Drake, Emery R.
Drake, June D.
Drake Bros.
Early views (1905) show landscapes of Silver Creek Falls and the Silverton vicinity. This area has 14 waterfalls, of which 5 are over 100′ high. Drake did much creative photography, winning a Photographer’s Society prize in 1908. A large collection of late Drake exhibition prints is in the Oregon Historical Society, including an 11 x 14 print with an Oregon State Fair blue ribbon attached (no date).
Drake was equipped with a cirkut camera, evidenced by a 5 1/2″ x 18″ print of Silverton School is in the OHS collection.
Directory Listings
1901 POWA pg. 375 Silverton “Drake Bros (June and Emery) photographers”
1903 POW pg. 420 Silverton “Drake Bros (Emory {sic} R and June D) photographers”
1905 POW pg. 517 Silverton “Drake Bros (June D Drake) photographers”
1907 POW pg. 561 Silverton “Drake, June D photographer”
1901 POW pg. 489 Silverton “Drake, June D photographer”
1913 POW pg. 1951 photographers “Drake, J. D., Silverton O”
1915 POW pg. 1492 photographers “Drake, J. D., Silverton O”
1917 POW pg. 1536 photographers “Drake, J. D., Silverton O”
1925 POW pg. 468 Silverton “Drake, June D photog”
1934 Marion County Polk pg. 533 Silverton “Drake, Bros (June D Drake) photog 303 N Water”, “Drake, June D (Elanor M) (Drake Bros) h 409 S Water”
1942 Polk Marion Co pg. 645 Silverton “Drake Bros (June D Drake) photogs h 409 S Water”, “Drake June D (Elanor M) (Drake Bros) h 409 S Water”
Photographer’s Imprints
News Items and Advertisements
1902:”The cuts used in this issue were made by J. D. Drake. The Drake Bros. are still working upon the half-tones and have succeeded in making several very fine ones, but will publish none until they are perfect, which we predict will be in the very near future.” The Silvertonian, 16 May 1902, pg. 3, col. 3.
1902:”DRAKE BROS. Photographers. Portraits, Enlarging, Views, supplies for amateuers, Water Street, Silverton, Oregon” The Silvertonian, 16 May 1902, pg. 4, col. 6-7.
1908: account of exhibition at Photographer’s Convention of the Pacific Northwest. “Northwest Photographers Win Prizes and Close a Very Notable Session,… announcement of the Salon award. This is the top-notch honor in the association and entitles a winner to have his fortunate photograph placed on the line in a subsequent official exhibit. …At the Vancouver meeting this Salon honor was conferred on … J. D. Drake, of Silverton, Or…
There was considerable rivalry among the photographers who entered pictures in class 4. This division was open to camera men who lived in towns of not more than 5000 inhabitants. It was an extremely close and interesting competition, and was made rather notable by the fact that J. D. Drake, of Silverton, Or., who captured a Salon honor, should also pick up a prize in the other class.Differences in subject, style of treatment, and technique usually confine a photographer to one class or the other. The double victory of Mr. Drake astonished his fellow photographers, but they readily conceded his title to both prizes. ” Oregonian, 23 August 1908, sec. 3, pg. 4.
1908: “Eighth Annual Convention of the Photographers Association of the Pacific Northwest… was called to order Tuesday, April 18th, at 2 p. m. … The awards were made as follows: Angelo Trophy, A. L. Jackson, of Tacoma; Salon awards
1909: “(classified ad) FOR SALE One No. 3A Pocket Kodak, Eastman’s, fitted with No. 1 Goerz Syntor lens and carrying case-$40-almost new. One 5×7 Telephoto Cycle Poco, Rapid Rectilinear lens, Unicum shutter, five plate holders, carrying case- a bargain at $25. Good Condition. One Goerz Monocular No. 12X- almost new, $21. J. D. Drake, Silverton, Ore.” Camera Craft, Vol. XVI, No. 4, April 1909.
1911: (classified ad) “FOR SALE 5×7 Hall mirror reflecting camera without lens, 1909 model; used but five or six times; a bargain. J. D. Drake, Silverton, Ore.” Camera Craft, April – June 1911
1913: (classified ad) “For Sale: One Century automatic printing machine, No. 1, slightly used, side shelves are off, otherwise good as new. First check for $4.00 takes the machine, crated free; cost $25.00. J. D. Drake, Silverton, Ore.” Camera Craft, May – June 1913.
1915: (classified ad) “FOR SALE Photo studio in town of 2,500, logging camps, good county(sic) and several small towns to draw trade from. Studio ground floor, $8,000 fireproof cement building, north light, fitted to 11×14. Also carry supplies, Kodaks, and do framing. Doing excellent business. The person buying must have money and be a No. 1 photographer, both inside and out. No frivolous inquiries answered. Good reason for selling. The Drake Bros.’ Studio, Silverton, Ore.” Camera Craft, Vol. XXII, No. 2, February, 1915.
Photographer’s Association of the Pacific Northwest, Programme of Seventh Annual Convention, September 3rd – 6th, 1907, Seattle; n.p. 1907. (unpaginated) “Members Photographic Association of the Pacific Northwest 1907…Drake, J. D.—Silverton, Ore…Drake, E. R.—Silverton, Ore…”
Winroth, Elizabeth (ed), Union Guide to Photograph Collections in the Pacific Northwest, (Portland; Oregon Historical Society, 1978) pg. 80