Thornton Birdsall (Portland)
Pacific Photo Co. Inc.
He spent the 1890s as a clerk for Canning, Wallace & Co., a wholesale grocery and drug supply. After that firm went out of business, he and his brother Robert operated a short lived sales company. Thornton Birdsall joined the Oregon Camera Club on June 12, 1900. In 1902, he opened a photography studio at 203 Vine St. (a street that used to run between Naito Parkway to the corner of 1st & Ankeny, about where the fire station is now located.) In 1904 he advertised “Photographs made for Advertising Purposes, Catalogue and Halftone Work, Landscapes, Buildings, Residences and Interiors Photographed.” In 1907 he added Lynds W Jones as secretary, and Fred H McClure as treasurer. In 1911, John V. Reid became the secretary & treasurer. The studio remained on Vine St. until 1917. He was a member of the Oregon Camera Club until May of 1917. Thornton Birdsall got a job as a machinist in 1919.