Crow, Samuel B. (Astoria, Portland, Vancouver, North Canyonville, Port Townsend)

Samuel B. Crow (Astoria, Portland, Vancouver, North Canyonville, Port Townsend)
Crow, Miss Minnie.
Crow Photo (Astoria)
Astoria Photograph Co.
Crow Photograph Co.
Crow & Crow
C C M Co.
Crow & Lussier
California Gallery
Crow & Snyder

Samuel B. Crow was the eldest of the siblings and the principal photographer in the family. His career began in Eastern Oregon about 1875. He married Matilda A. Borg on April 30, 1882 in Umatilla County. They had one daughter, Minnie. They were divorced in 1894.

John W. Crow, his brother, had his own studio at Knappa from 1886-1891. The Crow brothers’ parents had a farm at Knappa on the Columbia River 12 miles east of Astoria. About 1892, he moved to Portland to be in business with Samuel. That lasted until 1902, when he moved back to Knappa to be a bridge tender. He died in 1914.

Miss Minnie, Samuel’s daughter, born in 1883, worked in the family photography business briefly after John moved back to Knappa. Minnie A Oliver died in 1911 and is buried in Healdsburg, California.

1876 Coquille (Crow & Snyder)
1880 North Canyonville
1881-1893 Astoria
1893-1894 Portland (Crow & Lussier)
1895-1900 Portland (Crow Photo Co.)
1900-1901 Portland (Crow & Crow)
1900 Portland (C C M Co)
1903 Vancouver WA
1915-1916 Port Townsend WA

Directory Listings
1880 Pacific Coast pg. 364: Crow, S. B., North Canyonville”
1884 POWI pg. 86 Astoria “Crow, Samuel B., photographer, cor Benton and Squemoqua”
1886 Pacific Coast pg. 1016 Knappa “Crow, J. W., photographer, watchmaker, and jeweler”
1886 Pacific Coast pg. 987 Astoria “Crow, S. B., photographer”, pg. 64a supplement “Astoria… Crow, S. B., photographer”
1886 POWI pg. 91 Astoria “Crow, Samuel B., photographer”
1888 POWI pg. 264 Knappa “Crow, J. W., jeweler and telegraph agent”
1888 POWI pg. 111 Astoria “Crow, Samuel B, photographer, Water”
1889 POWI pg. 283 Knappa “Crow, J. W., photographer and telegraph agent”
1889 POWI Astoria pg. 146 “Crow, Samuel B photographer”
1891 POWI pg. 317 Knappa “Crow, J. W., photographer”
1891 POWI pg. 165 Astoria “Crow, Samuel B., photographer, 638 3rd”
1893 Dellinger’s Directory of Astoria pg. 41 “Crow, Samuel B, photographer, secy and treas A D M and E Co, 638 3rd, res same” plus dispaly ad on back cover: “S. B. Crow, Photographer, 638 3rd. St., Astoria Or. The Only First Class Gallery in the City”
1894 PCD pg. 277 “Crow, Samuel B (Crow & Lussier) rms Labbe Bldg”; “Crow & Lussier (S B Crow, Wm Lussier) Photographers Labbe Bldg”; pg. 508 “Lussier, Wm (Crow & Lussier) res 416 Vancouver av”
1895 PCD pg. 248 “Crow Photographic Co, S B Crow Pres, W A Gordon, Sec Washington n e cor Park”; “Crow, Samuel B, pres Crow Photograph Co, rms Labbe bldg”
1896 PCD pg. 235 “Crow Photographic Co, S B Crow pres, W A Gordon, sec Washington n e cor Park”; “Crow, Samuel B, pres Crow Photograph Co, n e cor Park, res same”
1897 PCD pg. 230 “Crow Photo Co, S B Crow pres, W A Gordon, sec Washington n e cor Park”; “Crow, Samuel B, pres Crow Photo Co, res Washington n e cor Park”
1898 PCD pg. 235 “Crow Photo Co, S B Crow pres, W A Gordon sec, 355 Washington”; “Crow, Samuel B, pres Crow Photo Co, res 355 Washington”
1899 EO & P pg. 44, Portland Photographers “Crow Photograph Co, 355 Wash.”
1899 PCD pg. 244 “Crow Photo Co, S B Crow pres, 307 Stark”; “Crow, Samuel B, pres Crow Photo Co, res 307 Stark”; “Crow, John W, engraver Crow Photo Co, res 361 Washington”
1900 PCD pg. 251 “Crow & Crow (Samuel B and Miss Minnie Crow), photographers, 127 1/2 4th”; “Crow, Samuel B (Crow & Crow) (C C M Co), pres Crow Photo Co, res 307 Stark”; “Crow Photo Co, S B Crow pres, 307 Stark”; pg. 254 “C C M Co (Samuel B Crow, John R Carothon ), photographers 112 6th”
1901 PCD pg. 230 “Crow & Crow (Samuel D and John W), coml photos, 127 1/2 4th”; “Crow, Samuel D (Crow & Crow), r 127 1/2 4th”; “Crow, John W (Crow & Crow) res Knappa, Or.”
1901 POWA pg. 294 Portland “Crow & Crow (Samuel B and Minnie) photographers 127 1/2 4th”
1902 PCD not listed
1903 Polk Astoria City Directory pg. 245 Knappa “Crow, J W, bridge tender.”
1903 POW pg. 903 Vancouver WA “Crow, Samuel B propr Elite Studio, artistic photographer Main bet 6th and 7th”
1903-1904 PCD not listed
1904 PCD Vancouver WA section not listed
Mautz Oregon “Crow, John W., 1870, Calapooya Precinct”

