George S. Gourley (Cottage Grove, Eugene)
1907-1909 Cottage Grove
1913-1917 Eugene
Directory Listings
1907 POW pg. 178 Cottage Grove “Gourley, George S photographer”
1909 POW pg. 124 Cottage Grove “Gourley, George S photographer”
1910 Lane pg. 101 “Gourley, George S., elec Aloha Theater, rms 63 E 9th”
1913 POW pg. 228 Eugene “Gourley, Geo S, propr Gourley’s Studio, 29 W 10th” Plus Display ad
1915 POW pg. 177 Eugene “Gourley, Geo S, propr Gourley’s Studio, 29 W 10th” Plus Display ad
1917 POW pg. 159 Eugene “Gourley, Geo S, portrait and commercial photography studio, 57 10th Ave W, Tel 448-J”
1913: “Gourley Studio, portraits and groups, copying and finishing, post cards and Kodak finishing. Phone 448-J. 29 West 10th St., Eugene” Oregana 1913, (University of Oregon, Eugene 1912)
1913: “G. S. Gourley, Outdoor and indoor work as well as portrait photography. General photography. Gourley’s Studio, 29 W 10th, Eugene” Polk’s Oregon Washington Gazetteer, Portland; R. L. Polk & Co, 1913, pg. 228
1915: “G. S. Gourley, Outdoor and indoor work as well as portrait photography. General photography. Gourley’s Studio, 57 Tenth Ave West, Eugene, Ore.” Polk’s Oregon Washington Gazetteer, Portland; R. L. Polk & Co 1915 pg. 179.
1916: “Gourley Studio, 57 Tenth Ave West, distinctive quality (portraits)” Oregana 1916, University of Oregon, Eugene, 1915, pg. 21.
1917: “George S. Gourley, portrait and commercial photography studio, 57 Tenth Ave West, Eugene, Tel 448-J.” Polk’s Oregon Washington Gazetteer, Portland; R. L. Polk & Co 1917 pg. 159
News Items and Advertisements
1914: Portrait of John M. Howe, of Eugene, published and credited “Gourley photo” Morning Oregonian, May 3, 1914, pg. 7.
1918: “Oregon University Lads Wind Up Month’s Strenuous Training With Hike Up McKenzie and Sham Battle” full page of photos credited “Photo by Gourley” Oregonian, July 21, 1918, pg. 18.
1918: “Rich And Poor Vie At Military Camp Special Instruction” photo credited “Photo by Gourley” Oregonian, August 11, 1918, pg. 8