1901: “PHOTOGRAPHERS CONVENE. Large Attendance Marks Opening:
Day of the Session. The Photographers Association of the Pacific Northwest met yesterday in annual session in the A. O. U. W. temple,
corner Second and Taylor streets. The attendance was very large, and much interest was manifested throughout, although little business was transacted the first day. The convention did not meet until 1:30 in the afternoon. It was called to order by Vice-president H. D. Trover, of Salem, u=in the absence of President A. L. Jackson, of Tacoma. A telegram was read from Mr. Jackson announcing that he was detained at home by the serious and apparently fatal illness of his son. The convention instructed the secretary to send him a telegram of condolence.
Other than the enrollment and registry of members and the distribution of badges, no business was transacted at the afternoon
session. During the recess, however, several photographic demonstrations were made by visiting representatives of supply
houses, which were highly appreciated.
The following members of the association were noted present from cities and towns outside of Portland:
T. J. Cherrington, Dallas, Or.
C. L. Clevinger, Grant’s Pass, Or.
H. D. Graves, Roseburs, Or.
H. D. Trover, Salem, Or.
E. L. Meyers, Seatttle, Wash,
R. T. Parker, Baker City, Or.
P. L. Hegg, Whatcom, Wash.
Miss Sue Dorris, Eugene, Or.
A. D. Rogers, Olympia, Wash.
W. S. Gardner, Corvallis, Or.
William B. Rush, Clatskanie, Or.
O. J. Wingren, LaConner, Wash.
C. M. DuVall, Colfax, Wash.
Thomas Cronise, Salem, Or.
Allce Hetrick, Salem, Or.
F. A. Grim, Mount Angel, Or.
E. R. Drake, Silverton, Or. v
J. D. Drake, Silverton, Or.
B. C. Collier, Olympia, Wash.
D. B. Ewlng, Everett, Wash.
J. G. Crawford, Albany, Or.
Mrs. Ida B. Smith, Olympla, Wash.
J. B. Partee, Snohomish, Wash.
W. A. Raymond, Moro, Or.
D. Marsh, Weiser, Idaho. ,
J. L. Phelps, Spokane, Wash.
H. W. Oliver, Oakland, Cal.
Harry F. Coombs, Hoquiam, Wash.
Charles Bedford, Tacoma, Wash.
J. H. Douglas, Jr., Newberg, Or.
J. T. Kldd, Ontario, Or.
J. M. McCaleb, Independence, Or.
H. H. Mertens, Sheridan, Or.
Lee B. Forrest. Chehalis, Wash.
Henry Erickson, Moscow, Idaho.
H. B. Carratt, Goldendale, Wash.
W. P. Flannary, Goldendale, Wash.
George Gavitt, Chehalis, Wash.
Miss E. M. Victor, Spokane, Wash.
F. C. Plummer, Seattle, Wash.
W. I. Jones, Silverton, Or.
C. C, Lewis, Monmouth, Or.
C. B. Ruffner, Rochester, N. Y. ‘
J. B. Bann. Whatcom, Wash.
W. D. Rogers, Hood River, Or.
Arthur Cane, Amity, Or.
W. S. Bowman, Pendleton, Or.
J3. W. Bardford, Roseburg, Or.
J. A. Meiser, Vancouver, Wash.
H. Petridge, Seattle, Wash.
B. Danihy; Toledo, Wash.,
Charles T. Bell, Astoria, Or.
Miss Bella Pruner, Riddle, Or.
J. E. Ralston, Astoria, Or.
Following are the Portland photographers in attendance:
J. W. Tolman,
H. C. Hayes,
J. C. S. Aune,
Charles Short,
O. M. Horsteater,
Charles Butterworth,
C. R. Miller,
E. W. Moore,
A. B. McAlpln,
S. Hobson,
George M. Strong,
W. H. Catterlln,
George W. Davies,
C. A. Krauch
C. Nordstrom
S. L. Cohn
Chris Aerne
A. G. Churcbley,
C A Alvord.
J. F. Ford.