Finley, William Lovell (Portland)

William Lovell Finley (1876-1953)
Herman T. Bohlman (1872-1933)

Directory Listings for Finley
1904 PCD pg. 378 “Finley, Wm. L bds 264 Madison”
1910 PCD pg. 410 “Finley, Wm L pres Oregon Audubon Society h Jennings Lodge Or”
1915 PCD pg. 453 “Finley, Wm L (Irene B) State Game Warden 630 Pittock Block, h 651 E Madison”
1925 PCD pg. 612 “Finley, W L h Jennings Lodge”
Directory Listings for Bohlman
1904 PCD pg. 222 “Bohlman, Herman T. (Bohlman & Son) res 46 9th N.” “Bohlman, H. & Son, (Henry C and Herman T) plumbers 44 1/2 9th N.” “Bohlman, Henry C. (B and Son) res 46 9th N.” also a Bertha at this address, and an Edward F Bohlman, plumber with B and C.
1906 PCD pg. 226 “Bohlman, Herman T. (H. C. Bohlman & Sons), res 46 9th N.”
1910 PCD pg. 201 “Bohlman, Herman T. (Bohlman & Son) h 202 Occident”, “Bohlman & Son (Henry C and Herman T.) plumbers, 44 1/2 9th N Tel Main 4804, A 4804”
1915 PCD pg. 227 “Bohlman, Herman T (Maude) (H Bohlman & Son) h 202 Occident”, “Bohlman H & Son (Henry C and Herman T), plumbers 44 1/2 9th N Tel Main 4804, A 4804”
1925 PCD pg. 326 “Bohlman, Herman T (Maud: H. Bohlman & Son) h 686 Market st dr”, “Bohlman, H & Son (H T Bohlman) plmbrs 44 9th N”
News Items and Advertisements
1910: “Mr. Finley to Lecture Here. William L. Finley, author of ‘American Birds,’ lecturer and field agent of the National Association of Audubon Societies, and President of Oregon Audubon Society, will lecture before the California Camera Club upon the occasion of their regular monthly lecture at Christian Science Hall, on the evening of February eighteen. At the early date at which this part of the magazine goes to press, it is not known just what arrangements will be made, but it is understood that the lecture will be so conducted that the general public can secure admission, possibly by the purchase of tickets of the members or at the dealers. The article from Mr. Finley’s pen which appeared in our last issue gives but a small indication of the amount of work and study which Messrs. Finley and Bohlman have devoted to the subject during a long period of years. Their work has met with the approval of those high in office; in fact, quoting from a newspaper clipping: ‘It was through the efforts of Mr. Finley and his associate, Mr. Bohlman, that President Roosevelt, in August, 1908, set aside the two largest and most important wild bird reservations in the United States for the protection and preservation of wild fowl. These are Klamath Lake and Malheur Reservations, lying in Northern California and Southern Oregon. Mr. Roosevelt was greatly interested in the wild bird photographs taken by these two naturalists. One of the photographs taken at the sea shore, of a gull over the waves, he said was the best thing he had ever seen in wild bird photography. Because of his wide experience in the field with the camera, Mr. Finley was asked to consult with Kermit Roosevelt, and hive him suggestions as to field work and equipment, before the President and his son left for Africa.” Camera Craft, March, 1910, pg. 124, col. 2.
1910: “HUNTING WILD BIRDS WITH THE CAMERA. The lecture with the above title, which was to have been given by William L. Finley under the auspices of the California Camera Club, on Friday, February eighteenth, came very near not being presented. The announcement of a lecture by so eminent an authority as the author of ‘American Birds’ had caused an unusual demand for admission cards, and at eight o’clock the hall was packed to the doors. Unfortunately, Mr. Finley was taken severely ill that morning, and could not be present. Late in the afternoon, Mr. LeBreton, one of the directors of the club, realizing how greatly the audience would be disappointed at not seeing Mr. Finley’s beautiful collection of bird pictures, went over to Piedmont and obtained Mrs. Finley’s permission to show them. A selection of about one hundred and fifty slides was made, and some interesting notes were furnished by Mrs. Finley, who is almost as familiar with bird life as her talented husband.
