Henry M. Dohse (1858?-1920)(Corvallis, Roseburg, Salem)
Stryker & Dohse
1869 Corvallis
1870 Roseburg
1870 Salem
1880 Douglas county
Stryker & Dohse produced CDV and stereo cards of outdoor views.
Directory Listings
Mautz Oregon “Doshe (sic), H. M., 1870, Roseburg”, “Gray & Doshe (sic), 1870, Roseburg”
Official Records
1880 Federal Census, Douglas County, Household 6: H. M. Doshe, age 22, male, born in Kentucky, photographer.
Photographer’s Imprints
“Stryker & Dohse, photographers, Main Street, Corvallis, Oregon. Duplicates can be had from this negative” CDV with 2 color back, black and red.
“Stryker & Dohse, photographers, Main Street, Corvallis, Oregon. Duplicates can be had from this negative” CDV with printed back (OHS vault CDVs)
News Items and Advertisements
1869: “PICTURES- Mr. David S. Stryker, late of the firm Stryker & Dohse, has opened the gallery formerly occupied by them, over Mr. Biddle’s drug store, where he may be found for a few weeks. Mr. S. is a good artist, and desires those wanting pictures to call and examine his work. Prices to suit the times. Call soon, as he intends visiting other places.” The Corvallis Gazette, 17 April 1869, pg. 3, col. 2. (courtesy Michael Cirelli)
1870: “Pictures. – Notice the advertisement of Messrs. Gray & Dohse, in this week s issue. Being of long, personal acquaintance with these gentlemen, we know they can do just what they say, and if you want a life likeness, don’t fail to see them while they are here.” Roseburg Ensign (Roseburg), 27 August 1870 pg. 3, col. 1.
1870: “Secure the Shadow e’er the substance fades. By so doing you should not fail to call on Gray & Dohse and get yourself and family a life like picture. They can take them just as well in cloudy weather as any other. They will only remain about three weeks.” Roseburg Ensign (Roseburg), 3 September 1870 pg. 3, col. 1.
1870: “Really Handsome. – That birds-eye view of Roseburg, lain on our table, by Messrs. Gray & Dohse, photographed by themselves. It is a splendid picture and reflects much credit to the artistic talant (sic) of the well known young photographers. They return to the valley, on their way home to Salem, to day. Good bye Sam! Good bye Henry!” Roseburg Ensign (Roseburg), 17 September 1870 pg. 3, col. 1.
1870: “Pictures!, Pictures!, Gray & Dohse, The well known Photographers, having rented the Rooms of Mr. Jas. Walton, would respectfully inform the citizens of Roseburg and vacinity (sic), that they are now prepared to take pictures of all kinds and sizes, including the ‘Beautiful Gem.’ Call soon as we shall remain only one month. Gray & Dohse. Roseburg, Oregon.” Roseburg Ensign (Roseburg), 27 August 1870 (first insertion) probable last insertion is 19 September 1870, but issue does not appear on microfilm.
1882: “Henry M Dohse will have a billiard table on the most approved style in about ten days.” Henry Dohse went to Portland this week and returned on Wednesday, having purchased a fine lot of tobacco, cigars, notions, etc., and is going to open business at the old stand where D. Carlile has been in business so long.” The Corvallis gazette, July 28, 1882, pg. 3, cols. 3-4.
1882: “I have not got but (sic), the finest cigar for one bit in the city – if not good, the money will not be refunded (sic). Henry M. Dohse.” The Corvallis gazette, August 04, 1882, pg. 3, col. 3.
1920: “Henry Dohse Found Dead. Newport, Or. July19. — (Special) Henry Dohse, a resident of Yaquina bay district and Corvallis for more than 40 years, was found dead in bed at the the Abbey House today. Dohse had been an employee of hotels and restaurants and was well known to all visitors to this place. He came fro an old Willamette valley family.” Oregonian, July 20, 1920, pg. 12, col. 7.