Bryant, George Archibald (Portland, Forest Grove)

George Archibald Bryant (1879-1959)
Pacific Art Studio
San Francisco
1907 Portland
1907-1919 Forest Grove
Bryant’s studio was destroyed by fire on 20 July 1919.
Directory Listings
1909 POW Forest Grove pg. 157 “Bryant, Archibald, photographer”
1915 POW pg. 1491 photographers “Bryant, G. A., Forest Grove O”
1917 POW pg. 1534 photographers “Bryant, G. A., Forest Grove O”
Photographer’s Imprints
“Pacific, Forest Grove, Or.” blind stamp on mount. Train wreck of 11 February 1908 3/4 mile west of Forest Grove depot. (WCM)
“First National Bank, Forest Grove, Oregon. New Year’s Greetings 1914” printed on face, “Bryant Photo” in negative, back lists officers of bank refereed to in news items below.
News Items and Advertisements
1907: “The many friends of Archie Bryant will be glad to hear that he has purchased the photograph gallery of E. F. Siefert and will put in a high grade lense which he used in San Francisco in one of the biggest galleries in the Golden Gate city. He will also put in new screens and backgrounds and will have the peer of any studio west of Portland. Mr. Bryant is well known in this city, having received his education here and is a popular, jolly good fellow, which together with his artistic ability ought to insure him a good business. Miss Lilly who has been in the employ of Mr. Siefert will continue to work in the gallery. Mr. Bryant will take charge in person after August 1.” Washington County News, 18 July 1907
1907: “Archie Bryant and L. L. Hollinger lhave strung a sign across Main street, emblematic of their respective businesses.” Washington County News, (Forest Grove) 7 November 1907.
1907: “Archie Bryant, the photographer, was in Carlton last week and did a big business at the big mill there. He took photos of the machinery and many other scenes of which he had a big sale.” Washington County News, (Forest Grove) 28 November 1907.
1908: “Archie Bryant, proprietor of the Pacific Art Studio, has placed a case of pictures at the corner of Main Street and First avenue south. It contains a lot of pictures which for excellency could not be beaten in a large city.” Hatchet, (Forest Grove) 9 January 1908 (courtesy Eric Stewart)
1908: “Special Offer. For a limited time I will make one dozen cabinet photos including one 8×10 carbon enlargement all for $3.50. Only a few days left for you to take advantage of this offer. Pacific Art Studio, Archie Bryant, Prop.” Washington County News, 20 February 1908 (courtesy Eric Stewart)
1908: “ARCHIE BRYANT- Was born in this county, at Gaston, June, 1879. Soon after his parents moved to Forest Grove, where he grew to manhood and received his education. He attended the public schools and Pacific University. After finishing school he went to San Francisco where he learned the art of the Photograph business and after spending several years there he came north and was in Portland and Eastern Washington prior to his coming to Forest Grove in July, 1907, when he bought out a studio here and has built up a good business. Without question Mr. Bryant is one of the best Photographers in this part of the country; he is reliable, strictly up to date and knows his business from A to Z. Most of the pictures that appear in this edition are the work of Mr. Bryant.” Washington County News, (Board of Trade Supplement) (Forest Grove) April, 1908, includes portrait. (courtesy Eric Stewart)
1908: “Pacific Art Studio, Is better prepared than ever to turn out first-class work. New scenery, new equipments, and everything up-to-date. Archie Bryant, Prop.” Forest Grove Times, 16 July 1908. (courtesy Eric Stewart)
1908: “BRYANT WON SECOND PRIZE- FOREST GROVE PHOTOGRAPHER HONORED BY PACIFIC NORTHWEST ASSN. Word was received by The News last night announcing the fact that Archie Bryant, our photographer, received second prize on his pictures exhibited at the Photographers Association of the Pacific Northwest which is being held in Vancouver this week. Mr. Bryant prepared five subjects for be exhibited.
This honor earned by Archie puts him in the top notch class of photographers of the entire Northwest, which includes Idaho, Washington, Oregon and British Columbia. Exhibits from all the largest cities in this territory, including such cities as Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, Portland, Boise, Vancouver, B. C., and many other smaller towns, were made.
Mr. Bryant is a Washington county boy, having been born at Gaston in 1879. He learned his business in San Francisco and has conducted studios in several of the large cities. This is a well earned distinction that he should be proud of. His many friends are glad to learn of his marked success.” Washington County News, (Forest Grove) 20 August, 1908, includes portrait (courtesy Eric Stewart)
1908: “(At the eighth annual convention of the Photographers Association of the Pacific Northwest in Vancouver) Awards were made as follows… Archie Bryant, of Forest Grove, Or., second prize, class four…” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 20 Aug 1908 Sec. 2, pg. 2, col. 1 (courtesy Michael Cirelli)
1908: “Eighth Annual Convention of the Photographers Association of the Pacific Northwest… was called to order Tuesday, April 18th, at 2 p. m. … Salon awards … Second to Bryant, of Forest Grove, and Certificates of Merit to … Bryant…” Camera Craft, Vol. XV, No. 10, October, 1908. pg. 377-384.
