Dolson, Charles (Portland)

Charles Dolson ( -1882?) (Portland)
Hack & Dolson

Directory Listings
1864 PD pg. 43 “Dolson, Charles, clerk 107 Front res cor Sixth and Madison”
1865 PD pg. 45 “Dolson, Charles, clerk, 107 Front, res 143 Front”, pg. 51 “Hack & Dolson, photographers, 107 1/2 Front” (plus display ad quoted under Hack listing in this book)
1866 PD pg. 47 “Dolson, Chas., clerk, res cor Sixth and Madison.”
1869 PD pg. 49 “Dolson, Chas. (C. S. Silver & Co.) 136 First, res Taylor bet Fourth and Fifth” (dry goods and clothing)
1870 Not Checked yet
No Further Listings
News Items and Advertisements
1857: “Marine News…Arrived…Per Columbia (from San Francisco on 24 May)…C. Dolson…” (Buchtel on same boat) Weekly Oregonian, 30 May 1857, pg. 2, col. 7
1862: “Circuit Court – (Jurors)…Charles Dolson…” Oregonian, 10 June, 1862 pg. 3, col. 1
1868: A bet has been made in Portland, by Charles Dolson and G. J. M Kallick, that U. S. Grant and Schuyler Colfax are elected President and Vice President of the United States, then Mr. Kallick is to march down the length of Front Street with a hand organ, grinding out melodious (sic) after the most approved style. If Horatio Seymour and Frank Blair are elected, then Mr. Dolson is to perform the same operation. G. J. M. Kallick has our sympathy. – State Jour.” Quoted in Oregon sentinel (Jacksonville), September 26, 1868, Pg. 2, col. 4.
1874: “Embezzlement. — Charles Dolson was arrested on Saturday afternoon, charged with the embezzlement of $15. In default of bonds, he was committed to jail. This morning an investigation of the case will be had in Police Court.” Morning Oregonian, September 21, 1874, pg. 3, col. 1.
1874: “Police Court Notes. … Charles Dolson, who was arrested some days ago on a complaint charging him with the embezzlement of $15, was discharged yesterday, the prosecuting witness having failed to put in an appearance.” Morning Oregonian, September 23, 1874, pg. 3, col. 2.
1875: “Arrested for Larceny. — Frank Brown, a person well known in this city, was arrested last evening on a charge of larceny, and lodged in jail. Complaint was preferred by a person named Chas. Dolson, charging defendant wit the crime of stealing from him (Dolson) the sum of $40 in gold coin. Brown, when taken to the jail, declared that he had no money, but upon being searched by Captain Brannan two $20 gold pieces were found on his person. Several of those who stated that they saw Brwon purloin the money told him that if he would restore the sum they would not prosecute him. But he persisted in declaring that the money found in his pocket was his own, and declined to relinquish his claim to the sum. He was lodged in jail until this morning, when a hearing will be had on the case.” Morning Oregonian) – October 20, 1875, pg. 3, col. 1.

Brown, Robert O., Nineteenth Century Portland, Oregon Photographers: A Collector’s Handbook (author; Portland, 1991) pg. 60, 64
Oregonian newspaper index card file at Multnomah County library “Charles Dolson, died Goleva, Nevada, Sept 15, 1882”