Ephraim Martin Crane (Roseburg)
Crane, S. W.
Sawyer & Crane
1862-1872 Roseburg
Directory Listings
Mautz Oregon “Crane, Ephraim Martin, 1870, Oakland”, “Sawyer & Crane, 1872, Oakland”
Photographer’s Imprints
“S. W. Crane, Artist, Roseburg, Oregon” crude rubber stamp on CDV back, one has imprinted front with date 24 October 1862 (OHS 222-2 Chadwick, and 337-2 Dowell)
News Items and Advertisements
1870: “S. W. Crane, Between Front and Jackson streets, Roseburg and Oakland, At either of these establishments you will find a general assortment of just what the people want, and my aim is to keep the best class of goods; and, in short, if you want the Best Bargains, callla nd see Crane before purchasing your Dry Goods, Groeries, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, Hardware, Books & Stationery, Jewelry, Clocks, Watches, Iron & Steel. And also a good assortment of Grver & Baker’s New Style Sewing Machines… (many additional items)… S. W. Crane” Roseburg Ensign (Roseburg), 19 March 1870 (first insertion)
1872: “(large ad for general goods store of S. W. Crane) … If you want a good picture taken and in the Latest Style, Crane is always ready and willing…” Roseburg Ensign (Roseburg), 24 February 1872
Sawyer & S. W. Crane leased their gallery to Barney & Crist, advertisement in 1872 Umpqua Ensign (cited by Glenn Mason)
Mason, Glenn, interview with Martha Crane Bass, 1936 (daughter of E. M. Crane). “(Ephraim Martin Crane) had a picture gallery and a jewelry shop in Oakland which were the first of their kind in southern Oregon”
Mason, Glenn, unpublished research notes. Ephriam Martin Crane was a brother of S. W. Crane.