Eggan, H. P.
1891 Seattle WA
1901-1903 Moscow, ID
1907 Seattle WA
1915 Wallowa
1917 Portland
Please note the Wallowa studio appears to have been operated by W. W. Embree (q. v.).
Directory Listings
1891 POWI pg. 1832 photographers “Eggan, H. P., Seattle”
1915 POW pg. 1493 photographers “Eggan, H. P., Wallowa O”
1916 PCD pg. 425 “Eggan, Halvor P (Inga) photgr 719 Swetland bldg h 791 Corbett”
1917 PJD pg. 76 Photographers “Eggan, H P, 719 Swetland Bldg. Main 6845”
1917 PCD pg. 375 “Eggan, Halvor P (Inga) photgr 719 Swetland bldg h 69 Willamette boul W”
Photographer’s Imprints
“Eggan, 207 Pike St, Seattle” cabinet card, imprinted front.
“H. P. Eggan, Moscow Idaho” blind stamp, cabinet card.
News Items and Advertisements
1902: “Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Eggan, of Moscow, Idaho, arrived in the city the other day and have been guests at the homes of the Eggan brothers. Many years ago Mr. H. P. Eggan was a prominent Seattle photographer.” The Seattle Daily Times, 31 August 1902, pg. 29, col. 4 (courtesy Michael Cirelli)
1912: (classified ad) “FOR SALE Studio, only one in town, 1,500 population, nearest studio 20 miles; Century Grand studio outfit, Dallmeyer lens, etc. Six rooms, rent $10.00, including living rooms, north light, electric lights, phone, city water. If sold in two weeks, $200.00 takes it. The Wallowa Studio, Box 372, Wallowa, Ore.” Camera Craft, June – July 1912. (the attribution of this ad to Eggan has been done by a process of elimination, and is subject to further research)
1915: “I have now located in and opened the ‘Eggan Studio’. I am prepared to do all kinds of work in the best style and finish. Call and see me. W. W. Embree.” The Wallowa Chieftain, (Wallowa, Wallowa county) 9 September 1915, pg. 5, col. 2.
1917: “Have 3 photograph studios for sale. Call H. P. Eggan, Swetland bldg.” Morning Oregonian, September 16, 1915, pg. 16, col. 5.
1917: “The marriage of Miss Signe Eggan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Eggan, and Irwin A. Sawyer was solemnized Tuesday evening, August 28, at the residence of the bride’s parents, 69 Willamette boulevard …” The Sunday Oregonian, September 16, 1917, sec. 3, pg. 10, col. 1. (electronic page 44)
Photographer’s Association of the Pacific Northwest, Programme of Seventh Annual Convention, September 3rd – 6th, 1907, Seattle; n.p. 1907. (unpaginated) “Members Photographic Association of the Pacific Northwest 1907…Eggan & Erickson—Seattle, Wash…Eggan, O. P.—Seattle, Wash…Eggan, H. P.—Moscow, Id…”
Palmquist, Peter, unpublished research notes. Summary: H. P. Eggan was at 207 Pike street in Seattle in 1890. In 1895 he was in Los Angeles at 124 South Main street.
Hart, Arthur A., Camera Eye on Idaho, (Caldwell; Caxton 1990) pg. 46. Born 1856 in Norway, arrived 1876 in U. S. His Wife Inga arrived 10 years later. In Moscow, ID, Eggan and his wife operated a photo studio and art store, and also opened the Eggan Opera House.