News Items and Advertisements
1903: “J. M. McCaleb has sent for a very valuable lens — the best made, at a cost of $165. He is quite a progressive photographer.” Independence enterprise, October 08, 1903, pg. 2, col. 2.
1904: “McCaleb The Photographer, will make your Picture, enlarge your Photo or furnish you with an elegant Frame. We will make Pulic (sic) School Children’s Stamp Photos At Twenty-Five cents per Dozen.” West side enterprise. (Independence), March 17, 1904, pg. 2, col. 5-6
1906: “The Anthony Scovel kodak and kodak supplies of all kinds; also films developed at McCaleb’s, the Independence photographer.” West side enterprise. (Independence), September 04, 1906, pg. 4, col. 2.
1912: “J. M. McCaleb, Photographer. Photographs copied and enlarged in all grades. Viewing, Developing and Finishing for amateurs. Enlarging from original negatives a specialty. J. M. McCaleb, Photographer, Both Phones, C Street, Independence, Oregon.” Independence enterprise, January 5, 1912 pg. 1, col. 5-6, repeated to March 01, 1912, pg. 1, col. 1-2.