Forbes, Robert Lachlan (Jacksonville, Eugene)

Robert Lachlan Forbes

1862 Plymouth, Michigan
1865 Jacksonville
1868-1876 Eugene

Directory Listings
1873 Or pg. 253 Eugene “Forbes & Co. photographers”
Mautz Oregon “Forbes, R. L., 1870, Eugene”

Photographer’s Imprints
“R. L. Forbes, Artist, Jacksonville Ogn” CDV with engraved back. Photo is of J. C. Campbell
“R. L. Forbes & Co., Photographers, Willamette St., Eugene City” (Tintype portrait of Nora Gollard) (OHS # 0246 S 070)
“R. L. Forbes, photographer” rubber stamp on tintype back, front has embossed makers stamp “patented Mar 7 ’65, Sept 22 ’68”

News Items and Advertisements
1865: “Subscription List. — Subscription list of Walde precinct, to the Josephine county Volunteer Bounty Fund Associantion, January 26th, 1865: … Robert L. Forbes 10 …” Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville), May 20, 1865, pg. 2, col. 5.
1865: “List of letters remaining unclaimed at Jacksonville Post Office (as of 1 Oct 1865)…Forbes, Robt Lachlan,…” Oregon Sentinel 7 Oct 1865, as quoted in Oregon Sentinal Various, ed Ruby Lacey, Ashland; n.p. 1989 pg. 110.
1868: “Eugene City Photograph Gallery. R. L. Forbes & Co., having fitted up their rooms, feel confident that they can make as fine work as an be done in the state. Pictures taken in all styles. R. L. Forbes & Co., Eugene City, Dec. 12, 1868.” Eugene Guard (Eugene), 17 April 1869
1869: “Summons: In the Circuit Court, of the State of Oregon, for the county of Lane. Robert L. Forbes against Jane R. Forbes. Suit in Equity for divorce.
To Jane R. Forbes, the above named defendant; In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby commanded and summoned to appear in said Circuit Court and answer the plaintiff’s complaint in the above entitled suit, on file in the Clerks office of Lane county, and State of Oregon, on the first day of the term following the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, to wit: On the third Monday, the 19th day of April 1869.
And the defendant take notice that if she fail to appear and answer said complaint, as herein required, the plaintiff will take judgment for the relief demanded in the complaint to wit: A decree, dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between said plaintiff and defendant. Published by order of Hon. John Kelsay, Judge. Underwood & Fitch, Pltfs. Attys. Eugene city, March 6th, 1869” Eugene Guard (Eugene), 17 April 1869
1870: “R. L. Forbes & Co., Photographers, Eugene City, Oregon” Roseburg Ensign (Roseburg), 27 August 1870 (first insertion) – 27 May 1871 (further issues not available for checking)
1876: “Mr. Frank Alverson has purchased the photograph gallery, for a long time past run by R. L. Forbes, and proposes to give us a ‘new deal” Oregon State Journal, (Eugene) 2 September 1876
1876: “Frank Alverson at the gallery of R. L. Forbes has some very fine specimens of photography, and is prepared to make many more. Call and examine his work and give him a ‘chance at you.” Oregon State Journal, (Eugene) 23 September 1876
1882: “Triumph of an Oregon Grass Widow. Jane R. Ramsey, who when a blushing maiden of 18 summers, married Robert L. Forbes at Plymouth, Michigan, and after coming out to live in Oregon in 1863, deserted him the following year, on which account he obtained a divorce from her in 1869, has lately obtained $5,000 damages from Wm. P. Ridgeway,, at one time clerk of the Lick House and afterwards a partner in the Grand Hotel, San Francisco, for breach of promise. The San Francisco papers give a full account
of the trial, and describe the injured party as a snowy haired lady of regal appearance and 55 years of
age. Alter ten long years of mutual admiration and love Ridgeway broke his plighted vows and the court allowed her the $5,000 as a healing balm for her wounded heart. The Standard is of the opinion that should she now return to Oregon and bring along the coin acquired at the expense of much suffering, she would have no difficulty in finding one to take the place of the faithless Ridgeway.” The Daily Astorian, February 10, 1882, pg. 3, col. 3.

Goodman, Theodosia, “Early Oregon Daguerreotypers and Portrait Photographers”, Oregon Historical Quarterly, (Portland; Oregon Historical Society) Vol. 49, No. 1, March 1948, pg. 44-45.