Douglas, George A. & Roy A. (Portland)

George A. Douglas
Roy A. Douglas
Northwestern Photo Co.
1907-1925 Portland
Directory Listings
1904 PCD pg. 342 “Douglass (sic), George A, carp, res 1143 E Yamhill”
1905 PCD pg. 369 “Douglas, Geo A carp, bds 1215 E Taylor”
1906 PCD pg. 373 “Douglas, G A, lab P C Biscuit Co, res 178 Yamhill”; pg. 374 “Douglas, Roy A, nailer P C Biscuit Co, res 535 Yamhill”
1907 PCD pg. 469 “Douglas, George A, photog 433 1/2 Washington, res 169 17th”; “Douglas, Roy A, clk D M Stevens, bds 169 17th”
1909 PCD 491 “Douglas, George A, photog, 433 1/2 Washington, res 160 17th”; pg. 492 “Douglas, Roy A, photog D M Stevens, res 169 17th”
1910 Or. pg. 160 Portland Photographers “Duglas (sic), G. A. 433 1/2 Washington St.”
1910 PCD pg. 361 “Douglas, Geo A photgr 433 1/2 Washington h 169 17th.” “Douglas, Roy A trav salsn Blumauer Photo Supply r 169 17th”
1911 PCD pg. 455 “Douglas, Geo A photgr 433 1/2 Washington h 169 17th”; pg. 456 “Douglas, Roy A clk Blummauer Photo Supupl (sic) Co b 169 17th”
1912 PCD pg. 470 “Douglas, Geo A photgr 5-88 1/2 3d h 169 17th”; “Douglas Roy A salsn b 169 17th”
1913 PCD pg. 394 “Douglas, Geo A photgr 5-88 1/2 3d h 169 17th”; “Douglas Roy A (Northwestern Photo Co) b 169 17th”; pg. 910 “Northwestern Photo Co (R A Douglas Mrs A B Postles) 310 Buchanan Bldg”
1914 PCD pg. 502 “Douglas, Geo A (May) photgr 5-88 1/2 3d h 169 17th”; pg. 1075 “Northwestern Photo Co (R A Douglas Mrs A B Postles) 310 Buchanan Bldg”
1914 PCBD Photographers “Northwestern Photo Co, Buchanan Bldg, Main 3904”, display ad: “Smokeless Flashlights of Parties, Balls, Banquets and Receptions. Northwestern Photo Co. Interior and Exterior Views of Buildings, Construction Work, Cuts for Catalogues, Main 3904”
1915 PCD pg. 397 “Douglas, Geo A (May) photgr 5-88 1/2 3d h 169 17th” pg. 398 “Douglas, Roy A mngr Northwestern Photo Co h 169 17th”; pg. 900 “Northwestern Photo Co, R A Douglas mngr 310 Buchanan Bldg”
1916 PCD pg. 403 “Douglas Geo A (Mary A) photgr 5-82 1/2 3d h 169 17th”; pg. 907 “Northwestern Photo Co R A Douglas mgr 312 Buchanan bldg”
1917 PJD pg.76 Photographers “Northwestern Photo Co., R. A. Douglas, mgr, 312 Buchanan Bldg. Main 3904 Commercial”
1917 PCD pg. 352 “Douglas Geo A (Mary A) photgr 88 1/2 3d h 321 13th.”; pg. 855 “Northwestern Photo Co R A Douglas mgr 312 Buchanan bldg”
1925 PCD pg. 544 “Douglas, Geo A (Mary) h 1284 Villard av”, “Douglas, Roy A, photgr r 1284 Villard av””
News Items and Advertisements
1913: “Northwestern Photo Co., portraits, class photos, Third Floor, 286 1/2 Washington St, between 4th & 5th, Buchanan Bldg.” Troubador, Portland Academy, Oct. 1913
1919: (classified ad) “Kodak printer. Mrs. Coburn please call Marshall 271 Sunday. Northwestern Photo Co.” Oregonian, August 10, 1919, pg. 41, col. 3