1909: “ARCHIE BRYANT, WASHINGTON COUNTY’S LEADING PHOTOGRAPHER, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone Ind. 121, North Main Street. You are invited to visit our Studio and see what we have done for others. If we can’t please you we don’t want your money. ‘Photographs of anything, anywhere, any time’. All Photographs in this book were made by Bryant.” Heart of Oak, (Forest Grove, Pacific University Yearbook) 1909. (courtesy Eric Stewart)
1913: “DON’T have Your Photos Made Before BRYANT THE PHOTOGRAPHER Opens His Studio Over the Book Store.” Forest Grove Press, 23 October 1913 (courtesy Eric Stewart)
1914: “People 3000 Strong Attend Bank Opening… (account of grand opening of First National Bank in Forest Grove) … and 1000 photos of the bank made by Archie Bryant were given out …” Forest Grove Press, 8 January 1914 (courtesy Eric Stewart)
On Friday night of last week, a robber, or robbers, forced their way into Archie Bryant’s Photo Studio in this city by placing a ladder at a rear window, entering the photo gallery and robbing it of some very costly instruments, footing up several hundred dollars, as well as taking a lot of valuable photo supplies.
Among the stolen instruments are: One Woolensak (sic) portrait lens 8×10 inches, value $155.00; one Goertz Dagor lens, series 3, No. 4, value $100; one view camera 6 1-2×8 1-2 inches, value $65; one Baeer wide angle lens, 6 1-2×8 1-2 inches, value $35. The marauders also took with them plates, chemicals, expensive papers, etc., which will make Mr. Bryant’s loss run up to several hundred dollars. In fact the robbery completely put him out of business until he could go to Portland and secure other equipment which he did at once and is now better than ever prepared for the high grade work that he is doing.
Sheriff Reeves was notified of the robbery and at once got busy on the case. The authorities at Portland, Spokane and Seattle have been informed of the robbery and will be on the lookout for any suspicious characters trying to dispose of any of the above articles.
No clue has yet been obtained as to the identity of the thieves, but Mr. Bryant suspicions a strange fellow who recently visited his gallery looking for work.
The loss is a very heavy one for Mr. Bryant as it caused him to buy an entirely new equipment.” News-Times, 1 April 1915 (courtesy Eric Stewart)
1917: “Keep the happy memory of school days for all time. Your graduation portraits and those of your classmates – precious to you now – will be priceless in the years to come. We are exhibiting new and attractive styles of school pictures that will make the most appropriate gifts and which are priced consistently. Bryant’s Studio, Residence Phone 412, Office Phone 476 Makers Of The Photos In This Annual.” Optimist, (Forest Grove, high school year-book) 1917. (same ad in 1918) (courtesy Eric Stewart)
1919: “The Photos in This Annual Were Made at– Bryant’s Studio, Forest Grove, Ore. Office Phone 476. Films Developed and Printed.” Optimist, (Forest Grove, high school year-book) 1919. (courtesy Eric Stewart)
1919: “HOLOCAUST OF FLAME SWEEPS CITY SUNDAY… the two-story frame building owned by Dr. C. L. Large and occupied on the first floor by K. N. Staehr’s Music Store and upstairs by Archie Bryant’s photograph gallery, was soon leveled… Fire Losses…Two story building occupied by K. N. Staehr’s Music store on first floor, Archie Bryant’s photo gallery on second floor. Total loss on building. Part of contents saved. Building loss $1200. Mr. Bryant estimates his loss at $1000 or more, with some insurance. ” Washington County News-Times (Forest Grove) 24 July 1919. (courtesy Eric Stewart)
1919: “FOREST GROVE HIT BY CONFLAGRATION… Many Buildings Burn… Two-story building owned by Dr. Charles Lester Large, occupied by K. N. Staehr’s music store and Archibald Bryant’s photograph gallery. Bryant’s instruments and stock were a total loss, $1,000…” Oregonian, 21 July 1919 (courtesy Eric Stewart)
1959: “ARCHIE BRYANT- George Archie Bryant, 79, a native of the Gaston community and a former longtime resident here, died suddenly in Eugene Tuesday where he had been making his home in recent years.
Funeral services will be held at Eugene Friday morning with Graveside services and interment to be held at 3 p. m. Friday at the family plot at the Forest View cemetery.
Archie Bryant was born near Gaston in 1879 the son of Hale D. and Florence Bryant in the same house where his mother was born. His grandparents were pioneer settlers of the 1840’s and homesteaded in the Gaston area.
Surviving is his widow, Mrs. Emma Bryant, Eugene; two daughters, Mrs. Florence Parker, Sacramento; Mrs. Dorothy Gary, Portland; and two sons, Forrest Bryant; Orinda, California and Victor Bryant, Eugene; a granddaughter, Mrs. George McClelland, Arlington, Virginia; one brother, Claud Bryant, Corvallis and Mrs. Mable Meresse, Corvallis.
Bryant operated a photography studio here between 1912-1919 and also worked in the McCormick hall at Pacific university as a chef for many years. Mrs. Bryant is a former county school superintendent.” News-Times, (Forest Grove) 5 February 1959 (courtesy Eric Stewart)