Lawrence A. Gregory (Medford)
Directory Listings
1911 POW pg. 228 Medford “Gregory, Lawrence A., photographer”
1913 POW pg. 1948 photographers “Gregory, L. A., Medford O”
News Items and Advertisements
1912: “Lawrence A. Gregory of this city has announced his candidacy on the republican ticket for assessor, subject to the primary election in April. He will oppose W. T. Grieve, incumbent.” Medford mail tribune, March 23, 1912, pg. 2, col. 2.
1912: “To Snap Local Smudging Scenes. William M’Murray Asks Photographer Gregory to Get Pictures of Modern Methods of Frost Fighting in Valley of the Rogue. L. O. Gregory has received a telegram from William McMurray, general passenger agent of the Southern Pacific, to take pictures of the process of smudging for scientific use. This section has made a record for its scientific methods of frost prevention. There will be several demonstrations of different processes of smudge fires in the near future at the Marshall orchard.” Medford mail tribune, April 03, 1911, pg. 8, col. 1.
1912: “L. A. Gregory, of Medford, is doing some fine panoramic work” Camera Craft, Vol. XIX, No. 6, June 1912, pg. 283