Emery, William G. ( Astoria, Corvallis, Portland)

William G. Emery

1891 Astoria
1891-1893 Portland
1895-1899 Moscow, Pullman ID
1905 Corvallis
1907-1913 Vancouver WA

Having to move your business address 3 times in as many years is enough to kill any retailer, and Emery’s Portland address showed no more signs of life after 1893. He moved to Moscow, ID, owning galleries in Moscow and Pullman in 1895. He published the first history of Moscow in the Late 1890s, including an autobiography in which he claims he was “for some years the leading photographer in Portland, Oregon”

By 1905 Emery moved back to Oregon, settling in Corvallis. At this time he became active in the Photographers’ Association of the Pacific Northwest. In 1907 he moved to Vancouver WA and became the leading studio in the city. He was the secretary-treaasurer for the organization for most of the first ten years of its existence.

Directory Listings
1891 POWI pg. 166 Astoria “Emery, Wm G, photographer, 523 3d”, pg. 448 Portland “Emery, Wm G, photographer, 318 N E S
1891 PCD not listed
1892 PCD pg. 407 “Emery, Wm G, photographer 410 E Morrison, res same”
1893 PCD pg. 384 “Emery, Wm G, photographer 410 E Morrison, bds E 6th”
1893 Dellinger’s Astoria Directory pg. 46 “Emery, W G, mail agt on Portland stmrs, res 211 2nd.” (not sure this listing is the same person)
1894 PCD not listed
1905 POW pg. 175 Corvallis “Emery, W. G. photographer”
1909 POW pg. 1419 Vancouver WA “Emery, W. G. photgr 613 1/2 Main”
1911 POW pg. 1329 Vancouver WA “Emery, W. G. photgr 600 1/2 Main”
Mautz Oregon “Emery, Artist ‘Aristo’, 1895, Portland”
Photographer’s Imprints
“Emery, Corvallis Ore” cabinet card, late style, also blind stamp version.
“Emery, artist, aristo, Portland, Or. 410 E. Morrison St. Bet. 5th and 6th” cabinet card, late style, also blind stamp version.
“Emery – Cousin Artists Portland East Side”

News Items and Advertisements

1904: “W. G. Emery and W. S. Gardner will leave the early part of next week for Tacoma, where they will attend a convention of the Pacific Coast photographers, which convenes September 20 and lasts six days. Both Mr. Emery and Mr. Gardner will take samples of their work to the convention which well be added to a large competitive display consisting of about 2000 pictures made up of samples of the best work of a large number of photographers. Out of this display of 2000 pictures 10 will be chosen to constitute another display that will represent the Pacific Coast in a national convention to be held later. It is the object of each photographer to produce his best work and if possible secure the coveted honor of being represented in the national display. Last year Corvallis had the distinction of being represented in this national display for one of Mr. Emery’s pictures carried off the coveted honor. Mr. Emery is producing colored carbons at the present time that are very fine. He will produce 20 and out of this number he will select 6 of the best. The public is asked to call and see his work, which will be on exhibition Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Visitors will be asked to select the best six and this way assist Mr. Emery. -Gazette” Oregon City Enterprise, 23 September 1904, pg. 1, col. 5.

1908: account of exhibition at Photographer’s Convention of the Pacific Northwest. “Northwest Photographers Win Prizes and Close a Very Notable Session,… announcement of the Salon award. This is the top-notch honor in the association and entitles a winner to have his fortunate photograph placed on the line in a subsequent official exhibit… At the Vancouver meeting this Salon honor was conferred on… W. S. Emory (sic) of Vancouver, Wash.
On the day before the close of the session the election of officers was held… officers chosen are: W. S. Emory (sic), of Vancouver, Wash., …” Oregonian, 23 August 1908, sec. 3, pg. 4., see also account in Morning Oregonian, August 12, 1908, pg. 3.

