L. Gross (Portland)
This person is included in this book because he is listed in Carl Mautz’s Checklist of Western Photographers, which was assembled from notes he had taken over a long period of time. L. Gross was a druggist and chemist who owned a wholesale pharmacy in downtown Portland which, amongst other chemicals, sold photographer’s chemistries. At the time, prepared paper and film were not available commodities; photographers had to sensitize raw glass plates and paper and make their own. It is unlikely that this person was a photographer, or even owned a camera, or hosted a photo studio.
Directory Listings
1864 PD not listed
1865 PD not listed
1866 PD pg. 51 “Gross, L., druggist Front bet Morrison and Yamhill, res cor Fifth and Main”
1867 PD pg. 53 “Gross, L. druggist. 101 Front, res Sixth bet Alder and Washington”
1868 PD pg. 53 “Gross, L., druggist, 101 Front, res cor Fourth and Washington”
Mautz Oregon “Gross, L., 1867, Portland”
News Items and Advertisements
1865: “New Drug Store. L. Gross, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Front Street, between the What Cheer and New Columbian hotels, Portland, Oregon. The Undersigned Respectfully Informs the public that his Store is now open, and offers for sale in quantities to suit, at the Lowest Rates, a general assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Leeches, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Brushes, Painter’s Materials, Fine Perfumery, Fancy Goods, Toilet Ware, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Fine Wostenholm’s Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, &c., &c.,. Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compounded by an experienced druggist and Chemist, and put up at all hours of the night. Orders from the country solicited and prompt attention guaranteed. L. Gross.” Morning Oregonian, August 19, 1865, pg. 4, col. 5. first insertion of a repeating ad.
1866: “New Drug Store – Mr. L. Gross has removed his drug store to the corner room in the new and handsome building of Mr. C. M. Carter, corner of Front and Alder streets. The old friends of Mr. G. will no doubt go and see him in his new quarters, and he will make a host of new friends, as the situation he now occupies is the most attractive in the city.” Morning Oregonian, November 12, 1866, pg. 3, col. 1.
1866: “New To-Day. Removal. L. Gross has removed his Drug Store to the Handsome Building of C. M. Carter, Corner of Alder and Front Sts., Portland, Oregon, Which he has fitted up elegantly, and intends to keep as a First-Class Drug Store! And offers to his numerous customers ant those that will honor him with their patronage a well-selected stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Extracts, Essential Oils, Herbs, and an assortment of all popular Patent Medicines, &c. Also Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Dye Stuffs, Colors, &c. Thanking those who formerly favored him with their custom, he respectfully asks further patronage. N. B. – Special attention paid to Physicians’ Prescriptions, which are prepared of the purest drugs and put up by an Experienced Apothecary.
A Night Bell is attached to the door and Prescriptions put up at all hours of the night.
To Dentists. L. Gross Would inform the Dentists that he has constantly on hand The Best Selected Stock of Dental Goods! In the State of Oregon, such as Teeth, Instruments, Forceps, Gold Foil, &c., Which he will Sell at the Lowest possible Prices.
To Photographic Artists! Photographers will constantly find a full assortment of goods in their line at L. Gross’ Drug Store, Corner of Front and Alder Streets, Which he will sell At San Francisco Prices. Best Negative and Sun Pearl Collodion always on hand. Orders from the country promptly attended to and despatched. Morning Oregonian, November 13, 1866. pg. 2.
1868: “Notice. I have this day Sold to Chas. H. Woodard My Stock of Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Etc., And would respectfully solicit for my successor a continuance of the patronage heretofore bestowed upon myself.Portland, March 11th, 1868. L. Gross.” Morning Oregonian, March 16, 1868, pg. 2
Brown, Robert O., Nineteenth Century Portland, Oregon Photographers: A Collector’s Handbook (author; Portland, 1991) pg. 64