Photographer’s Imprints
“S. B. Crow, Photo., Astoria” imprinted front of CDV, “S. B. Crow, Photographer, Cor. Benton and Squemoqhe (sic) Streets, Astoria,Oregon” printed back ms date May 1884 (OHS collection)
“Crow & Lussier, Successor to E. W. Moore” cabinet card.
“Crow & Lussier, Successors to E. W. Moore” rubber stamp on back of mount, 7 1/2″ x 9″ print, ms date 1893 foundation of College Place (OHS collection).
“Crow & Lussier, Corner Second and Washington Sts., Portland, Oregon” printed on front, on back: “Duplicate Copies of this negative, or from old negatives made by Abell & Son and E. W. Moore will be supplied … Crow & Lussier, Successor to E. W. Moore”
“California Gallery” printed front of cabinet card. “California Gallery, Astoria, Oregon” printed back. The cabinet card mount had been previously printed with “Crow Photo” on the front of the mount. The mount was inverted and overprinted with California Gallery, and the old Crow printing was covered over by the photo to hide it.

Official Records
1880 Federal Census, Douglas County, Calapooya precinct, household H114, John W Crow, age 27, male, born Illinois, photographer.
1880 Federal Census, Douglas County, Can D 45 precinct, family 10, Samuel Crow, age 27, male, born Oregon, father born Illinois, mother born Ireland, occupation photographer.

News Items and Advertisements
1876: “Crow & Snyder have opened a jewelry store and photograph gallery at Coquille City. They will solicit patronage through the advertising columns of the News” Coos Bay News, (Marshfield) 9 Feb 1876 pg. 3 col. 1 (a careful reading of the paper for the next 4 months did not produce any additional mentions)

1878: “D. and H. Leving, S. B. Crow, and M. Blackway, of Canyonville, wer in the city Wednesday.” The Douglas independent (Roseburg), October 12, 1878, pg. 3, col. 1.

1881: “PHOTO AND FERROTYPE GALLERY. S. B. CROW, PROPRIETOR. Opposite Episcopal Church, Squemoqua St., Is now prepared to TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS Of all kinds and in the latest styles. Copying and Enlarging Picturs in Oil Crayon, India Ink and Water Colors. All kinds and sizes of Tin Types.” The Daily Astorian, June 14, 1881, Pg. 2, col.4.

1883: “BORN. In Astoria, Feb. 21st, 1883, to the wife of S. B. Crow, a daughter.” The Daily Astorian, March 03, 1883, pg. 2, col. 3. (Minnie Crow is their only child)

1883: “S B. CROW, PHOTOGRAPHER, Corner Benton and Squemoqua Streets, Astoria, Oregon” The Daily Astorian, July 25, 1883, pg. 3, col. 5. repeating advertisement later amended to say “East of the Court House” inserted weekly until December 22, 1883.

1883: “Mr. Crow, father of J. W. Crow of Knappa, and S. B. Crow of this city was brought down from Knappa last Monday afternoon suffering from a paralytic stroke. No serious results are apprehended.” The Daily Astorian, September 19, 1883, pg. 3, col. 1.

1884: “PHOTOGRAPHS! PHOTOGRAPHS! Instantaneous Photographs! The late and new style dry plate photographs are made daily at the Astoria Photograph Gallery, Cor. of Benton and Squemoqua Streets, Opposite the Court House. Children’s Pictures A Specialty and Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. B. Crow.” The daily morning Astorian, March 20, 1884, pg. 2, col. 2. Repeating ad to April 10, then reduced in size by eliminating the text before Astoria Photograph Co.  April 16 starts the reduced size ad repeating until May 31.

