Galloway, Michael B. (Heppner)

Michael B. Galloway (Heppner)

Directory Listings
1901 POWA pg. 189 Heppner “Galloway, Michael B, photographer”
1903 POW pg. 205 Heppner “Galloway, Michael B photographer”
1905 POW pg. 235 Heppner “Galloway, Michael B photographer”

Photographer’s Imprints
“M. B. Galloway, Heppner Oregon” cabinet card

News Items and Advertisements

1898: (classified ad, legal notice) “Notice of Intention. Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon. August 10, 1898. Notice is nearby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her (sic – should be his) intention to make final proof in support of her (sic – should be his) claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on Sept 17, 1898, viz: Michael B. Galloway, of Heppner, Or., Hd No 5430, for the S 1/2 NE 1/4 and E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec 17 Twp (sic — meaning township) 2 S R 27 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence up and cultivation of said land, viz. J. P. Brown, Joe Rector, M. J. Devin, and A. J. Stamp, all of Heppner, Or. E. W. Bartlett, Register.” Heppner gazette, August 12, 1898, pg. 2, col. 5. (repeated to Sept. 2)

1898: “Michael B. Galloway and Franklin Lewis made final proof September 17th.” Heppner gazette, September 20, 1898, pg. 3, col. 3. (ed note; there is no association known between these citizens other than the coincidence of them proving homestead claims on the same week. It does prove Galloway’s residence at this location has been five years, and perhaps longer.)

1901: “Its no hot air talk when I say I can successfully photograph 75 people in one group under my new light. Seeing is believing. Let the blind see. Galloway.” Heppner gazette, August 22, 1901, pg. 3, col. 4.

1901: “Changed Location. M. B. Galloway has moved from his old stand to new quarters opposite the First National Bank on May street, upstairs. Guarantee My Work. Having arranged the building myself, the light is perfect, and I am prepared to turn out much better Photographs than formerly. Galloway, Heppner.” Heppner gazette, August 22, 1901, pg. 1, col. 7, repeating to October 31.

1902: “Just Opened, Galloway’s Billiard Parlors. New Tables and Everything Up-to-Date. Fine New Soda Fountain, Fruits, Soft Drinks, Cigars and Tobacco. Southwest Corner of Main and May Streets. M. B. Galloway, Heppner, Oregon.” Heppner gazette, May 15, 1902, headline changed to “The Pastime” on July 3, 1902, repeating to October 02, 1902.

1902: “M. B. Galloway went to Portland and Hillsboro, Monday, on business.” Heppner gazette, December 04, 1902, pg. 5, col. 1.

1903: “M. B. Galloway, photographer, My specialties are frames and moldings. Copying and enlarging. Photo jewelery. Dealer in photographic supplies. Special attention given to amateurs. Heppner, Oregon.” Heppner gazette, January 01, 1903, pg. 23

1903: “M. B. Galloway has three lots suitable for gardening for sale.” Heppner gazette, April 2 repeating to April 30, 1903.

1903: “Notice. Having disposed of my photographic business I wish to inform the public that I all finish and deliver all work made before June 1st, 1903. Yours truly, M. B. Galloway.” Heppner gazette, May 21, 1903, pg. 4, col. 3

1903: “Fadeless Photographs. I have purchased the studio of Mr. M. B. Galloway and am prepared to furnish the citizens of Heppner and surrounding country with fine Fadeless Photographs of the highest order. B. G. Sisgsbee.” Heppner gazette, June 04, 1903, pg. 4, col. 2. (Boyd or Bryon G. Sigsbee q. v.)

1904: “M. B. Galloway has succeded (sic) in getting the photographs of 72 prominent Morrow county pioneers and stock-growers which he has grouped on a large card which is framed. The work is very fine and worthy of a good sale.” Heppner gazette, February 25, 1904, pg. 5, col. 1.

1912: Account of funeral of Mrs. J. T. Galloway, a Morrow county pioneer, wife of the late Rev. J. T. Galloway, mother of ten children including M. B. Galloway, who attended the funeral. Heppner gazette, January 25, 1912, pg. 1, col. 6.

Photographer’s Association of the Pacific Northwest, Programme of Seventh Annual Convention, September 3rd – 6th, 1907, Seattle; n.p. 1907. (unpaginated) “Members Photographic Association of the Pacific Northwest 1907…Galloway, W. B.—Heppner, Ore…”