Gray, Sam E. (Corvallis, Independence, Roseburg, Salem)

Gray, Sam E.
Gray, S. E. & Co. (Corvallis)
Gray & Cromwell
Gray & Dohse
Yantis & Gray (Olympia, WA)
1865-1872 Salem
1870 Olympia, WA
1870 Roseburg
Sam E. Gray was in Olympia WA circa 1870 as partner in firm of Yantis & Gray. He was a member of the pioneer Washington family of Eaton.
The Oregon Historical Society has a CDV portrait of S. E. Gray, which has no imprint, but shows his studio well.
The Oregon Historical Society has an ambrotype of Olympia, possibly late 1860’s, by Yantis and Gray. The Bancroft Library has a similar one.
Directory Listings
1867 West Coast pg. 287 Salem “Gray, S E & Co, photographers”
1871 Salem pg. 105 “Gray, S. E., photographist, boards N Y Bakery”
1872 Salem pg. 71 “Gray, S. E., photographist, State bet Commercial and High”
Mautz Oregon “Gray, S. E., 1865-1880, Independence & Salem”, “Gray & Cromwell, 1870, Salem”, “Gray & Doshe (sic), 1870, Roseburg”
Official Records
1880 Federal Census Douglas County, household 6, A. E. Grays, age 24, male, born Indiana, photographer
Photographer’s Imprints
“S. E. Gray, A. F. Wheeler, from S. E. Gray & Co. Photographic Gallery, Main St. Corvallis, Or.” CDV printed back (portrait of Mrs. James Foster with 3 children) (Schminck Museum)
“S. E. Gray, A. F. Wheeler, from S. E. Gray & Co.’s Photographic Gallery, State Street, Salem, Oregon” CDV printed back.
“Gray & Cromwell, Photographers, State Street, Salem, Oregon.” (CDV, rubber stamp imprint on back, subject died 1867) (OHS)
News Items and Advertisements
1865: “NEW PICTURE GALLERY.- Gray & Co. have taken the well established, and finely-furnished Gallery lately occupied by Kenyon, and are now ready to take pictures in every style of the art. Go and examine their specimens.” Oregon Statesman, (Salem) 27 November 1865, pg. 3, col. 1
1865: “PICTURES! PICTURES! New Photographic Gallery! S. E. GRAY & CO. would respectfully announce to the citizens of Salem and vicinity that they have opened a picture gallery (in the rooms formerly occupied by Kenyon), where they are prepared to take Photographs, Ambrotypes, Melainotypes, Photographic Visiting Cards, And everything in their line from a large size down to Locket Breast Pin pictures. Everything executed in the best style. Satisfaction Given or No Charge. Terms reasonable. Up stairs, over Helm & Jackson’s Drug Store, State street, Salem. S. E. GRAY & CO., Salem.” Oregon Statesman, (Salem) 27 November 1865 – 19 March 1866
1866: “Removed.- The Telegraph Office has been removed from its old quarters to the room on State street next door to Gray & Co.’s store. The Express Office will be removed to the same quarters next week…” Oregon Statesman, (Salem) 22 January 1866, pg. 3, col. 1
1866: “I. O. G. T.- Capital Lodge, No. 11, have elected the following officers for the coming term: … S. E. Gray …” Oregon Statesman, (Salem) 5 November 1866, pg. 2, col. 2.
1870: “Pictures. – Notice the advertisement of Messrs. Gray & Dohse, in this weeks issue. Being of long, personal acquaintance with these gentlemen, we know they can do just what they say, and if you want a life likeness, don’t fail to see them while they are here.” Roseburg Ensign (Roseburg), 27 August 1870 pg. 3, col. 1.
1870: “Secure the Shadow e’er the substance fades. By so doing you should not fail to call on Gray & Dohse and get yourself and family a life like picture. They can take them just as well in cloudy weather as any other. They will only remain about three weeks.” Roseburg Ensign (Roseburg), 3 September 1870 pg. 3, col. 1.
1870: “Really Handsome. – That birds-eye view of Roseburg, lain on our table, by Messrs. Gray & Dohse, photographed by themselves. It is a splendid picture and reflects much credit to the artistic talant (sic) of the well known young photographers. They return to the valley, on their way home to Salem, to day. Good bye Sam! Good bye Henry!” Roseburg Ensign (Roseburg), 17 September 1870 pg. 3, col. 1.
1870: “Pictures!, Pictures!, Gray & Dohse, The well known Photographers, having rented the Rooms of Mr. Jas. Walton, would respectfully inform the citizens of Roseburg and vacinity (sic), that they are now prepared to take pictures of all kinds and sizes, including the ‘Beautiful Gem.’ Call soon as we shall remain only one month. Gray & Dohse. Roseburg, Oregon.” Roseburg Ensign, 27 August 1870 (first insertion) probable last insertion is 19 September 1870, but issue does not appear on microfilm.