1884: “S. B. Crow will move his picture gallery to Kinney’s building this week.” The daily morning Astorian, June 03, 1884, pg. 3, col. 1.

1884: “LEADING Photograph Gallery. S. B. Crow. New Rooms. New Material. Everything First Class. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Mr. Wm. A. Bell, of San Francisco, one of the most skilled photographists (sic) on the Coast, assists in the operating room. Fine Work a Specialty. On the ROADWAY nearly opposite St. Mary’s Hospital.” The daily morning Astorian, June 13, 1884, pg.2, col. 2 repeating until September 3.

1884: “First Class Photograph Gallery. S. B. Crow who for the past two years has had a picture gallery opposite the court house has moved to his fine new establishment in Kinney’s building almost opposite St. Mary’s hospital. No expense has been spared in fitting up this with all first-class requirements, and Astorians who need the best of work have no further need of going elsewhere. The liberal patronago bestowed on Mr. Crow is gratefully appreciated, and he assures the Astoria public that no effort shall be spared to win their continued approbation.
Mr. W. A. Bell, of San Francisco is associated with him; his long experience in the best galleries of the metropolis will be of value to those who wish to secure tho shadow ere the substance fades.
The public are invited to call and inspect specimens of photographic work.” The daily morning Astorian, June 14, 1884, pg. 3, col. 2. Repeating ad to Sept. 3

1884: “W. A. Bell, whose artistic work at S. B. Crow’s photograph gallery has attracted so much attention, has sent for his family, and will make this city his permanent residence.” The daily morning Astorian, June 28, 1884, pg. 3, col. 1.

1884: “For the Finest Photographs. Go to S. B. Crow’s Photograph Gallery where everything is first class and satisfaction guaranteed. Fine work a specialty. Two doors west of Foard & Stokes, in Kinney’s new building.” The daily morning Astorian, September 05, 1884, pg. 3, col. 3. Repeating ad until September 11 and probably further.

1885: S. B. Crow on jury list. The daily morning Astorian, August 21, 1885, pg. 3, col. 3.

1887: “Go to Crow’s Gallery. The leading Photographer. For the finest photos in all the latest styles and of superior finish.” The daily morning Astorian, January 27, 1887 to March 08, 1887. Repeating ad, not certain of when it started or ended.

1887: “A picture in Griffin & Reed’s window of Rescue hose team, the champions at the state firemen’s tournament of ’86, attracted considerable attention yesterday. It is a large and well mounted group, and is the work of S. B. Crow.” The daily morning Astorian, March 08, 1887, pg. 3, col. 1.

1887: “Go to Crow’s Gallery. The leading Photographer. For the finest photos in all the latest styles and of superior finish.” The daily morning Astorian, March 08, 1887, pg 3, col. 3. Repeating ad, not certain of when it started or ended.

1887: S. B. Crow attends Oregon National Guard exhibition drill and social dance at Liberty Hall in Astoria. The daily morning Astorian, May 28, 1887, pg. 3, col. 3.

1887: S. B. Crow selected as juror. The daily morning Astorian, October 05, 1887, pg. 3, col. 3

1887: “S. B. Crow returned yesterday from Vancouver” The daily morning Astorian, 7 December 1887, pg. 3, col. 3 and Weekly Astorian, 10 Dec 1887, pg. 5 col. 5

1888: S. B. Crow appointed to jury list. The daily morning Astorian, February 04, 1888, pg. 3, col. 3.

1889: “Miss Carrie Borg, of Heppner, is in this city, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Crow.” The daily morning Astorian, January 02, 1889, pg. 3, col. 2. (ed note – the Borg family of Eastern Oregon are the parents and siblings of Mrs. S. B. Crow)

1889: S. B. Crow is on the reception committee for the 10th Anniversary of the A. O. U. W. The daily morning Astorian, February 28, 1889, pg. 2, col. 3.

1889: S. B. Crow subscribed $25 of stock in the Clatsop County Road and Construction Company corporation offering. The daily morning Astorian, March 16, 1889, pg. 2, col. 2.

1889: S. B. Crow pledged a $20 gift to the Astoria and South Coast railroad company to subsidize a railroad to Astoria. The city of Astoria raised $150,000.00 in outright gifts to the company. The daily morning Astorian, May 15, 1889, pg. 3, col. 2.