Mr. LeBreton presented the views to the large audience in a most interesting manner; the beautiful pictures being frequently applauded. A more interesting and unique collection was never shown by the Camera Club. The habits of the birds and their peculiar characteristics were most admirably portrayed. The best pictures were undoubtedly those of the owls and eagles; the remarkable poses of the former were undreamt of by the audience, while some twenty slides pictured the development of the national bird from the egg in the nest to full-fledged development.
The great difficulties and dangers attending the taking of Mr. Finley’s wonderful photographs, from tree tops, from marshes defying approach, and from precipitous, overhanging crags, elicited frequent exclamations of surprise fro the more timed in the audience. H. T. Bohlman, Mr. Finley’s co-worker, was often referred to, and due credit given him for his part in securing the beautiful pictures.
It was through the efforts of Mr. Finley and his associate, Mr. Bohlman, that President Roosevelt in August, 1908, set aside the two largest and most important wild bird reservations in the United States for the protection and preservation of wild fowl. These are Klamath Lake and Malheur Lake Reservations, lying in Northern California and Southern Oregon. Mr. Roosevelt was greatly interested in the wild bird photographs taken by these two naturalists. One of the photographs taken at the sea shore of a gull over the waves, he said was the best thing he had ever seen in wild bird photography. Because of his wide experience in the field with the camera, Mr. Finley was asked to consult with Kermit Roosevelt and hive him suggestions as to field work and equipment, before the President and his son left for Africa.” Camera Craft, Vol. XVII No. 3, March 1910, pg. 127.
1910: “Mr. Finley Again in Good Health. The many friends of William L. Finley, lecturer and field agent of the National Association of Audubon Societies, will be pleased to learn that he is again able to take up his photographic work. He was taken ill while here, had malarial fever, which held him in a hospital at Riverside for two weeks, and another attack upon his arrival at Tucson, Arizona. Writing under date of April fifteenth, he advises that he is fast returning to his usual good health and that he is starting out with every expectation of getting some good material there during the next two months.” Camera Craft, Vol. XVII, No. 5, May 1910. pg. 202.
1917: “High Praise Is Given Finley’s Pictures Of Scenery In Oregon. Ida M. Tarbell Joins Dr. David Starr Jordan in Complimenting State Biologist. Marvel At Wild Life. Noted Woman Vividly Describes Inspiration of Views; Finley Leaves On Eastern Itinerary. Ida M. Tarbell, noted economist and only woman member of the tariff commission appointed by President Wilson, yesterday joined with Dr. David Starr Jordan, famous peace advocate and chancellor of Leland Stanford Jr. University, in praising and recommending the moving pictures of northwest scenery made and exhibited by Will L. Finley, state biologist. When it was found that weather conditions would prevent a trip over the Columbia river highway planned for Miss Tarbell’s entertainment, Mr. Finley was induced to give a private exhibition of his pictures for the enjoyment of Miss Tarbell and Dr. Jordan.
Gives Unstinted Praise. “Oregon and the northwest have a wonderful wealth of beauty. Although I was unable to see at first hand your famous highway, yet I gained through Mr. Finley’s remarkable moving pictures almost the same inspiration and enthusiasm that I would have had in looking upon the original views,” said Miss Tarbell. “I count my seeing of Mr. Finley’s pictures as one of the experiences of my life. I saw Mt. Hood from base to snowy peak almost as vividly as though I had climbed it. That remarkable ranger who lives during the summer on the summit, 11,000 feet above the surrounding country, and his combined cabin and observatory, impressed me greatly. The fishing scenes were of fascinating interest and the animals were remarkable photographed in action. When I saw the beaver come out at sunset and enjoy his evening meal, then swim away downstream in the glimmering light, it was as though I had stood watching upon the brink of the stream. The coney on the side of the mountain was another rare picture. The whole exhibition was delightful beyond words and every person, whether resident of Oregon or the rest of the country, will miss a marvelous treat not to see the Finley pictures. Enthusiasm of Dr. Jordan. Dr. Jordan’s enthusiasm equaled that of Miss Tarbell. “Say anything you like for me,” he directed The Journal representative. “Make it as strong as you can. The Finley pictures are worthy of more than the best that can be said of them. Only those who have studied wild life closely can appreciate Mr. Finley’s achievement in getting moving pictures of the beaver, which ordinarily comes out only at night; of the coney, whose color blends so closely with the mountain rocks that he is almost invisible, and of the antelope and coyote, whose shyness keeps them far away from man. I would offer only one criticism. Let Mr. Finley put in even more animals and take out none that he shows. He has the pictures, but he had an idea his program was a little too long in showing others. The program could not be too long with such subjects. The pictures have scientific interest, as well as scenic beauty, and the people of the nation ought to see them.
