Francis Bellay (Portland)
Francis Bellay moved to Portland from San Francisco in April 1866. On the 16th, Dennie Hendee placed an advertisement in the Oregonian calling attention to the fact that he “has engaged a man from that place who has been making those pictures (sun pearl portraits) in San Francisco.” This unidentified new operator was not mentioned again in Hendee’s advertising. However, two days later the Oregonian noted in their local news column “RE-TOUCHING- Mr. Francis Bellay, late of San Francisco, and one of the most eminent artists on the coast, has opened rooms over the establishment of Messrs. Shanahan & Dufrene, for the purpose of re-touching photographs, etc. Having seen some of the work executed by Mr. Bellay, we can consistently endorse all that our contemporaries of the Bay City have said regarding his merit.” And they carried Bellay’s advertisement “FRANCIS BELLAY, ARTIST! Photographs retouched in Oil, Water Colors, India Ink, and Pastell, in the Best Style of the Art. All Pictures guaranteed to suit the most fastidious or no charge made. STUDIO- over Shanahan & Dufrene’s Picture Store, corner of First and Morrison Sts., opposite the Western Hotel, Portland, Oregon.” (The ad ran from April 18 to July 16, 1866) Within 2 months, Hendee moved his photo studio into Bellay’s former rooms. Shanahan & Dufrene was the largest art store in the city at the time.