Cutberth, William G. (Portland)

Cutberth, William G.
Cutberth, Emma E., Mrs.
Cutberth Bros.
Acadia Studio
Rembrandt Studio
1901 Spokane WA
1902-1916 Portland
1905-1908 Tacoma WA
1912 Sacramento
San Francisco
Note the Rembrandt Studio was sold to Mrs. R. M. Hogan in 1906. Cutberth continued to photograph at a different location.
Employee Listings
Abell, Frank G.
Dean, James printer 1909
DeMeyer, Mrs. M., attendant W. G. Cutberth 1910
Leroy, Arvid photographer 1903
Peasley, Albert E photographer 1914
Pfluger, Lilian M., retoucher W. G. Cutberth 1904
Evans, D. Perry, photographer for Cutberth 1903
Hepburn, Maude M clk Cutberth 1911
Johnston, Lillian T. clerk for Rembrandt Studio 1904
Tonge, Jesse photographer for Rembrandt Studio 1905
Directory Listings
1901 POWA pg. 742 Spokane WA “Cutberth Bros (Wm G, Edward E) photographers 325 Peyton blk”
1901 PCD not listed
1902 PCD pg. 751 “Rembrandt Photo & Portrait Studio (Will G and Mrs. Emma E Cutbirth), 404 Abington Bldg” pg. 297 “Cutbirth, Will G (Rembrandt Portrait Studio), 404 Abington Bldg, res 167 W Park”; “Cutbirth, Mrs. Emma E (Rembrandt Portrait Studio), res 167 W Park”
1903 PCD pg. 283 “Cutbirth, Will G (Rembrandt Portrait Studio) 404 Arlington Bldg, res same”; “Cutberth, Emma E artist 110 Sherlock Bldg, bds 175 Yamhill”; pg. 681 “Rembrandt Photograph and Portrait Studio The, W G Cutb (typesetters error – line of type missing in directory) 404 Abington Bldg”
1904 PCD pg. 316 “Cutberth, Will G photog 801 Dekum bldg bds The Beverly”, pg. 783 “Rembrandt Photograph & Portrait Studio The, W G Cutberth prop, 404 Abington Bldg”
1905 PCD pg. 337 “Cutbirth, Will G (Rembrandt Photo & Portrait Studio) photog 801 Dekum Bldg, rms same”; “Cutberth, Mrs Emma E photog 801 Dekum Bldg, rms same”; pg. 898 “Rembrandt Photograph & Portrait Studio The, (W G Cutbirth) 404 Abington Bldg”
1905 Tacoma Directory: W. G. Cutbirth (sic), 631 Provident bldg.
1906 Tacoma Directory: W. G. Cutbirth (sic), 631 Provident bldg.
1906 PCD pg. 341 “Cutberth, Will G (Rembrandt Photograph and Portrait Studio), photog 801 Dekum bldg, bds The Beverly”; “Cutberth, Mrs. Emma E, photog W. G. Cutberth, bds The Beverly”; pg. 914 “Rembrandt Photograph & Portrait Studio The (W G Cutberth) 404 Abington bldg”
1907 Tacoma Directory: W. G. Cutberth, 631 Provident bldg.
1907 PCD pg. 432 “Cutberth, Wm G, photog 801 Dekum bldg, bds 269 14th”; pg. 1077 “Rembrandt Photograph & Portrait Studio Mrs R M Hogan prop, 404 Abington bldg”
1908 Tacoma Directory: W. G. Cutberth, 631 Provident bldg.
1909 Tacoma Directory: W. G. Cutberth, 631 Provident bldg.
1909 PCD pg. 451 “Cutberth, Wm G, photog 801 Dekum bldg, bds 320 Montgomery”
1910 Or. pg. 160 Portland Photographers “Cutberth, W. G. 801 Dekum Bldg”
1910 PCD pg. 327 “Cutberth, Wm G photgr 801 Dekum bldg b 320 Montgomery”
1911 PCD pg. 411 “Cutberth, Will G, photog 801 Dekum bldg, r 415 Yamhill”
1912 PCD pg. 422 “Cutberth, Will G, photog 801 Dekum bldg, h 25-202 Park”
1913 PCD pg. 355 “Cutberth, Will G, photog 801 Dekum bldg, h Sacramento Cal”
1914 PCD pg. 460 “Cutberth, Will G, photog 801 Dekum bldg, h Sacramento Cal”
1914 PCBD not listed
1915 PCD pg. 359 “Cutberth Will G (Muriel) photgr 801 Dekum bldg h 741 Washington”
1916 PCD pg. 364 “Cutberth, Will G, (Muriel) Photographer 214 Pittock Blk, Tel Broadway 357, h 21-49 Lucretia Pl”
1917 PCD not listed
Photographer’s Imprints
“Cutberth, Acadia studio, Tacoma, Portland”
“Cutberth, Dekum Bldg, Portland, Ore.” c. 1920 print folder
“Rembrandt Studio, 106 Third St. Portland Ore.”
News Items and Advertisements
1910: “Frank G. Abell, aged 66 years, died yesterday morning … Mr. Abell had a photographic studio in the Provident building. He came here about a year and a half ago and bought the business of Mr. Cutberth, for whom he had done some work for a year or two, afterward going to California…” The Tacoma Daily Ledger, 22 July 1910, pg. 14, col. 4. (courtesy Michael Cirelli)
1911: “Mr. Cuthbert (sic), the popular Portland photographer, was married in Oakland, October twentieth, to Miss Muriel Christian, a charming lady of that city” Camera Craft, Vol. XVIII, No. 12, December 1911, pg. 583.
1912: “W. E. Cutberth of Portland has a well equipped branch studio in Sacramento and expects to invade San Francisco with another branch in the near future.” Camera Craft, Vol. XIX, No. 8, August 1912, pg. 385.
Photographer’s Association of the Pacific Northwest, Programme of Seventh Annual Convention, September 3rd – 6th, 1907, Seattle; n.p. 1907. (unpaginated) “Members Photographic Association of the Pacific Northwest 1907…Cutbirth, E. E.—Portland, Ore…”