1899: “Chas. S. Riggs is now proprietor of the photograph gallery lately occupied by Fred Foster. Mr. Riggs has been doing considerable photo work in the valley and his work is pronounced first class. The Hood River glacier, September 15, 1899, pg. 3, col. 2.
1899: (article about Halloween night pranks) “… our staid citizens were surprised Wednesday morning to find that insurgents had captured the town again and the streets were blockaded even more effectually than on the previous night. S. J. La France’s lumber that he had on the ground for side walk formed a substantial Virginia worm fence across the street from Blowers store to their new building. A new privy built for the brick store was swung by rope and pulley up above the street in the oak tree in front of the building and decorated with the signs of the photographer and the real estate emporium …” The Hood River glacier, November 3, 1899, pg. 3, col. 2.
1899: “Business Directory of Hood River … Riggs, Chas. Photographer.” The Hood River glacier, December 15, 1899, pg. 2, col. 2