News Items and Advertisements.
1867: “Subscription School. Notice is hereby given to the citizens of Oregon City, that Mrs. B. K. VanderGreen, a competent and experienced teacher, will open a School on Monday, January 28th, in the building formerly occupied by James (sic – should be Morrison) Athey, Photographer, on Main street. Terms, per quarter, $4. Lessons in Embroidery, Crocheting, Tatting, and various kinds of Ornamental Work, will be given on Saturdays, from 2 to 5 o’clock P. M. Terms, $1 per month, or 5 cents per lesson.” Oregon City enterprise, February 02, 1867, pg. 3, col. 2., repeating ad to February 9.
1867: “PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! It is only necessary to let the public be informed that T. L. Hack, Artist, Has removed to the Photographic Rooms on Main street, lately occupied by Morrison C. Athey, where he is prepared to execute better work than ever. For Children’s Pictures the best hours are between 9 and 12 o’clock A. M.” Oregon City enterprise, April 06, 1867, pg. 1, col. 1. repeating ad to May 4.
1874: “The election of Chief and Assistant Engineers of the Oregon City Fire Department was quite spirited last Monday, and resulted in the election of A. C. Bailey as Chief, by twelve majority, who was opposed by W. L. White; and M. C. Athey, Assistant, by eight majority over Geo. A. Harding.”Morning Oregonian, March 7, 1874, pg. 1, col. 1.