1908: “Eighth Annual Convention of the Photographers Association of the Pacific Northwest… was called to order Tuesday, April 18th, at 2 p. m. …”, “…later the members adjourned to the studio of W. G. Emery for a skylight demonstration…” ” elected: Secretary and Treasurer, W. G. Emery, Vancouver, Wash…”, “The awards were made as follows: …Salon awards… Emery, of Vancouver,” “… The rest of the afternoon was given to an Artura demonstration at the studio of Mr. Emery…”, “…Following, Mr. Jackson, in behalf of the Association, presented President Pautzke a silver loving cup and Secretary Emery a gold-mounted elk’s tooth. Mrs. Lulu Tollman, in behalf of the lady members, presented Mrs. Emery an elegant cut-glass dish…” photo illustrated pg. 377 “Easter Offering by Emery, Vancouver, Wash. Salon Honors P.A.P.N.W.”, photo illustrated pg. 378 composite portraits of officers of Photographer’s Association, W. G. Emery, sec-treas., Camera Craft, Vol. XV, No. 10, October, 1908. pg. 377-384

1908: “(At the eighth annual convention of the Photographers Association of the Pacific Northwest in Vancouver) (elected to) Secretary and Treasurer, William Emery, Vancouver WA…” . “The Solon awards, which are the highest that could be given, were awarded as follows: … Emery, of Vancouver, Wash…” Seattle Post-Intelligencer 20 Aug 1908, Sec. 2, pg. 2, col. 1.

1909: report of the Ninth annual Pacific Northwest Photographers’ Association of America convention. Emery was secretary-treasurer and transacted routine business, and also authored the report. Emery, William G., “The Pacific Northwest Convention, Secretary-Treasurer’s Report”, Camera Craft, Vol. XVI, No. 11, November 1909, pg. 443-449. illustration of Emery photograph on pg. 445.

1910: (classified ad) “FOR SALE the leading studio in a progressive western city of 12,000 population. Studio new and up to date; reception room furnished in solid oak, mission finish; operating room 40 feet square, north light and new Aristo lamp, 8×10 portrait outfit, 8×10 view outfit and 5×7 view outfit. All rooms of studio steam heated. Rent $30.00 per month. Studio enjoys the confidence and patronage of the leading people in the city. An A1 business proposition for a good workman. Price $1500.00. Refer by permission to Fayette J. Clute, Editor of ‘Camera Craft’. Address W. G. Emery, Vancouver, Wash.” Camera Craft, March 1910 – March 1911.

1910: Notice that the Photographer’s Association of the Pacific Northwest would have their tenth annual convention in Vancouver, B. C. W. G. Emery, of Vancouver, Washington, is secretary-treasurer. Morning Oregonian, July 8, 1910, pg. 14

1910: (authored by Emery, who was Secretary) report of the Annual Convention of the Photographers Association in Vancouver BC. Emery photograph illustrated on pg. 349. Emery was the retiring secretary of the association and was presented with a gold watch for five years continuous service to the association; one year as President and four years as Secretary-Treasurer. Camera Craft, October, 1910. pg. 347-352.

1911: Photo published and credited to W. G. Emery of new Elks temple at Vancouver. Morning Oregonian, June 1, 1911, pg. 6

1911: (classified ad) “FOR SALE Leading studio, progressive city of 12,000; new brick building, business center, rent, $35.00; lease to January, 1915, renewable; operating room, 30×40, others in proportion; all steam heat; business 1910, $3,500.00; enjoys patronage of leading people, and Vancouver Barracks adjoining; invoices over $1,600.00; fitted complete to 8×10 portrait and view; refused $1,500.00, but protracted illness compels sacrifice at $1,000.00; plans, photos, full particulars to those meaning business. Address, W. G. Emery, Vancouver, Wash., U. S. A.” Camera Craft, November, 1911 – January 1913.

Photographer’s Association of the Pacific Northwest, Programme of Seventh Annual Convention, September 3rd – 6th, 1907, Seattle; n.p. 1907. (unpaginated) “Members Photographic Association of the Pacific Northwest 1907…Emery, W. G.—Vancouver, WA…” … “Committees: … Press: W. G. Emery …” … ” …Finance … W. G. Emery…” … “… General Arrangement … W. G. Emery…” includes portrait of Emery.

Brown, Robert O., Nineteenth Century Portland, Oregon Photographers: A Collector’s Handbook (author; Portland, 1991) pg. 62

Hart, Arthur A., Camera Eye on Idaho, (Caldwell; Caxton 1990) pg. 161, 47
Emery, William G., (History of Moscow Idaho)

Bunchgrass Historian, Fall 1979, pg. 11. W. G. Emery in September 1894 leased the Pullman studio of L. Taylor and then opened his own photo gallery in 1899. Yet in May 1899, Emery went to work for a Mr. Koerner of Portland in a tent studio on Main street in Pullman (and in 1899 L. Taylor sold his business to I. K. Luce). (courtesy Robert King)