Herrin, David C. (died ca. 1903)
Herrin, Margaret E., Mrs.
Abell-Herrin Co.
Herrin Gallery
1892-1898 The Dalles and itinerant
1898-1901 Portland
Herrin advertised in The Dalles that he succeeded by Houghton (q. v.), but he did so at a different address.
There is a very nice, quiet landscape, boudoir size, “Lakeview, 1903” on imprinted mount “D. C. Herrin photo, Medford, Or.” in the Lake County Museum.
Directory Listings
1899 PCD pg. 132 “Abell-Herrin Co (Frank G. Abell, David C and M E Herrin), photographers, 122 6th”; “Abell, Frank G (Abell-Herrin Co) pres Northwest Medical Aid Assn Oregonian Bldg, rms 303 1/2 Washington”; “Herrin, David C (Abell-Herrin Co), 132 6th, res 500 Columbia”; “Herrin, M E (Abell-Herrin Co), 122 6th, res 500 Columbia”
1900 PCD pg. 372 “Herrin David C, res 500 Columbia.”
1901 PCD pg. 361 “Herrin, Mrs Margaret E, r 328 14th”; “Herrin, David C, res 328 14th”
1903 PCD pg. 421 “Herrin, Mrs Margaret E, r 354 San Rafael”
1904 PCD pg. 476, “Herrin, Margaret E (wid David C.) res 354 San Rafael”
Mautz Oregon “Herrin, D. C. & M. E., 1890, The Dalles
Photographer’s Imprints
“Herrin Gallery, H. E. Hammond, Mgr, The Dalles, Ore.” printed front cabinet card. (tr)
“D. C. Herrin photo, Medford, Or.” boudoir of Lakeview (Lake County Museum)
“D. C. Herrin, The Dalles, Or. Columbia River Scenery” boudoir imprint on front.
“D. C. Herrin, The Dalles, Oregon.” embossed front cabinet card (tr)
“M. E. Herrin, Artist, Ashland, Oregon.” printed front cabinet card (tr)
“M. E. Herrin, Chapman Block, The Dalles Or” cabinet card imprinted front. (Terray Harmon)
News Items and Advertisements
1892: “D. C. Herrin, Photographer. First prize awarded for the best Portraits and Views at the Second Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Society. Successor to T. A. Houghton. Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon.” The Dalles Times Mountaineer, 17 January 1892 – 8 September 1893. daily advertisement.
1893: “Mr. D. C. Herrin, the photograph artist of this city, has received an urgent invitation from Hon. Clarence E. Young, assistant secretary, World’s Congress Auxiliary, to attend the World’s Congress in the department of art, to convene in Chicago during the week commencing Monday, July 31st, 1893. This is quite a compliment to The Dalles, and speaks in unmistakable terms of the estimation in which Mr. Herrin is held as an artist. There will no doubt be artists present from all portions of the globe and many who have been famous all over the world by their pencil and brush.” The Dalles Times Mountaineer, 17 January 1893. (ed note: this news item is typical of the kind of flattering notices that are sprinkled throught the news columns to draw additional attention to the newpaper’s paid advertisers, and the inviation was likely generic. It is doubtful that Herrin attended the event.)
1893: “Mr. D. C. Herrin has a collection of scenic photographs that would command admiration anywhere. The majority of the views are of Columbia river scenes. He also has a very nice collection of portraits of Dalles people.” The Dalles Times Mountaineer, 10 October 1893, pg. 3, col. 3. Article concerns exhibits at the county agricultural fair.
1895: “Herrin, photographer, will fold his tent today and leave by the Regulator (ed note: Regulator was a stern wheel passenger boat the plied the Columbia River)for his home in The Dalles. He intends to come again about July.” The Hood River glacier, April 13, 1895, pg. 3, col. 3.
1896: “D. C. Herrin returned at noon from Portland, where he has been the past week helping to arrange the A. O. U. W. demonstration at the exposition.” The Dalles Times Mountaineer, 24 October 1896.
1896: “D. C. Herrin, grand official instructor for the A. O. U. W., is doing good and efficient work for the order. Tonight he will organize a Degree of Honor lodge at Moro, and Wednesday a workman lodge at Grass Valley with 30 charter members. From Grass Valley he goes to Milton to organize a degree.” The Dalles Times Mountaineer, 31 October 1896.
1896: “Last Sunday was indeed a busy day at Mrs. Herrin’s gallery. Just 60 persons sat for pictures that day, and among the number was the Werlein Glee Club of 23 members, all in one group. The Dalles Times Mountaineer, 16 December 1896.
1899: “Abell-Herrin Co., photographers, 122 Sixth St.” The Cardinal, Portland High School, Vol. 2 #10, June 1899 back cover.