Winfield S. Gardner (Corvallis)
Chase & Gardner
Directory Listings
1886 POWI pg. 134 Corvallis “Gardiner, Winfield S., photographer”
1886 Pacific Coast pg. 994 Corvallis “Gardiner, W. S., photograph art gallery”
1901 POWA pg. 150 Corvallis “Gardner, Walter S, photographer”
1903 POW pg. 154 Corvallis “Gardner, Winfield S photographer”
1905 POW pg. 175 Corvallis “Gardner, Winfield S photographer”
1907 POW pg. 174 Corvallis “Gardner, Winfield S photographer”
1909 POW pg. 122 Corvallis “Gardner, Winfield S photographer”
1911 POW pg. 115 Corvallis “Gardner, Winfield S photographer”
1913 POW pg. 1950 photographers “Gardner, W. S., Corvallis O”
Mautz Oregon “Gardner, W. S., 1875-1890, Corvallis”
Photographer’s Imprints
“W. S. Gardner, Artist, Corvallis, Oregon” printed front cabinet
“Gardner, Corvallis, Or.” blind stamp offsize mount, ms date 1905.
“Chase & Gardner, Corvallis, Or.” printed front cabinet
News Items and Advertisements
1896: “For the finest photographs go to Gardner the Artist. We make all the new styles. Platinotype and Aristo are the finest pictures made. They are the latest, our offer to students has never been equaled by any photographer in the state. Call for our prices, and see our pictures. W. S. Gardner, Photographer, Corvallis OR.” The College Barometer (Corvallis), 16 March 1896, Vol. 1, No. 1.
1900: “The improvement recently made by W. S. Gardner on his photograph studio and residence property is worthy of special mention. The building has been remodeled and enlarged, is attractively painted, and plainly shows that Mr. Gardner is well to the fore in the march of progress.” Corvallis gazette, September 18, 1900, pg. 3. col. 5.
1901: “B. W. Johnson, accompanied by W. S. Gardner, the photographer, made a tour of the Beaver Creek country, last Thursday, in the interest of the Citizen’s League pamphlet. They had a fairly good success and Mr. Gardner obtained some very good farm views.” Corvallis gazette, April 16, 1901, pg. 3, col. 1.
1902: “W. S. Gardner will go to Tacoma, Wash., Monday, to attend the Photographer’s Association of the Pacific Northwest, which holds its second annual convention in that city Sept. 17th to 20th. His studio will be closed during his absence of one week.” Corvallis gazette, September 12, 1902, pg. 3, col. 1.
1903: “Strictly high-grade 1903 scenic backgrounds will arrive about the 15th of this month for the studio of W. S. Gardner, 908 Ninth street, near college walk, Corvallis, Oregon.” Corvallis gazette, March 10, 1903, pg. 3, col. 1., repeated through March 20
1903: “W. S. Gardner Photographer Studio 908 Nineth (sic) Street, Near College Walk, Corvallis, Oregon.” Corvallis gazette, July 17, 1903, repeating ad through September 4.
1903: “The Photographer’s Association of the Pacific Northwest meets at Salem, September 23-26. The best work in photography is exhibited at this meeting, and the art is discussed by experts in all its phases, making the gathering a practical school of photography. Our local artists, W. G. Emery and W. S. Gardner have arranged to attend. Mr. Gardner, has an excellent collection of photographs which he will exhibit. Mr. Emery will make a display exclusively of his carbon portraits.” The Corvallis times, September 19, 1903, pg. 3, col. 2.
1904: “Platinum pictures in Art Folders at the Gardner Studio. Ninth street near College walk.” Corvallis gazette, May 06, 1904, pg. 4, col. 3, repeating ad to July 1.
1904: “Corvallis in Biography. Business Mean and Firms of Prominence … (Biographical directory of Corvallis persons.) … W. S GARDNER PHOTOGRAPHER The desire to preserve the pictured semblance of loved ones is as natural as life itself and we take pleasure in presenting to our many readers a brief sketch of Mr. Gardner. He is an expert artist and has been many years in the business. He does all kinds of photographic work in a thoroughly artistic manner. He is located near the college walk and is a great favorite with the students who are always good judges of that kind of work. He is an earnest, enterprising, progressive citizen and we take pleasure in according him a high place in these columns.” The Corvallis times, August 17, 1904, pg. 1, col. 4.
1904: “W. S. Gardner. Photographer. All Work Guaranteed First Class. Studio, 908 Ninth Street near College Walk.” Corvallis Gazette, September 9, 1904, repeating ad to December 2.
1904: “W. G. Emery and W. S. Gardner will leave the early part of next week for Tacoma, where they will attend a convention of the Pacific Coast photographers, which convenes September 20 and lasts six days. Both Mr. Emery and Mr. Gardner will take samples of their work to the convention which well be added to a large competitive display consisting of about 2000 pictures made up of samples of the best work of a large number of photographers. Out of this display of 2000 pictures 10 will be chosen to constitute another display that will represent the Pacific Coast in a national convention to be held later. It is the object of each photographer to produce his best work and if possible secure the coveted honor of being represented in the national display. Last year Corvallis had the distinction of being represented in this national display for one of Mr. Emery’s pictures carried off the coveted honor. Mr. Emery is producing colored carbons at the present time that are very fine. He will produce 20 and out of this number he will select 6 of the best. The public is asked to call and see his work, which will be on exhibition Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Visitors will be asked to select the best six and this way assist Mr. Emery. -Gazette” Oregon City Enterprise, 23 September 1904, pg. 1, col. 5.
