Gylfe, Alexander (Astoria)

Alexander Gylfe (Astoria)
Wheeler & Gylfe
1891 Astoria
1903-1905 South Bend WA
1905 Tacoma
1905-1911 Aberdeen WA
Gyfe’s partner was Warren D. Wheeler (q. v.)
Directory Listings
1903 POW pg. 798 South Bend WA “Gylfe, Alexander, photogr.”
1905 POW pg. 1012 South Bend WA “Gylfe, Alexander, photgr.”
1907 POW pg. 647 Aberdeen WA “Gylfe, Axel, photgr”
1909 POW pg. 585 Aberdeen WA “Gylfe, Axel, photgr 27 Dabney blk”
1911 POW pg. 572 Aberdeen WA “Gylfe, Axel, photogr 27 Doris blk”
1911 POW pg. 572 Aberdeen WA “Gylfe, Alex, violin maker 27 Doris blk”
Photographer’s Imprints
“Wheeler & Gylfe. Astoria, Oregon” cabinet card printed front.
News Items and advertisements:
1892: “List of Patents. – Granted to Pacific States inventors this week. … A Gylfe, South Bend, Wash, musical instrument. …”
The State rights democrat (Albany), November 25, 1892, pg. 1, col. 3.
1901: “Aberdeen … Professor Gylfe spent the holidays with his parent in South Bend. … ” The Sunday Oregonian, December 29, 1901, sec. 3, pg. 21, col. 3.
1902: “USES GUN TO GET BILL. AN ABERDEEN PHOTOGRAPHER MAKES RIVAL HAND OVER $1.50. Young Lady Who Witnessed the Gun Play is Completely Prostrated for Some Time. Aberdeen, Aug. 15, – Special – Professor A. Gylfe, a photographer of this city, was compelled to pay an alleged debt of $1.50 this afternoon at the point of a revolver by A. J. Merwin, a rival artist. The demand from the irate creditor was accompanied by a torrent of profanity and abusive language, which resulted in his arrest on the charge of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill.
There has been some bad blood between the two men for some time, caused, it is stated, by Merwin returning here and opening up a studio after he had sold out his business to Gylfe with the proviso that he would not engage in business again in this part of the country. Late this afternoon Merwin entered Gylfe’s gallery and demanded the payment of a balance of $1.50 which he said was due him for some pictures left with Gylph when the sale was made. He emphasized his claim for the money with a stream of profanity, and when Gylfe attempted to reason with him and to explain his ignorance of the debt, Merwin drew an ugly looking gun, held it under Gylfe’s nose and again demanded his money. Gylfe told him he did not have any change, but would get it, and started for his work-room, closely followed by Merwin, who continued to hold the revolver in close proximity to Gylfe’s head. Procuring a couple of dollars from his desk, Gylfe handed the money over to Merwin, who at once left to get the required change, while Gylfe hastened to the office of the City Attorney, swore out a warrant for the arrest of his assailant, and in a short time the belligerent was in the custody of the officers. Justic Pearson held him for a preliminary hearing monday in $100 bonds, which were furnished.
Gylfe’s assistant, Miss Nellie Phillips, was so overcome with nervous fright from having witnessed the exciting scene that she was completely prostrated, and it seemed for a time that she would not recover from the shock.”
Morning Oregonian, August 16, 1902, pg. 4, cols. 2-3
1903: “Socialist Ticket at South Bend. South Bend, Wash., Dec. 4.- Special. The Socialists have organized and nominated a ticket for the city election next Tuesday as follows: … Treasurer, Alexander Gylfe; …” Morning Oregonian, December 05, 1903, pg. 4, col. 2.
1904: “Aberdeen. … A pleasant evening, with music as the chief feature, was enjoyed by a few friends on Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Jackson. The musical selections included a vocal solo by Mrs. Coons; a violin solo by Professor Gylfe, and a violin and cornet duet by Professor Glyfe and Dr. Coons, accompanied by Miss Sypes.” Sunday Oregonian, April 17, 1904, sec. 3, pg. 21, cols. 2-3
1904: “Mr. M. O. Collins gave three dancing parties at Long Beach this week, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights. Evergreens and bunting formed the decorations, which were quite artistically arranged. The floor was in good condition and Mr. A. Gylfe of Aberdeen furnished excellent music. The young people were much pleased when Mr. Collins announced that he intended to continue the parties throughout the summer season.” The morning Astorian, July 24, 1904, Image 3, col. 4.
1905: “Married in Portland. Aberdeen, Wash., Sept. 5, – Special – Professor Gylfe and his bride, formerly Miss Nellie Phillips, of San Francisco, arrived here this afternoon. Mr. Gylfe is leader of the Gray’s Harbor Orchestra. He left here several days ago for Portland, where he met his bride and in which city the ceremony took place.” Morning Oregonian, September 06, 1905, pg. 6, col. 2.
1905: (classified ad) “Wanted – A First-Class Operator to manage a photo studio in Tacoma, Wash.; recommendations required. A. Gylfe, 903 1/2 Pacific ave., Tacoma Wash.”
Morning Oregonian, October 17, 1905, pg. 12, col. 4.