Mr. Finley’s Eastern Itinerary. Mr. Finley intends to leave for the east with the pictures in a few days. His itinerary has been outlined as follows: March 3-Chicago, Evanston schools; March 9-Washington, D. C., National Geographic society; March 10-Philadelphia, American Institute; March 12-New York, New York, New York Institute; March 13-New York, Game Protective association; March 14, 17, and 19-New York, Columbia university; March 22-Worcester, Mass., Massachusetts Game association; March 23-New Bedford Mass., Game association; March 24- Boston, Tremont Temple; March 26-Springfield, Mass,. Massachusetts Fish and Game commission; March 27-Springfield, Mass., Municipal Auditorium. Mark Woodruff, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce publicity bureau, will write to the superintendents of schools in each of the cities to be visited by Mr. Finley, asking them to urge the teachers to see the pictures as a foretaste of the scenic beauties awaiting their visit to the northwest incident to their attendance at the National Education association convention in Portland, the second week of July.” The Oregon Journal, 25 February, 1917, pg. 6.
1917: “State Biologist, William L. Finley of Portland, Oregon, delivered a lecture before the Illinois Audubon Society, Saturday, March third, on ‘Nature’s Children in Motion Pictures”. Camera Craft, Vol. XXIV, No. 4, April 1917, pg. 176.
1928: “William L. Finley Is To Show Movies of Wild Animal Life. Five reels of motion pictures of the outdoors, a movielogue by William L. Finley, “Camera Hunting on the Continental Divide,” will be shown Saturday night at The Auditorium, These five reels have been picked from 20,000 feet of film taken during recent Pack-Finlay expeditions, under auspices of the American Nature association and Nature magazine. The showing here is being sponsored by the Portland council of Girl Scouts and Leaders’ association for the benefit of the Rocky mountains, of Southeastern Oregon, of Glacier park and of Western Canada in their native habitats. One of the big features will be a rare shot of Rocky mountain goats, which were caught after many failures and with much difficulty. Finley will accompany the showing of the pictures with an interesting lecture. ” The Oregon Journal, 23 November, 1928, pg. 11.
1931: Finlay, William. photo reproduced “A Sweep of the Shore” American Photography October 1931, pg. 523.
1932: “NOTABLE PHOTOGRAPHS OBTAINED BY AMERICAN NATURE SOCIETY EXPEDITION TO ALASKA. William L. Finley, Portland naturalist, was a leader of the recent American Nature Society to Alaska in which photographs of bears, fish and birds were the principal objectives. The two strips of grizzly bear photographs evoke wonder as to the thoughts of those who took the pictures when the bears advanced. Shown above are salmon jumping Alaskan rapids. In the center are William L. Finley and his camera, and a tifted puffin, or sea parrot. Below is a 45-foot whale weighing 20 tons at play in the cool waters of the north.” Sunday Oregonian, 3 January 1932, sec. 2, pg. 1. with 14 illustrations, additional text.
1932: “Oregon Naturalist Here on Visit … It was Mr. Finley’s first visit to this region for several years.
In 1908 Mr. Finley spent the entire summer in this territory, most of the time at Malheur Lake where he took hundreds of pictures of the wild fowl life. At that time he was equipped with a camera and dorve (sic – should read drove) a White steamer automobile, using sagebrush for fuel a part of the time. Mr. Finley spent days stalking water fowl and secured close-up pictures that have been displayed all over the world. Mr. Finley reporting that they were used in the Illustrated London News many years ago and also appeared in publications of Paris in France. … ” Burns Times-Herald, 20 May 1932, pg. 6, col. 1.