(They are quoting the Corvallis Gazette of September 16, 1904, pg. 5, col. 4.)
1904: “From a business trip to Portland, W. S. Gardner returned home Thursday” The Corvallis times, October 15, 1904, pg. 4, col. 1.
1905: “W. S. Gardner and family arrived home from the coast Tuesday. The family were at the coast a couple of weeks, but, Mr. Gardner was only with them a part of the time. Mark Fruit took them over to the coast and back by private conveyance.” Corvallis gazette, September 01, 1905, pg. 3, col. 2.
1905: “W. S. Gardner, one of our well known photographers, left Sunday for Portland where he will attend the meeting of the Photographers’ Association of the Northwest. Many samples of his work that he took with him tor exhibition were left at this office for inspection just before he went down to the metropolis. The work was fine in every detail or else we are no judge.” Corvallis gazette, September 05, 1905, pg. 3, col. 1.
1905: “Very Successful. Mr. Emery has on exhibition now at his studio, the photographs comprising his convention display. It consists of five neatly framed Sepia Carbons, from negatives of Miss Lena Rusk, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Vinyard and Helen Lewis, and the collection was honored by being awarded a place in the official exhibit of the Photographers’ Association of the Pacific Northwest. The souvenir picture of the collection was adjudged to be that of Helen Lewis and represents her as a school girl with cap and books. The entire effect of the pose, composition lighting, etc., being considered highly artistic.
Mr. Emery is also displaying some prize pictures of others of our leading photographers. A large platinum of Mayor Hume, of Seattle, by Braas is one, and is certainly fine. ‘The Indian Princess” by Moore, of Portland, was a prize winner this year. “The Flower Girl”, by Loryes, of Spokane, is a beautiful picture and was a prize winner at the St. Louis Exposition. The most famous picture, however, and the one that will interest all is a Sepia platinum of Mrs. Lillico, of Seattle, who was awarded the palm as being the most beautiful woman in the “Beauty Contest” of a famous New York
art club.
Although we have not had opportunity to converse with Mr. Gardner, another of our well known photographers, we are informed that he was highly complimented on the work he exhibited and that favorable comment greeted him on all sides for his art.” Corvallis gazette, September 12, 1905, pg. 3, col. 3.
The executive board of the Photographer’s Association of the Pacific Northwest, will have a meeting in Portland tomorrow evening, and W. G. Emery, secretary-treasurer of the association, will go down from this city to be in attendance.
He will take down with him a choice bit of art entitled, “A Study in Chinamen.” This is a photograph”
of China pheasants from a negative by E. E. Wilson; printed on tinted platinum and retouched by Mr. Emery. It is a very effective bit of work.
The Monthy Review, a journal devoted to photographic art, contains, the following note of W. G. Emery: “The ever popular W. G. Emery, of Corvailis, Oregon, who made himself famous by his speech before the recent convention in Portland, although claiming to be only a country photographer, demonstrated to his brother professionals that location need not govern the quality of the work. His display showed a remarkable versatility and complete command of the possibilities of photography.” In the speech referred to, Mr. Emery said, among other things: “I could never see any reason for crossing over to the other side of the street to avoid meeting a competitor. I assure you my friends, that we don’t do that way up in Corvailis. If my competitor, Mr. Gardner, carries a razor in his boot leg I have never seen it. On the contrary, he has gone even so far as to introduce me to his wife and family.” Corvallis gazette, January 12, 1906, pg. 3, col. 1.
1906: “Corvaliis will send a large delegation to the meeting of the Pacific Northwest Photographers’ convention to be held in Spokane, Sept. 5th to 8th inclusive. Not only will the local photographers attend, but the ex-photographers will also be present. W. S. Gardner will be there with an exhibition of his work; the Corvaliis Studio will be represented by Mr. Coffey, with samples of art; and W. G. Emery will be on hand with some splendid specimens of his skill. The meeting will undoubtedly be the best of the sort ever beld on this coast by such an organization.” Corvallis gazette, August 28, 1906, pg. 3, col. 2.
1906: “For unavoidable reasons, Photographer W. S. Gardner will be unable to attend the Photographers’ convention at Spokane next week. His exhibit will be entered, but is not yet fully prepared. Miss Viola Gardner left Wednesday for Portland to be with her aunt, Mrs. Mace, who is quite ill.” Corvallis gazette, August 31, 1906, pg. 3, col. 4.
1906: W. S. Gardner photographs the eightieth birthday celebration of Benton county pioneer Caleb Davis at the family ranch. Corvallis gazette, September 25, 1906, pg. 1, col. 4.
1908: “W. S Gardner, the photographer, is building an addition to his gallery on Ninth street.” Corvallis gazette, July 31, 1908, pg. 3, col. 1.
1911: “W. S. Gardner, Photographer, Telephone 3183, Studio 137 Ninth St., near College Walk” The Orange, (Oregon Agricultural College Junior Class yearbook) press of Dunway Anderson 1911. pg. 393
Photographer’s Association of the Pacific Northwest, Programme of Seventh Annual Convention, September 3rd – 6th, 1907, Seattle; n.p. 1907. (unpaginated) “Members Photographic Association of the Pacific Northwest 1907…Gardner, W. S.—Corvallis, Ore…” … “Committees:… Transportation…W. S. Gardner…”