Maggie V. Ellsworth (Estacada)
Directory Listings
1916 OC pg. 132 Estacada “Ellsworth, Maggie V., photographer”, also “Ellsworth, Gideon”
News Items and Advertisements
1914: “James Gibson celebrated his 88th birthday Sunday, about thirty of his relatives being present … Miss Maggie Ellsworth, of Estacada, took some pictures of the crowd.” Oregon City enterprise, April 17, 1914, pg. 2, col. 6., also reported in Oregon City courier, April 16, 1914, pg. 3, col. 5.
1919: “Married – At the home of the bride on Upper Broadway, on November 20, in the presence of a few friends, Miss Maggie Ellsworth and Mr. John Wolf. Justice of the Peace, S. E. Wooster, performed the ceremony. The bride is an old resident of Estacada and an artist by profession. The groom is a wealthy rancher whose home is in California.” Oregon City enterprise, November 28, 1919, pg. 2, col. 3.