S & G. Gump (Portland)
This is a store that sold photographs that were copies of artwork, as well as picture frames. They imprinted their name on the mount in the style that photographers did. The store did not appear to have any photographers, at least in Oregon. Sol and Gus Gump lived in San Francisco where the main store was. The Portland store was operated by Joseph Halberstadt until litigation in 1887. The store remained in business until December 1883, or January 1884, after a small fire damaged the business and they decided to close. The closure was likely more due to the “panic of ’93,” the largest financial recession of the nineteenth century. Numerous Portland banks and businesses closed or went bankrupt over the course of the summer and fall of 1893.
Directory Listings
before 1885 not listed
1885 PCD pg. 212 “Gump S & G (of San Francisco), pictures etc 184 1st”
News Items and Advertisements
1883: “You Are Invited! Grand Opening! Pictures, Picture Frames, Looking Glasses, Moldings, Statuary, etc. To-day! To-day! To-day! S. & G. Gump & Co., 69 Third St., Ainsworth Block.” Morning Oregonian, August 10, 1883, pg. 2.
1884: “The Courts … Fry, Schreiher & Co. vs Joseph Halberstadt – dismissed at plaintiff’s costs…” Sunday Oregonian, October 26, 1884, pg. 5.
1887: “From Salem … Supreme Court Decisions … Salem, Oct. 31. – In the supreme court to-day, in the case of S. & G. Gump, partners, appallanis (sic, should be appellants), vs. Halberstadt and Lewis, respondents, appeal from Multnomah, the decision of the lower court was sustained; opinion by Lord C. J. Plaintiffs Gump made preparations to begin suit in the circuit court to obtain judgement against defendant Halberstadt on a note held by them against him, but were dissuaded by defendant Lewis, who promised to pay the claim. Plaintiffs afterward sue Lewis, and upon the adverse decision of the lower court appealed to the supreme court, which holds that an agreement to pay the debt of another person, although upon consideration sufficient to bind in ordinary contracts, is void in the statue of frauds unless the contract is in writing.” Morning Oregonian, November 1, 1887, pg. 1.
1887: “The Good Judgement of Mr. Sol Gump, exercised while in Europe, is shown by the brilliant display this week in Gumps windows. That they are prepared for the holiday season is evident. This is the best display ever made by this firm.” Sunday Oregonian, November 20, 1887, pg. 5.
1888: “For Vistors to the Mechanics Fair, A Safe Guide to all while in Portland. The subjoined list of business houses has been prepared as a guide for visitors to the city during the Mechanics’ fair. … Pictures and Frames, S. & G Gump, the popular dealer in mirrors, pictures, frames, moldings, bronzes, engravings, etchings, novelties an artists’ materials, are still leading in these lines. It must not be forgotten that this firm carry one of the finest and best selected stocks on the coast. It will be a source of delight to visitors to call and examine their beautiful display. They are located at 184 First street.” Morning Oregonian, October 11, 1888, pg. 6.
1891: “Home From Europe. – Mr. S. Gump, of the firm of S. & G. Gump, has returned from Europe, where he visited all the art centers of France, Germany, Italy, and Austria, also the largest factories of bric-a-brac novelties of the Old World. He arrived here yesterday on this way to San Francisco. Mr. Gump is highly pleased with the remarkable growth of our fair city, and is satisfied that he is justified in having made the large purchases which he did of foreign pictures and art novelties for their establishment here. He will leave for San Francisco Friday evening.” Morning Oregonian, July 16, 1891, pg. 5, col. 1.
Photographer’s Imprints
1893: “Fire. – S & G. Gump, 184 First, now offer their entire stock of paintings, moldings, bric-a-brac, mantel etchings, mantel mirrors, etc., to the public at prices never before heard of. Some of the goods are but slightly damaged by the recent fire. Everything must be sold within 30 days, as they have decided to close out their Portland business. Store to let and fixtures for sale.” Morning Oregonian, May 30, 1893, pg. 5, col. 1.
“S & G Gump, 184 First St. Portland Or.” printed on boudoir of painting of Rooster Rock.