Griffiths, Charles E. (Portland)

Charles E. Griffiths (Portland)

Directory Listings

1889 PCD pg. 278 “Griffiths, C. E. mngr Advance Portrait House 43 1/2 1st, res same; pg. 125 “Advance Portrait House C E Griffiths Mgr 17 Glisan’s blk”

1890 PCD pg. 263 “Griffiths, Charles E. manager Advance Portrait House 43 1/2 1st, res E P”; pg. 580 East Portland “Griffiths, Charles E res 227 Multnomah” pg. 121 “Advance Portrait House C E Griffiths mngr 17 Glisan’s blk”

1891 PCD pg. 321 “Griffiths, C. E. mangr Advance Portrait House 43 1/2 1st, res same”; pg. 146 “Advance Portrait House C E Griffiths Mngr 43 1/2 1st”

1892 PCD pg. 473 “Griffiths, Charles E mngr Advance Portrait House 43 1/2 1st, res 287 11th”; pg. 203 “Advance Portrait House C E Griffiths Mngr 43 1/2 1st”

1893 PCD pg. 448 “Griffiths, Charles E mngr Advance Portrait House 382 Morrison, res 350 Clay”; pg. 193 “Advance Portrait House C E Griffiths mngr 382 Morrison”

1894 PCD pg. 375 “Griffiths, Charles E mngr Advance Portrait House 509 Goodnough bldg, res 344 19th N”; pg. 155 “Advance Portrait House C E Griffiths mngr 508 Goodnough bldg”

1895 PCD pg. 338 “Griffiths, Charles E mngr Advance Portrait House 344 19th N, res same”

1896 PCD pg. 314 “Griffiths, Charles E artist res 342 19th N”

1897 PCD pg. 307 “Griffiths, Charles E com trav res 342 19th N”

1898 PCD pg. 317 “Griffiths, Charles E com trav res 285 16th N”

1899 PCD pg. 329 “Griffiths, Charles E com trav res 285 16th N”

1904 PCD pg. 434 “Griffiths, Charles E., com trav, res 1134 Union Av N.”, photog”

1910 PCD pg. 481 “Griffiths, Charles E., trav salsn h 1134 Union Av N”

1915 PCD pg. 530 “Griffiths, Chas E (Mary A.) salsn h 1063 Mallory av”

1925 PCD pg. 709 “Griffiths, Chas E (Mary A) broker h 1063 Mallory”

News Items and Advertisements
1889: “The Big Fair Is Over. Nearly 15,000 People in the Building at the Wind Up… The Prize Portrait. The Advance Portrait House, whose place of business is No. 43 1/2 First street offered a prize of a life size portrait and frame to the lady whose name should be the first one drawn on the last day of the exposition as advertised. Miss Emma Eckhorn, of East Portland, is the winner, holding ticket 2437. She will please call at our place of business and receive her prize.” Sunday Oregonian, October 27, 1889, pg. 7, col. 3.

1890: Classified Ad. “Wanted – A Few Good Men to Take Orders for portraits. Advance Portrait House, room 17, Glisan block, cor. 1st and Ash.” Morning Oregonian, March 25, 1890, pg. 4, col. 6.

1893: Classified Ad. “Portrait Agents Wishing To Handle fine grade of work will do will to address Advance Portrait House, 382 Morrison st.” Morning Oregonian, March 20, 1893, pg. 7, col. 2

1893: “Mrs. Fuller will have an exhibit and sale of some fine pieces of hand-painted china at the Portrait house, No. 382 Morrison street, Friday and Saturday, December 1 and 2.” Morning Oregonian, November 28, 1893, pg. 5


Brown, Robert O., Nineteenth Century Portland, Oregon Photographers: A Collector’s Handbook (author; Portland, 1991) pg. 51