Shuster, H. S. (Astoria, Hillsboro, Portland, Salem)

Shuster, H. S.
Shuster & Davidson
1866? Burlingame, Kansas
1876-1877 Portland
1878 Astoria
1879-1884 Salem
1888-1891 Astoria
1889 Aberdeen WA
Directory Listings
1876 WD pg. 74 “Davidson, J. S., Shuster & D., rms s w cor First and Yamhill”; pg. 154 “Shuster & Davidson, photographers, s w cor First and Yamhill”; “Shuster, H. S., S. & Davidson, bds cor Fifth and Alder”
1877 PD pg. 155 “Shuster, H. S., S. & Davidson, photo gallery, First bet Yamhill and Taylor, res n w cor Fifth and Washington”
1878 West Coast pg. 873 Astoria “Shuster, H. S., photographer”
1881 Ore pg. 644 Salem “Shuster, H. S., photographer, Court Com and Liberty”
1884 POWI pg. 345 “Shuster, Henry S., photographer, Court”
1886 Pacific Coast Astoria not listed
1886 Marion County pg. 53 “Shuster, H S photographer”
1886 POWI pg. 385 Salem “Shuster, Henry S, photographer, 94 Court”
1888 POWI pg. 118 Astoria “Shuster, Henry S., photographer, Water”
1889 POWI pg. 560 Aberdeen WA “Shuster, H S photographer”
1891 POWI pg. 170 Astoria “Shuster, S. H., photographer, 583 3d”
Mautz Oregon “Shuster, H. S., 1878-1890, Portland, Salem, Astoria, & Hillsboro”,
Photographer’s Imprints
OVERPRINT: “Excelsior Art Gallery. Shuster & Davidson, Cor. First and Yamhill Sts. Successors to Shuster and Dennie, Portland, Ogn” CDV printed back, ms date 1876, which may not be reliable. (OHS study collection of CDVs)
OVERPRINT: “Davidson Brothers, Successors to Shuster & Davidson, Cor. 1st & Yamhill, Portland, Oregon…” (OHS study collection of CDVs)
“H. S. Shuster, Burlingame, Kansas” CDV printed back. late 1860’s style.
“H. S. Shuster, Sheridan, Or.” cabinet card
“Shuster, Salem Or.” printed front of cabinet card, “First Premium at Oregon State Fair 1880 & 1882, For Best Cards, Cabinets & Panels, Awarded to H. S. Shuster, Salem, Oregon” printed back. “H. S. Shuster” printed front of cabinet card, “First Premium for best Cabinets and Cards, at the State Fair, 1880-1882, Awarded to H. S. Shuster, Court Street, Salem, Oregon” printed back
“H. S. Shuster, Astoria Oregon” printed front cabinet card, variety of styles.
“H. S. Shuster, Hillsboro Or” cabinet card, printed front (WCM #LP72-211/208-21)
News Items and Advertisements
1877: “PHOTOGRAPHY – The undersigned respectfully announce to the public that we will continue the business of Photography, heretofore conducted by Shuster & Davidson, at the same place, and under the firm name of Davidson Brothers. We have engaged the services of Mr. H. S. Shuster as operator for a short time, and feel confident of pleasing those who may give us their patronage. I. G. Davidson, J. S. Davidson, Portland, Feb 14, 1877″ Oregonian, 15 February 1877, pg. 2, col. 3
1877:”For Photographs of the finest quality go to Davidson Bros., successors to Shuster & Davidson, corner First and Yamhill streets, Portland, Oregon.” The New Northwest, (Portland) 2 March 1877 pg. 3 col. 5 (regular insertion, other issues not checked)
1880: (Oregon State Fair) “In photography Hugh Willis and H. S. Shuster Compete, the latter taking first and the former taking second premiums. The exhibit in these is extremely meager, compared to former years, and shows the painful lack of the competition of Portland artists.” Oregonian, 8 July 1880, pg. 1 col. 5
1880: (Oregon State Fair Premium List Division S – Works of Art) “H. S. Shuster, Salem photographs (cabinet) 1st; photographs (card) 1st.” Oregonian, 9 July 1880, pg. 1 col. 5

1887: “For The Most Beautiful And enduring photographs, charming tones, the most scientific retouching and fine polish go to N. S. Shuster, the pioneer leading photographer. See new samples at his new gallery on the roadway.” The daily morning Astorian, January 27, 1887
1897: Article about getting gold by sweating gold coins in acid bath. Washington County Hatchet, 22 January 1897.
Brown, Robert O., Nineteenth Century Portland, Oregon Photographers: A Collector’s Handbook (author; Portland, 1991) p. 77-78
Lang, Herbert O. ed., History of the Willamette Valley (Portland; Himes 1885) “Shuster, H. S. Lives in Salem, and is a photographer. Born in New Jersey in 1830, and was educated at the Wesleyan University in Middleton, Connecticut; graduated in 1860, taking afterwards the degree of Master of Arts. Taught in Pennington Seminary, New Jersey, two years. Since 1866 has been in the photographer’s business; and since 1879 in Salem, Oregon.”