1932: “William L. Finley, Oregon’s Noted Naturalist, 56 Today. Man Who Spread Name of State Far and Wide Becomes Famous for Studies and Pictures of Wild Life. He is a doctor of science. It is “doctor” in the east, but “Bill” this side of the Rockies. He is known the country over as an Oregonian, a naturalist of renown, wild life photographer, author and lecturer. “One of the most extraordinary naturalists living, he has photographed everything that runs, flies or swims,” says one of the editors in American magazine. More than 20 years ago William L. Finley was the personal friend of Theodore Roosevelt, John Burroughs and other naturalists. When Roosevelt was preparing for his African trip he asked Finley to visit his son Kermit at Harvard and give advice about cameras and photographing wild bird and animal life. Among the many autographed books in Dr. Finley’s library are some by the ex-president. One is dedicated, “To William L. Finley, a practical field naturalist, with the admiration of his friend, Theodore Roosevelt.” In 1911, when Mr. Roosevelt, touring the country, arrived at the Portland hotel, he changed his usual hard-and-fast rule of allowing no one to see him during his rest period and spent a good part of the afternoon with Dr. Finley looking at his pictures and discussing matters of wild life conservation. Bird Reserves Created. Three large federal wild bird reservations in Oregon were created by special executive proclamation by Theodore Roosevelt. These stand as a record of Dr. Finley’s efforts in arousing popular interest in conservation of outdoor resources. Through his many articles in Nature magazine, Colliers, Atlantic Monthly, National Geographic and other publications, he has become known to thousands of people who have never heard him lecture or seen his remarkable motion pictures. Dr. Finley was born August 9, 1876, at Santa Clara, Cal. He first attended the old Gantenbien school on Ninth and Stark streets. Later he went to the Park school and graduated in 1892 from the Harrison school, of which Frank Rigler was the principal. In 1896 he graduated from the old Portland high school, and with the avowed purpose of going on to college he began saving money for a college career. The following year he went down to the University of California, but to get into a classical course he lacked three years of Greek. Seven months later he passed his Greek examinations, but all his money had passed into the hands of a tutor. The next year he continued his studies at the old Portland academy, and entered the University of California in 1899. It happened that a young lady by the name of Irene Barnhart entered college at the same time and graduated in the same class. Bill and Irene were married in 1906, and have two children, Phoebe Katherine and William Lovell Jr. Estate on Willamette. The Finleys have a home on their ten acres at Jennings Lodge on the bank of the Willamette. They have make many trips together and in nearly all of the wilder parts of the country from Mexico to Alaska. More than 100 illustrated magazine articles have recorded the studies and experiences of the Finleys. Two of their books, “American Birds” and “Wild Animal Pets,” have been published by Scribners, and “Little Bird Blue” by Houghton, Mifflin company. Three of their series of motion picture reels have been released on the theatrical circuits. In the concrete vault attached to their study at Jennings Lodge is a collection of 60,000 still-life negatives and 200,000 feet of motion picture negatives, the largest in existence covering American wild bird and mammal life. Through many years all kinds of pets have found a home around the Finley estate, from humming birds to condors, flying squirrels, porcupines, bobcats, cougar kittens, mountain goats, antelope, coyotes and bear cubs. The basis of all of the Finleys’ work is to educate the old and young to love the out of doors and to arouse Oregonians to conserve their outdoor resources and develop a more healthful citizenship. The ambition of Dr. Finley is to have the whole country know of the recreational advantages of the northwest. His new series of motion picture reels soon will be released on theatrical circuit and during the winter he will give motion picture lectures in all parts of the east and south.” The Oregonian, 9 August, 1932, pg. 7.
