Theodore Danner (Heppner)
Danner & Lubken
1889-1891 Heppner
1889-1891 Lexington
1899 Bloomington, Ill
1900-1905 Pendleton
1907-1921 Athena
1911-1917 Milton
Directory Listings
1889 POWI pg. 257 Heppner “Danner, Theodore, photographer”
1889 POWI pg. 298 Lexington “Danner, T D, photographer”
1891 POWI pg. 333. Lexington “Danner, T. D., photographer”
1891 POWI pg. 286 Heppner “Danner, Theodore, photographer”
1903 POW pg. 287 Pendleton “Danner, Theodore, photographer”
1905 POW pg. 336 Pendleton “Danner, Theodore photographer”
1907 POW pg. 131 Athena “Danner, Theodore photographer”
1909 POW pg. 76 Athena “Danner, Theodore photographer”
1911 POW pg. 234 Milton “Danner, Theo, photographer”
1912 Polk Umatilla and Morrow County pg. 220 Milton “Danner, Theodore, photographer”
1913 POW pg. 1948 photographers “Danner, Theo., Milton O”
1914 Polk Umatilla and Morrow County pg. 176 Milton “Danner, Theodore (Mary E) photgr 302 S Main res same”
1917 POW pg. 1534 photographers “Danner, Thos (sic), Milton O”
1921 Polk Umatilla county pg. 118 Milton “Danner, Theo (Mary E) photographer, 302 S Main h same”
Photographer’s Imprints
“Theo Danner, Milton Oregon” rubber stamp on back of mount, 8×10 print of farm scene.
“Theo Danner, Photographer, Heppner, Oregon.” printed front cabinet card.
News Items and Advertisements
1889: “The Heppner gallery is the place to have your photo taken. Don’t forget it. Theodore Danner, proprietor.” Heppner weekly gazette, June 27, 1889, pg. 3, col. 4. repeating ad until July 18.
1892: “Babies’ Day – On Thursday of each week will be ‘Babies day’ at Danner’s gallery. Bring along your babies and have their pictures taken, and you will get one photo free of charge.” Heppner Gazette, 29 Mar 1892 pg. 3 col. 3.
1900: “Theodore Danner, who was in the photographic business in Heppner several years ago and who went back east to live, has recently arrived in Pendleton from Bloomington, Ill. His wife is still living in that city, but will return to Oregon shortly. Mr. Danner is somewhat anxious to hear from his wife on account of the big fire which occurred in Bloomington Tuesday morning, as reported in the Daily East Oregonian of the same day, as Mrs. Danner lives in the vicinity of the fire.” East Oregonian, 20 June 1900, pg. 4, col. 2.
1903: “DESTRUCTIVE FIRE IN PENDLETON LAST NIGHT. Five Firms Are Put Out of Business by a Conflagration in a Wooden Row. … (The entire half block at the corner of Webb and Cottonwood was destroyed. Danner’s studio was in-between the most impacted buildings and the East Oregonian building.) … Danner’s Loss Not by Fire. The Danner studio was not damaged so much by fire as it was by the water and the efforts of the rescuers to save the stock. The furnishings are a total wreck, and the accumulation of valuable negatives are cracked and scattered and broken beyond repair. Mr. Danner estimates his loss at from $250 to $300.” East Oregonian, 5 June 1903, pg. 3, col. 3-4.
1903: “Gallery Ready for Business. Theodore Danner, the photographer, whose studio and equipment were badly damaged by fire Wednesday night, is again doing business. He has fitted up his studio with new carpets, scenery and apparatus and while his loss of valuable negatives is very much regretted, Mr. Danner feels that the fire only hurried up house-cleaning season for him.” East Oregonian (Pendleton), June 06, 1903, pg. 10, col. 4.
1905: “BUILD A PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Danner Will Do So if He Can Get Council’s Permission. Theodore Danner, the photographer, will, if he can get permission from the city council, bold a 25×25 photograph gallery on the corner of the lost whereon he resides, on the north side of Water street, between Cottonwood and Main, the same being the property occupied by Forshaw, the florist. The point at issue is whether Mr. Danner can erect a fire-proof building that will comply with the ordinance establishing the fire limits, withou the walls of the structure being either stone or brick. He proposes to sheath it with corrugated iron.” East Oregonian (Pendleton), February 01, 1905, pg. 8, col. 3.
1905: Theodore Danner returned last night from Athena, where he has been for the purpose of looking over the photographic field there.” East Oregonian (Pendleton), March 09, 1905, pg. 5, col. 3.
1905: “Theodore Danner, the well known photographer, went to Athena today to look over the field with a view to locating there.” East Oregonian (Pendleton), March 30, 1905, pg. 5, col. 3.
1905: “Theodore Danner left this morning for Athena, where he will open a photograph gallery. He will not move his family to Athena for some time, and perhaps not at all.” East Oregonian (Pendleton), April 3, 1905, pg. 5, col. 3.
1905: “Mrs. Theo Danner, of Pendleton, came up Sunday and spent the day with her husband, Mr. Danner, the photographer.” The Athena press, May 09, 1905, pg. 3, col. 1.
1905: “Theodore Danner, the Athena photographer, came down from that place Saturday evening, and spent yesterday in this place.” East Oregonian (Pendleton), May 22, 1905, pg. 5, col. 3.
1905: “Theodore Danner, now proprietor of a photograph gallery in Athena, came down on the train from that place yesterday.” East Oregonian (Pendleton), July 31, 1905, pg. 5, col. 3.
1905: “Danner’s Gallery Afire. Saturday evening the photograph gallery of Theodore Danner at Athena came near being destroyed by fire as the result of the explosion of a gasoline stove. However the blaze was finally extinguished with only about $50 damage being done.” East Oregonian (Pendleton), July 31, 1905, pg. 8, col. 4.
1906: “Familiar Scene in an Eastern Oregon Wheat Field — Two Thousand Sacks of New Grain Ready for Market. — Photo by Theodore Danner.” Oregon Daily Journal. (Portland), August 20, 1906, pg. 4, col. 1-3.
1907: “Theodore Danner, the photographer at Athena, is in the city today upon a brief visit.” East Oregonian (Pendleton), September 25, 1907, pg. 7, col. 4.
Photographer’s Imprints
“Danner & Lubken, Pendleton, Or” blind stamp on mount, 6 1/2″ x 8 1/2″ print of road work crew.
“Theo. Danner, Photographer, Heppner, Oregon”