Dalton, Frank (Portland)

Frank Dalton (Portland)
1865 Portland
In 1866 Frank Dalton married the sister of Byron Cardwell.
Directory Listings
1864 PD not listed
1865 PD pg. Appendix “Dalton, D. F., photographer, 89 First; res 135 Second”, pg. 43 “Dalton, D. F. res 235 Second” (sic on addresses)
1866 PD not listed
Employee Listings
Desmond, R. A., photographer, 1865
Photographer’s Imprints
“F. Dalton, Portland, O May 3” stamped on back CDV with tax stamp (OHS 320-7 Deady)
“F. Dalton, Portland, O June 3, 1865” stamped on back CDV with tax stamp (OHS 244-5 Clark)
“F. Dalton, Portland, O June 9, 1865” CDV (reported by Brown)
“F. Dalton, Portland, O. June 14, 1865” CDV stamped back with tax stamp (OHS collection)
“F. Dalton, Portland, O. June 20, 1865” CDV stamped back (OHS 367 Failing)
“F. Dalton, Portland, O.” printed front CDV (OHS collection)
News Items and Advertisements
1865: “100,000 MEN WANTED – To sit for cards de visite, ambrotypes, life sized photographs, &c., &c., in all the latest styles
The undersigned having refitted and refurbished the old Gallery of BUCHTEL & CARDWELL, No. 89 First street, Portland, and engaged the services of MR. DESMOND, of Wm. Shew’s Gallery, San Francisco, of whom Mr. Shew says in his letter of recommendation, ‘I think he possesses all the requisite qualifications of a FIRST CLASS OPERATOR, and has the best practical knowledge of Photographic Chemistry of any man in California,’ the undersigned proposes to take One Hundred Thousand Pictures this season.
Cards will be delivered with all possible dispatch. Children will be taken in the twinkling of an eye. The public are respectfully invited to call and satisfy themselves that he is prepared to compete with any Gallery on the Pacific Coast. F. DALTON. N. B.- Negatives will be preserved at the request of the patron.” Oregonian, 2 March – 3 April 1865 (The text changed over the course of the month. The recommendation of Shew was an addition.)
1865: “DALTON’S GALLERY – The old-time gallery on First street, known for years as Buchtel & Cardwell’s, as a pleasant resort for procuring photo.’s (sic), cards de visit (sic), etc., has passed into the proprietorship of F. Dalton, Esq., and has been fitted up in excellent order for business. The cabinets, collection of rare species in natural history, etc., have received a new dressing, and the place is really more attractive now than ever before. The facilities for operating are much increased, by additional rooms, and every attention will be given for the accommodation of patrons. Mr. Desmond, late of Shew’s gallery in San Francisco, who is known for his ability as an artist, has arrived here and will assume control as the leading operator. See Mr. D’s card, in another column.”
1865: “SKETCH OF THE WRECK – Mr. Jos. McLaughlin…made a sketch of the position of the wrecked bark Industry…which has been photographed by Mr. Dalton. We are indebted to the gentlemanly proprietor of the Gallery for a couple of copies…” (ed note – Dalton has shot a copy negative of the sketch, not made an actual photograph of the shipwreck near Astoria) Oregonian, 22 March 1865, pg. 3, col. 1
1865: “FOUND – I have engaged the services of R. A. DESMOND – formerly of Humphrey’s Gallery, New York City, and lately of W. Shew’s Gallery, San Francisco, – and am now prepared to take as good CARD DE VISITES and LARGE PHOTOGRAPHS as can be taken in San Francisco. Gentlemen and ladies are invited to call and satisfy themselves. Negatives preserved if requested. F. DALTON, No. 89 First street, Portland.” Oregonian, 4 April – 1 May 1865
1865: INSURANCE! The undersigned guarantees as good photographic work, and at as reasonable living costs as can be done any where on the Pacific Coast, Puffs are not needed, for the Work of Mr. Desmond of San Francisco proves itself. the public are respectfully invited to visit his gallery, inspect his Museum and examine and satisfy itself as to his New Work. F. Dalton, No. 89 First Street, Portland” Oregonian, 2 May – 3 June 1865.
1865: “MUSEUM – The undersigned would respectfully remind the people of Portland and public generally that he is Insuring As Good Photographic Work as can be done on the Pacific Coast, and at reasonable rates. Negatives preserved if requested, from which copies can be had at reduced rates. F. Dalton, Proprietor. 89 First street, Portland, Oregon.” Oregonian, 6 June – 13 September 1865.
1865: “Dalton’s Gallery and Museum. Buchtel & Cardwell’s Old Stand, No. 89 First Street, Portland, Oregon. Having purchased F. Dalton’s interest in the above Establishment, it will hereafter be known as ‘Cardwell’s Gallery And Museum.’. Mr. Desmond – several years Brady’s Operator at New York City – will continue to take First-Class Card Pictures, and conduct the business as heretofore. J. R. Cardwell.” Oregonian, 14 September – 22 November 1865.
1865: “Letters- (unclaimed letter list, Portland Post Office)… Frank Dalton to A. W. Wormer…” Oregonian, 8 November 1865, pg. 3, col. 1
Brown, Robert O., Nineteenth Century Portland, Oregon Photographers: A Collector’s Handbook (author; Portland, 1991) pg. 57-58.
Park, Harriet Word, Marriage Records of Multnomah County, Oregon 1855-1873, Portland; Genealogical Forum 1973 pg. 40. Mr. Frank Dalton of Lewiston, W. T., and Mrs. Martha A. Barngert of Multnomah County, married 24 July 1866, at the house of Mrs. Cardwell by G. H. Atkinson, Minister of the Gospel; witnesses Byron Cardwell, S. M. Parish, and others. Page 46 in Marriage Records Book 1 Jan 1855 to Aug 1865 at Multnomah County Courthouse.