George R. Flowerday
1891 Clatskanie
1892 Portland
1892-1894 The Dalles
ca. 1905 Baker City
Directory Listings
Mautz Oregon “Flowerday, 1890, The Dalles”
Photographer’s Imprints
“Flowerday, Baker City, Oregon” cabinet cards in Eastern Oregon Museum.
“G. R. Flowerday Photo” cabinet card printed front
“Flowerday, Court St., The Dalles, Or.” cabinet card imprinted front.
News Items and Advertisements
1891: “G. R. Flowerday, Photographer, All work warranted to be first class. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Clatskanie, Oregon” Clatskanie Chief 4 September 1891.
1891: “Clatskanie News. … Mr. Flowerday, our photographic artist, has wisely concluded that he might as well remain here as to try his chances anywhere else, and has moved into the Merrill building, recently vacated by Uriah Kelley.” The Oregon mist. (St. Helens), November 06, 1891, pg. 3, col. 2.
1892: “Mr. G. R. Flowerday of Portland, has come among us to be a permanent citizen of our lovely city, and will open out a photographic establishment in a few days.”The Dalles daily chronicle, October 07, 1892, pg. 3, col. 1., and repeated Oct. 14.
1892: Mr. Flowerday, the photograph artist, two doors south of this office, is prepared to do all work in his line in first-class style. He has several fine specimens of his work on exhibition.” The Dalles Times Mountaineer, 10 November 1892, repeating ad.
1892: “G. R. Flowerday, 128 Court Street, Photographic Artist, is prepared to take photographs in the highest style of the art. Groups and children a specialty. Prices reasonable.” The Dalles Times Mountaineer, 12 November 1892 – 25 July 1893 daily advertisement.
1893: “Cabinet photos $11.50 per dozen for a short time at Flowerday’s gallery, on Court street.” The Dalles daily chronicle, May 08, 1893, pg. 3, col. 4.
1893: “Died — Irwin, the 8-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Flowerday, in this city Saturday night of gastric fever.” The Dalles daily chronicle, February 20, 1893, pg. 3, col. 4.
1893:”Mr. Flowerday, the artist, does not give away chromes to induce patronage; but his photographs are first-class in every particular, and these he sells at the lowest possible living rates.” The Dalles times-mountaineer, March 04, 1893, pg. 1, col. 8.
1893: “Cabinet photos $1.50 per dozen for a short time at Flowerday’s gallery, on Court street.” The Dalles daily chronicle, May 02, 1893, pg. 1, col. 6. repeated May 11.
1894: “George Flowerday, the 2-year old son of the photographer, fell from the bluff this afternoon, causing concussion of the brain. Dr. O. C. Hollister was called, and the young one is now considered to be out of danger.” The Dalles daily chronicle, April 04, 1894, pg. 3, col. 1.
Hart, Arthur A., Camera Eye on Idaho, (Caldwell; Caxton 1990) pg. 161. Flowerday was in Baker, Or., ca. 1905