1938: article about crows by Finley. Oregon Journal, 9 January 1938, second comic section, pg. 10? (unpaginated)
1943: “Herman Theodore Bohlman: A private funeral service was held Monday at Riverview cemetery chapel for Herman Theodore Bohlman, 2342 S.W. Market Street Drive. He was born April 15, 1872 in Portland and was the son of Henry C. and Augusta Bohlman, pioneers. He died Saturday. He was associated with W.L. Finley, naturalist, being a bird photographer. His bird pictures appeared in national and foreign magazines. He was also an artist and was a member of the Oregon Artist society and the Oregon Artist society and of the latter was a director. He is survived by his widow, Maud Irene; son, H. Theodore; brothers, Edward F. and Otto A., and sister, Bertha Bohlman, all of Portland.” The Oregon Journal 16 Feb. 1943 Sec 2, pg. 8.
1943: “H.T. Bohlman Funeral Held: Private funeral services for Herman Theodore Bohlman, 2342 S.W. Market Street Drive, who died at his home Saturday, were held Monday at the Riverview cemetery chapel, interment at that cemetery afterward. Rev. W.G. Elliot officiated. Mr. Gohlman, a nature lover born in Portland April 15, 1872, and had lived here all his life. He conducted a plumbing business here for over 40 years. A charter member in 1900 of the John Burroughs society, forerunner of the present Audobon society, Mr. Bohlman has spent many years photographing birds and has had his pictures published in many of the magazines of this country and abroad. A life member of the Audobon society, he was a member of the board of directors at the time of his death. He has been instrumental in establishing many of the bird refuges in this state. He was also a member of the Oregon Artist’s society. Surviving are his widow, Maud Irene; a son H. Theodore; two brothers, Edward F. and Otto A. and a sister, Bertha Bohlman, all of Portland.” Oregonian 16 Feb. 1943 pg. 11.
1953: “William Finley, Noted Naturalist, Dies Here. William L. Finley, 76, widely know Oregon naturalist and writer and stockholder in the J. P. Finley & Son mortuary, died in a Portland hospital Monday after an illness of five years. He is survived by his wife, Irene, also a naturalist; son, William L. Finley Jr., president of J. P. Finley & Son; daughter, Mrs. Arthur N. Pack, Tuscon, Ariz.; six grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. Finley was appointed the first member of the Oregon fish and game commission, established in 1911 by a legislative act. Finley make a long study at the request of Governor Oswald West that resulted in the formation of the commission. He later served as state game warden until 1915, because it was felt that his knowledge was more valuable in this field. In the next four years he was the state biologist, a post created by special legislative act. He was born August 8, 1876, in Santa Clara, Cal. He was educated in Portland public schools and was graduated from the University of California in 1903. In the graduation class was Irene Barnhart, whom he married three years later. She survives him. The Finleys made many expeditions to remote places of the world under auspices of the American Nature association, to photograph and record the habits of birds and other wildlife. ter seasons lecturing throughout the U. S. to interest the public in wildlife conservation and urge an organized campaign to save natural resources. His articles and pictures appeared in leading magazines, including National Geographic, Nature, Life, Colliers and Atlantic Monthly. He was a co-author with Mrs. Finley of two books, Little Bird Blue and Wild Animal Pets, and wrote by himself, American Birds. He served 20 years as field naturalist for the National Association of Audubon Societies and was a member of many conservation organizations, including: Vice president of the Izaac Walton League of America and of the National Wildlife federation, member of advisory council of National Parks association, director of Outdoor Writers association of America and honorary president fo (sic) the Oregon Audubon society. He also was a life-time member of the Mazamas and the National Audubon society. In 1931 Oregon State college conferred the honorary degree of doctor of science on him for his distinguished service as a naturalist. The Finley home for many years was on the bank of the Willamette river at Jennings Lodge. His 10 acres harbored many pets, including Kodiak bear cubs, California condors, antelopes, mountain goats and bobcats.” The Oregonian, 30 June, 1953, pg. 21.
