Gunton, Winifred, Mrs. (Hillsboro)

Mrs. Winifred Gunton (Hillsboro)
Pope’s Photo Gallery
1911-1925 Hillsboro
There are several photographs of Mrs. Gunton’s gallery:
1. Second street in Hillsboro, looking north, between Baseline and Washington, side view of building, “Photo Gallery” sign visible, undated image. Gas street lights still in use, dirt streets, no cars visible. (WCM # LP72-849/902-89)
2. View published in Hillsboro Argus 19 October 1976, pg. 1. shows front of gallery in snow. Sign says “Kodak Refinishing.”
Directory Listings
1911 POW pg. 174 Hillsboro “Gunton, Mrs. Winifred, photographer”
1913 POW pg. 1950 photographers “Gunton, Winifred, Mrs., Hillsboro O”
1915 POW pg. 1491 photographers “Gunton, Winifred, Hillsboro O”
1917 POW pg. 1534 photographers “Gunton, Winifred, Mrs., Hillsboro O”
1925 POW pg. 241 Hillsboro “Gunton, Winifred Mrs. photog”
News Items and Advertisements
1910: “Real Estate Transfers … O. M. Pope to Winifred Gunton, 25×198 ft blk 9 Hillsboro. 1000”
The Hillsboro argus, February 17, 1910, pg. 2, col. 2.
1911: “Notice of Sanitary Sewer Apportionment. (list of Hillsboro land owners and their individual shares of the expense) Winifred Gunton – The S. 25 ft. lots 1 and 2, block 9, Town of Hillsboro, Ore. ($)29.37”
1911: “Pope Photo Gallery. Mrs. Winifred Gunton, 2nd. St., Hillsboro, Oregon. Bring your Kodak work today, you can get it tomorrow.” Forest Grove Press, 30 November 1911 (courtesy Eric Stewart)
1913: “(classified ads) A REAL BARGAIN Ground-floor studio complete, including lot 25×198 feet, modern, very handy, seven-room building, splendidly furnished and equipped, excellent established business in best town in Willamette Valley, paved streets, electric lights, etc., only one-half block from electric car line. Will sell very cheap. Address owner, Mrs. Winifred Gunton, Hillsboro, Ore.” Camera Craft, June – August 1913.