1889: S. B. Crow donates $500.00 to the committee securing the water frontage desirable terminal facilities. The daily morning Astorian, May 22, 1889, pg. 3, col. 2.

1889: Article enumerating real estate sales in Astoria. “J. C. Dement to S. B. Crow, block 29, Dement’s Astoria; $780.” Oregonian, November 30, 1889, pg. 8, col. 2.

1889: “Hearing Restored. A Prominent Resident of Astoria Who was afflict with Catarrh of the head for 18 years. S. B. Crow, Photographer…” Repeating advertisement for patent medicine featuring a testimonial from S. B. Crow. Oregonian, November 2, 1890, pg. 7 repeating thereafter.

1892: “Mrs L. B. Logan and Mrs. S. B. Crow, of Astoria, are at the St. Charles” quoted in the “Twenty-Five years ago” column, Oregonian, March 16, 1917, pg. 10, col. 7.

1892: “Mrs. S. B. Crow, Mrs Ross, Mrs. Curran, Mrs. Logan and Miss Minnie Crow are camping in the grove.” Oregonian, August 14, 1892, pg. 10, col. 1. (ed note – This is probably Clatsop beach, Seaside)

1894: “S. B. Crow, of Astoria, is in town.” Oregonian, March 4, 1894, pg. 12, col. 2.

1894: “Flood Pictures for Sale at Crow & Lussier’s, successors to E. W. Moore, Second and Washington sts.” Oregonian, 31 May 1894 pg. 5, col. 2 (Portland’s great flood of 1894)

1894: “CIRCUIT COURT. … Samuel B Crow v. Matilda A Crow, decree for divorce allowed.” Hillsboro independent, July 20, 1894, pg. 3, col. 3.

1895: “S.B. Crow, W. A. Gordon and J. W. Crow yesterday filed articles of incorporation of the Crow Photograph Company, capital stock, $2500.” Oregonian, January 24, 1895, pg. 8, col. 3.

1895: “Don’t Forget that the Crow Photograph Co., formerly Crow and Lussier of Portland, Will soon have their New Photograph Gallery at The Dalles finished and ready for business. Wait until you see samples of work and prices before having pictures taken.” The Dalles daily chronicle, April 26, 1895, pg. 1, col. 3.

1895: “The Crow Photo Co., formerly Crow & Lussier, are now ready for business. Gallery 355 Washington, corner Park, open from 10 to 4 on Sundays.” Oregonian, April 28, 1895, pg. 5, col. 2.

1895: “Court notes … Judge Stearns will announce decisions this morning in the following cases; … Labbe Bros. vs. S. B. Crow.”

1899: high school yearbook, all official school photos are signed Crow Photograph Co. The Cardinal (Portland High School, Vol. 2, no. 10, June 1899)

1903: “At the hotels, The Portland … S. B. Crow, Vancouver …” Oregonian, November 6, 1903, pg. 7

1912: “CROW- The funeral services of the late John W. Crow, who passed away in this city May 6, will take place at Finley’s parlors today (Wednesday) at 2 o’clock P.M. Interment at Mount Scott Park Cemetery. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.” Oregonian, May 8, 1912

1915: “S. B. Crow, the well known photographer, has returned to the city and has reopened the Elite Studio, on Polk street. Mr. Crow intends to remain in Port Townsend until December 1st and will form a club of 100 members, who will be furnished coupons which will enable them to obtain high-grade photographs at half price. Pictures regularly sold at $6 per dozen may under the club plan be secured for $2.50. The coupons will be good for thirty days after they are issued, but as the remainder of October will be devoted to organizing the club, the coupons can be used for almost six weeks, where subscribers take advantage of the opportunity at once. The coupons can be obtained only through Mrs. Captain Smith, who will begin work in a few days.” Port Townsend Weekly Ledger, 14 October 1915, pg. 5 col. 3
1916: “Baby Photos. Our specialty. Elite Studio, 807 Polk street. Prices reduced this week. S. B. Crow, Photographer.” Port Townsend Weekly Ledger, 26 October 1916, pg. 3 col. 6

1925: “Samuel Crow died today, aged 72 years, at the home of his nephew, W. H. Ross, in the Chino district. There will be no funeral here, but the body will be sent tomorrow to Healdsburg, California, by the Owen funeral home, 319 North Euclid Avenue.” San Bernardino County Sun, Saturday, March 14, 1925.

Brown, Robert O., Nineteenth Century Portland, Oregon Photographers: A Collector’s Handbook (author; Portland, 1991) pg. 57