1953: “Noted Naturalist, Writer William L. Finley Dies. William L. Finley, 76, nationally known naturalist, wildlife writer and lecturer, died Monday in Portland after an illness of several months. Mr. Finley, with his wife, Irene, who shared his interests, devoted his life to wildlife conservation. He was well known for his books and writings in national publications, for his yearly lecture tours, for his conservation work and for his extensive collection of 200,000 feet of movie film and more than 30,000 pictures of still life-the most remarkable record of American wild life ever collected. In 1910, Mr. Finley was asked by then Governor Oswald West to make a study of the fish and game commission in all parts of the United States so a commission could be created in the state. On Mr. Finley’s recommendation, the state legislature set up the commission. Mr. Finley was appointed the first commissioner for fish and game in 1911. The same year he was maned state game warden and served there for four years. He became the first state biologist when that position was created in 1913. Keeping that post for four years, He was again named fish and game commissioner in 1926 and 1927. Bird Reserve Backed. It was largely through his efforts that the vast Malheur wild fowl reserve was established by the federal government in 1935. For 20 years, Mr. Finley was field naturalist for the national association of Audubon Societies and he contributed much to wild life protection needs. He was vice president of the Izaac Walton League of America and the Nationald (sic) Wild Life federation. He was a member of the advisory council of National Parks association, a director of Outdoor Writers Association of America, honorary president of Oregon Audubon society, and life member of the national association and of Mazamas. He was co-author with his wife of three books. “Wild Animal Pets,” “American Birds,” and “Little Bird Blue.” Their experiences were related in National Geographic, Nature magazine, Atlantic Monthly, Life, Colber’s and other national publications. Thousands Hear Lectures. The Finleys spent their winters for 30 years lecturing in most every state attempting to interest people in wild life conservation. Much of the film in his collection was released in theaters by leading film companies. It also was used in public schools. In the past 40 years, Mr. Finley and his wife had cruised and explored islands in the Gulf of Mexico, outermost islands of the Bering sea, northern glaciers of Alaska, British Columbia, highest passes of the Cascades and Rockies and most of the national parks. Mr. Finley was born August 9, 1876, in Santa Cruz, Cal. He came to Portland area in 1887 and lived most of his life at Jennings Lodge. He was graduated from the University of California in 1903. Honorary Degree Given. In 1931, Oregon State college conferred an honorary degree of doctor of science on him because of his distinguished service as a naturalist. Mr. Finley was a stockholder and an ex-vice president of J. P. Finley & Son funeral home. His son, William L. Finley Jr., is president of the firm. Other survivors include: the widow, a daughter, Mrs. Arthur N. Pack, Tuscon, Ariz.; six grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. Finley’s will be in charge of arrangements.” The Oregonian, 30 June 1953.

“…Oregon Audobon Society, which he joined in 1914. He recalls his association with William Finley (the naturalist), Herman T. Bohlman … In those days there were no colored slides, but the above experts illustrated their talks with with their own sketches, paintings and photographs…”. Oregonian 21 May 1967 NW section, pg. 11.
1973: “William Finley, H.T. Bohlman: Saving the West with a camera: Two men in an air cooled Franklin car, hauling a collapsible and lugging a camera as large as a bread box, alternately shivered and roasted as they explored the hostile vastness of Southeastern Oregon. It was summer 1908 when William Lovell and Herman Theodore Bohlman moved south from Burns to explore and photograph Maheur and Harney Lakes- what Finley later described as “a wild nursery unique in the natural history of America: the greatest living museum of birds in the land.” The trek was both scientific and merciful: Finley gathering data to support President Theodore Roosevelt’s interest in preserving the area as wildlife refuge. Finley, a pioneer conservationist, was also pressing for curtailment of wildfowl slaughter supplying milliners of the East. Finley was 34, a graduate of the University of California who moved to Portland in 1887 15 years he would gain international recognition as a writer, naturalist, conservationist and photographer. A personal friend and consultant to President Roosevelt, Finley taught the President’s son, Kermit, the photography he had learned in 1903 