Gehres, Frank J. (The Dalles)

Frank J.  Gehres (1854- ) (The Dalles)

Directory Listings

1880 Pacific Coast pg. 364 “Gehres, F. The Dalles”

1881 Ore pg. 661 The Dalles “Gehres, Frank J., photographer” “Gehres, A., conf and ice cream”

Photographer’s Imprints

“F. J. Gehres, Photographer, Court St, The Dalles, Oregon” CDV, printed back, (tr)

“Frank J. Gehres, Photographer” CDV printed back (WCM LP72-463/512-36)

News Items and Advertisements

1879: list of businesses in The Dalles and vicinity: “F. J. Gehres, Court street, between Second and Third, photographer. Polite attention and artistic work.” The Daily Bee (Portland), 16 October, pg. 1, col. 5.

1891: account of the closing exercises of St. Mary’s Academy, Boys department. Frankie Gehres (presumed son or nephew of Frank Gehres) performed the closing song, then Louis Gehres was presented a book as reward for good conduct. Wasco County Sun, (The Dalles) 10 June 1891 pg. 3 col. 3

1891: account of whist game, Mrs. A Gehres awarded booby prize. Wasco County Sun, (The Dalles) 17 June 1891 pg. 3 col. 1.


Palmquist, Peter, unpublished research notes. Summary: Frank J. Gehres was born in France in 1854.