edward L. Dimmitt was a schoolboy, so when he recently received a letter from a New Jersey woman who visited Vista house last summer he was so impressed that he brought the letter in to the Oregonian.
Mr. Dimmitt is a scenic photographer who operates a concession at the Vista house and in the course of a year he comes into contact with thousands of tourists from all over the world.
“Just as a sample of the ingratitude of the traveling public,” says Mr. Dimmitt ” take my experience Sunday at Vista House. The wind blew a gale nearly all day, and whenever a motorist stopped at my place I would immediately meet him at the door and invite the occupants of the automobile to warm themselves by the heater. And when they left I would hold the door of the auto open for them, as the wind was so strong it could very easily have broken a hinge.”
“I extended these courtesies to a hundred tourists during the day and not one said ‘thank you’ or ‘much obliged’.”
“But a woman who lives in New Jersey is different. She lost a fountain pen at Vista house last summer and thought she had not much hope of recovering it, she telegraphed me from her home in Newark. Luckily we had found the pen and were able to return it. We all felt amply repaid for our trouble when I received the following letter:
“‘Would that the east had the honesty and kindness of the west. My pen and your telegram came yesterday. The pen was a gift, and so was very precious. I thought it useless to telegraph, as I had left the pen in a public place, where visitors are continually arriving. But my western friends assured me that it would be returned if found.
“‘ They were right. Had I laid it down in New York, though, it would have vanished before my back was turned- and once having vanished it would never have been seen again by me.
“‘ I shall have much pleasure in recalling the courtesy and kindness you have shown me, by not only answering my telegram, but by finding and forwarding the pen. Thank you many times. ” ‘ MRS. JANE E. McDONOUGH ” ‘ 4 White Terrace, Newark, N. J. ‘ ”
Mr. Dimmitt says people who stop at the Vista house very carelessly leave jewelry, articles of clothing, trinkets and even money. On one occasion this year a man left a wallet in which he had several hundred dollars in currency. The man got his wallet and money.” Oregonian, 1 December 1931, pg. 11.
1963: “EDWARD L. DIMMITT. Funeral for Edward L. Dimmitt, 82, Manager of the vista House on the Columbia River Highway for 40 years and noted for his photography of the area, will be Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. from Ross Hollywood Chapel. Burial will be at Rose City Cemetery. He died Friday. Mr. Dimmitt was a member of Friendship Lodge 106, AF& AM, the Scottish Rite, and a life member of the AL Kader Shrine. Born in Columbia, Mo., he has been a resident of Portland for 58 years.
Survivors include a son, Oliver L.; three sisters, Mrs. Maude s. Randall, San Diego; Mrs. Daisey Townsend, Long Beach, Calif., and Mrs. Bessie Lee, Kansas City, Mo., and two grandchildren.” Oregonian, 29 April 1963. pg. 17. col. 1.
1963: “Former Vista House Manager, E. L. Dimmitt, Dies. Services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday in Ross Hollywood Chapel for Edward L. Dimmitt, photographer and former manager of the Vista House at Crown Point. He died Friday at the age of 82.
Dimmitt, 3106 NE 64th Ave., was born in Columbia, Mo., and had lived 58 years in Oregon. He managed the Vista House 40 years. He was a member of Friendship Lodge 106, Scottish Rite and Al Kader Shrine.
Survivors include a son, Oliver, and two grandchildren, Portland. His late wife Mary Blanche, who worked at Vista House 30 years, died in January.” The Oregon Daily Journal, 29 April 1963, pg. 3. col. 3.