from Bohlman on an expedition to Tule, Klamath and Malheur Lakes. Little is known of Bohlman except that he was a plumber, wore a profuse handlebar moustache and in 1908 owned an aircooled Franklin car. But that the two men were close friends and determined professionals for many years is documented in a collection of thousand of prints and glass plates carefully guarded by the Oregon Game Commission. Even the most ardent naturalist must tire of photographing ducks, blue herons and pileated woodpeckers and Finley and Bohlman were often their own best subjects. Scenes of the two men camping, digging the Franklin from a sandy rut or perched in a treetop with a gang of friendly flickers are fascinating cameos of two men working happily together. Involuntarily, they also captured candids of the diminishing way of life of the latest frontier. There is a sensitive subjectivity: A sunburned sheepherder, eyes shaded and wary, guards his flocks a dusty clatter of freight wagons whose imminent disappearance must have been predicted by the two men riding in an automobile. Though Bohlman’s later life has been obscured by time, Finley became widely known through winter lecture tours and his numerous publications. On request of Gov. Oswald West, Finley toured the country in 1910 seeking a model for Oregon’s Game Commission which was established the next year. In 1911 he visited again with his close friend Theodore Roosevelt and later the same year was appointed Oregon game commissioner and state game biologist. Until his death in 1953, Finley continued to defend Oregon’s natural resources. In 1938 he condemned the pollution and overfishing decimating the Columbia River salmon runs and in 1970, an article in The Oregonian called for a cleanup of the Willamette River and a curtailment of power dam construction. His dedication in 1972 earned him the Izaac Walton Man of The Year Award, the groups highest, and a tribute, as one of the most extraordinary naturalists living. He left behind 60,000 still life negatives and 200,000 feet of motion picture film and a legacy rescued from the plume hunters when he was a young man packing his cameras in Bohlman’s aircooled Franklin car.” The Oregonian; 11 June 1973, pg. 14.
Finley, William Lovell; “American Birds”
Finley, William Lovell; “Wild Animal Pets”
Finley, William Lovell; “Little Bird Blue”
Finley, William Lovell; “Photographing Wild Birds”, Camera Craft, Vol. XVI, No. 1, January 1910 pg. 15-18. photographs credited to Herman T. Bohlman and Finley. Article is a pep talk for bird photographers.
Finley, William Lovell; “Adventure in Modern Photography”, Pacific Monthly, Jan 1905 pg. 16-23. 13 photographs credited to Herman T. Bohlman. Account of trip to Netarts Bay on 20 June 1903 for the purpose of photographing birds.
Findley (sic), William; “Conveying The Sense of Motion” American Annual of Photography 1910, New York; Tennant & Ward 1910. pg. 214-218
Finley, William Lovell, “A Pageant Of The Sea” The American Annual of Photography, Vol. XXVIII, New York; The American Annual of Photography, Inc. 1913. pg. 220-222. summary: technical description of the exposure and development of a marine view. 1 photograph reproduced.
Findley (sic), William Lovell, “Pictorial Suggestions From The Poets” The American Annual of Photography 1915, New York; The American Annual of Photography, Inc. 1915. pg. 182 – 185. summary: extended discussion of aesthetics of titling photographs. 2 photos reproduced.
Finley, William Lovell, “River Scenery – ‘Capturing’ Running Water” The American Annual of Photography 1917, New York; The American Annual of Photography, Inc. 1916. pg. 100-103. summary: advice on selecting camera locations for photograping pictoral water scenes. 2 photographs reproduced.
Pintarich, Paul, “A Man Called Finley”, Oregon Wildlife, Vol. 30, No. 2, February 1975. pg. 3-7. Biography of William Finley. “Bohlman (a Portland, Oregon, plumber who taught Finley to use a camera) spent the summer of 1905 … (in) upper and lower Klamath Lakes and Tule Lake…”, “Traveling to Burns from Portland in 1908, Finley and Bohlman jolted some 300 miles in Bohlman’s air-cooled Franklin car…”, “Less is known of Bohlman. He was a quiet man, according to surviving relatives, fond of a flowing handlebar mustache…in later years (he turned) from photography to oil painting.”
Winroth, Elizabeth (ed), Union Guide to Photograph Collections in the Pacific Northwest, (Portland; Oregon Historical Society, 1978) pg. 80-81.
Finley was editor of the Oregon Sportsman monthly magazine. He wrote frequently about his photographic activities, for example “Finley Pictures in the East”, April 1916 pg. 121.
Mathewson, Worth William L. Finley, Pioneer Wildlife Photographer (1986, Oregon State University press) This 200 page book is the best available biography of Finley.